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在 Illumina,我们的目标是将创新技术应用于遗传变异和功能的分析,使几年前甚至无法想象的研究成为可能。提供创新、灵活和可扩展的解决方案以满足客户的需求对我们来说至关重要。作为一家高度重视协作互动、快速交付解决方案和提供最高质量水平的全球性公司,我们努力应对这一挑战。 Illumina 创新的测序和阵列技术正在推动生命科学研究、转化和消费者基因组学以及分子诊断方面的突破性进步。
在 Illumina,我们正在让基因组学对所有人更有用,以便更好地了解人类健康。通过让基因组学更加明亮,我们可以共同利用这种力量来建立一个更强大的世界。
从我们最早的创业日起,我们就一直渴望改变人类健康。每款新产品都旨在让我们的社区能够以全新的规模探索 DNA,并发现生活中最大问题的答案。比如是什么导致癌细胞发生突变?一种令人费解的疾病的起源是什么?是否有可能阻止下一次爆发?还是保护世界粮食供应?这些挑战激励我们突破可能的界限,并将更多人与改变世界的技术和见解联系起来。
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At Illumina, our goal is to apply innovative technologies to the analysis of genetic variation and function, making studies possible that were not even imaginable just a few years ago. It is mission critical for us to deliver innovative, flexible, and scalable solutions to meet the needs of our customers. As a global company that places high value on collaborative interactions, rapid delivery of solutions, and providing the highest level of quality, we strive to meet this challenge. 

Illumina   innovative sequencing and array technologies are fueling groundbreaking   advancements in life science research, translational and consumer genomics,   and molecular diagnostics.

Driving   Progress in Genomics for All

At Illumina,   we’re making genomics more useful for all, for a better understanding   of human health. By shining a brighter light on genomics, together we can   harness the power to build a stronger world.

Empowering   Bigger Breakthroughs

From our   earliest startup days, we’ve always aspired to transform human health. Each new product is   designed to empower our community to explore DNA at an entirely new scale,   and discover answers to life’s biggest questions. Like what causes a cancer cell to mutate?   What’s the origin of a puzzling disease? Is it possible to prevent the   next outbreak? Or safeguard the world’s food supply? These challenges inspire us to push the boundaries   of what’s possible, and connect more people to the technology and insights   changing the world.

Making a   Difference Now and In the Future


Today we’re a global leader in genomics—an industry at the intersection of biology and technology. We’re passionate about helping our customers read and understand genetivariations through our increasingly accessible, simple solutions. The advances our solutions support are triggering a fundamental shift in healthcare and beyond. Medicine will continue to become more preventive and more precise. We will be healthier, longer. And we’ve only just begun.