Pall 产品代理

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Pall 产品代理

颇尔公司(PALL)1946年由颇尔博士(Dr.David B Pall)创立于美国纽约,专注于过滤器及过滤分离系统的研发与生产。经过半个多世纪的不断创新和发展,颇尔已经成为世界上过滤领域的领先者,产品性能出 类拔萃,并且遍及各个行业,为财富杂志评列的美国500强公司之一。颇尔总部设在美国纽约,下属公司、制造厂以及研发机构遍布世界四十余个国家和地区。颇尔公司的Life Sciences部门为生命科学领域提供全面的实验室过滤及分离产品,包括微孔过滤膜、超滤膜、转印膜以及各种过滤器、超滤系统等。PALL拥有成千种不同化学特性的膜可供选择,是目前国内市场上选择范围最广,性能范围最宽的膜类品牌。
价格: 0.00

Accessories and Spare Parts

Air Breathers

Backwash Filters

Broths and Reagents

Cabin Air Filters

Cell Culture

Cell Therapy Processing Systems

Centrifugal Filters

Ceramic Filters


Cleanliness Cabinet Service & Instruments


Pall associates around the world are unified by a singular drive: to solve our customers’ biggest filtration, separation and purification challenges. And, in doing so, advance health, safety and environmentally responsible technologies.


Our industry-leading technologies and solutions are at work in countless applications, safeguarding health, protecting critical operating assets, improving product quality, and minimizing emissions and waste.


Our Life Sciences and Industrial teams bring focused expertise to a diverse range of customers across multiple industries, including biotechnology, pharmaceutical, medical, food and beverage, laboratory, microelectronics, aerospace, fuels, petrochemical, chemical, automotive and power generation .

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