
产品分类 > 科研试剂 > HemaCore产品代理


HemaCore 成立于 2010 年,是一家专注于开发、制造和实施用于止血的新型体外诊断技术——血栓动力学的生物技术公司。
价格: 0.00

HemaCore was founded in 2010 as a biotech company focused

on   developing, manufacturing and implementing into clinical practice new in   vitro diagnostic technology for hemostasis - thrombodynamics.

Thrombodynamics   assay – an innovative coagulation test for risk assessment of blood   coagulation disorders – bleedings and thrombosis.


Value proposition: we help clinicians succeed, providing clear and reliable estimation of patients coagulation state, thus giving an ability to prevent thrombotic or bleeding complications.

上一个: hemogenix产品代理
下一个: hellobio产品代理