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Abcam FirePlex 提供多重免疫分析和 microRNA 分析,最多可检测 70 个靶点。 FirePlex 分析直接从原始生物流体中提供全面的生物标志物分析,是一种快速简便的方法,可以加速和扩大转化研究,同时最大限度地减少工作量。
FirePlex 免疫分析结合了创新的 FirePlex 颗粒技术和 Abcam 优化的匹配抗体对,用于分析物检测,提供最高标准的灵敏度和特异性。
0.5 pg/mL 至 30,000 pg/mL 检测
高达 5-log 的动态范围
仅 12.5 uL 样品输入,直接来自粗生物流体
FirePlex 发现引擎从科学文献中针对任何关键字或主题汇编了最重要的 microRNA 和相关基因的列表,数秒内即可完成多年的研究。
使用我们免费的 FirePlex 分析工作台,您可以解码您的细胞仪输出,以在几分钟内生成出版质量的热图和条形图。
价格: 0.00

Abcam   FirePlex provides multiplex immunoassays and microRNA assays with up to 70 targets.   Providing comprehensive biomarker profiling, directly from crude biofluids,   FirePlex assays are a fast and easy way to accelerate and scale up your   translational research while minimizing your workload.

FirePlex   immunoassays combine innovative FirePlex particle technology along with   Abcam's optimized matched antibody pairs for analyte detection, offering the   highest standards in sensitivity and specificity.

0.5 pg/mL to   30,000 pg/mL detection

Up to 5-log   dynamic range


Only 12.5 uL   of sample input, direct from crude biofluids

The FirePlex   Discovery Engine assembles a list of the most important microRNAs and   associated genes from the scientific literature for any keyword or topic,   putting years of research at your fingertips in seconds.

With our   free FirePlex Analysis Workbench you can decode your cytometer output to   generate publication quality heatmaps and bargraphs in minutes.


Abcam   identifies, develops, and provides high-quality biological reagents and tools   which are essential in a wide range of fields and applications including drug   discovery, diagnostics and basic research.

Our mission

To serve   life scientists to achieve their mission, faster.

Our   challenge


Antibodies   are the beating heart of biotech. Whether as a therapeutic, or as a tool of   detection, they are fundamental.


The search for antibodies with the necessary sensitivity, specificity and consistency for this range of applications is a constant challenge.