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Gene Bio-Application Ltd. (GeBA) 开发和销售具有分子生物学和医学研究应用的独特工具。 GeBA 成立于 1999 年 5 月,此后建立了一系列基于创新、质量和可靠性的产品,并在全球销售。 GeBA 通过电子邮件和直接电话联系向 GeBA 最终用户和分销商提供技术支持和 24 小时响应。
产品范围不断扩大,针对需要快速、可靠和具有成本效益的解决方案的分子研究领域。 产品在 GebA 实验室开发、工业化和制造,并通过分销商网络在全球销售。
价格: 0.00

Gene   Bio-Application Ltd. (GeBA) develops and markets unique tools with research   applications in molecular biology and medicine. GeBA was founded in May 1999   and since then has established a range of products based on innovation,   quality, and reliability, with worldwide sales. GeBA provides technical   support and a 24 hour response to GeBA end-users and distributors by e-mail   and direct phone contact.


The product range continues to expand, targeting areas of molecular research requiring rapid, reliable, and cost effective solutions. Products are developed, industrialized, and manufactured in GebA Laboratories, and marketed world wide by a network of distributors.