
产品分类 > 科研耗材 > elastin(EPC)产品代理


Elastin Products Company, Inc. 制造优质生化产品已有 30 年的历史。 为许多制药公司、大学和研究人员提供研究产品。 多年来,我们通过发表以 EPC 为来源的论文,确保了我们的产品质量。 感谢您对我们产品的持续关注。
价格: 0.00

Elastin Products Company, Inc. has been manufacturing quality biochemicals for 30 years. Providing research products to many pharmaceutical companies, universities, and researchers. Our quality in products have been estabilished for many years through the publishing of papers using EPC as the source. Thank you for the continued interest in our products.