grorge king bio-medical产品代理

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grorge king bio-medical产品代理

George King Bio-Medical, Inc. 很荣幸成为诊断凝血和血栓形成领域的领导者。 我们的成功很大程度上归功于与我们尊贵的客户建立的良好和持续的关系。
1950 年代中期,乔治·J·金 (George J. King) 积极参与公民事务,并被邀请在纽约罗彻斯特当地的血友病基金会董事会任职。 他最终被任命为国家血友病基金会主席。 通过这项工作,他了解到需要缺乏凝血因子的血浆来帮助诊断患有出血性疾病的患者。 1973 年,他辞去了朝九晚五的工作,并在新罕布什尔州塞勒姆开设了 George King Bio-Medical, Inc.。 公司于 1978 年迁至堪萨斯州欧弗兰帕克,现已发展成为国际知名的临床止血产品供应商。
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George King   Bio-Medical, Inc. is proud to be a leader in the field of diagnostic   coagulation and thrombosis. Much of our success is attributed to the   excellent and ongoing relationships established with our valued customers.


In the mid 1950’s, George J. King was very active in civic affairs and was asked to serve on the local Hemophilia Foundation board in Rochester, New York. He eventually was appointed president of the National Hemophilia Foundation. Through this work he learned of the need for coagulation factor deficient plasmas to aid in the diagnosis of patients with bleeding disorders. He quit his nine-to-five corporate career in 1973 and opened George King Bio-Medical, Inc. in Salem, New Hampshire. The Company moved to Overland Park, Kansas in 1978. It has evolved into an internationally renowned supplier of clinical hemostasis products.