absoluteantibody 产品代理

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absoluteantibody 产品代理

Absolute Antibody于2012年在英国剑桥成立,是由英国牛津大学Hutchings博士和Barclay教授创办的第二代抗体公司,可以在两周内提供100mg级的工程化抗体,并且不含动物成分,批间差极小,消除因补体和Fc受体造成的背景,使结果更干净。该公司的成立顺应了Nature杂志为首的科学界提倡改变目前抗体供应混乱状况的时代潮流。目前提供国内的产品主要包括:
l  科研用生物仿制药抗体
l  嵌合单克隆抗体
l  用于体内实验的重组抗体
l  表位标签
l  重组非IgG同型对照
l  重组蛋白(Fc融合蛋白)
Absolute Antibody Ltd, 是英国牛津大学Hutchings博士和Barclay教授创办的第二代抗体公司,主要运用基因工程技术和的纯化技术生产多种工程抗体和蛋白,可以在两周内提供100mg级的工程化抗体,与传统技术生产的抗体相比,AbAbs抗体氨基酸序列明确,不含动物成分,且批次间稳定,消除因补体和Fc受体造成的背景,使结果更干净。该公司的成立顺应了Nature杂志为首的科学界提倡改变目前抗体供应混乱状况的时代潮流。
价格: 0.00


Primary Antibodies

Secondary Antibodies

Recombinant Proteins

Absolute Antibody was founded in 2012 with a vision to make engineered recombinant antibodies accessible to all, and we remain the only company 100% focused on recombinant antibody technology. Though recombinant antibodies are standard in the pharmaceutical industry, these antibodies have not been as widely available for diagnostics or research. This is starting to change, however, due to the many advantages recombinant antibodies offer over traditional hybridoma-produced monoclonal antibodies.

Absolute Antibody has been at the forefront of the movement to make recombinant antibodies more readily available to all. In 2015, we were recognized in a Nature paper on the need to standardize research antibodies, and in 2018, we co-authored a mAbs Journal paper further illustrating the importance of using recombinant antibodies. Over the years, we have grown rapidly as demand for recombinant antibodies increases.

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