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凭借超过 10,000 次体外受精周期和近 25 年的经验,安德森博士继续领导实验室,成功率超过每年向 CDC 和 SART 报告的全国平均水平。
Anthony 博士在英国利兹的利兹大学完成了临床胚胎学研究的硕士学位,在第一个试管婴儿婴儿路易丝·布朗的许多先驱的指导下。 他是一名认证胚胎学实验室主任 (ABB),曾在全国范围内的会议上演讲和演讲,发表了关于胚胎发育、冷冻保存和基因组学的论文,并获得了多项荣誉和荣誉。 他的专业知识受到国际和美国其他实验室的追捧。 安东尼博士婚姻幸福,是两男一女的父亲。 当他不工作时,他喜欢和家人一起在户外。
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With more   than 10,000 In Vitro Fertilization cycles and nearly 25 years of experience,   Dr. Anderson continues to lead the laboratory in success rates that exceed   the national average as reported to the CDC and SART every year.


Dr. Anthony completed his Master’s in Clinical Embryology studies at University of Leeds, Leeds, England under the direction of many pioneers of the first IVF baby, Louise Brown. He is a Certified Embryology Laboratory Director (ABB) who has lectured and presented at conferences nationwide, published papers on embryonic development, cryopreservation, and genomics and received several honors and distinctions. His expertise is sought by other laboratories internationally and within the US. Dr. Anthony is happily married and is the father of two boys and one girl. When he’s not working, he enjoys being outdoors with his family.