Cooner Wire产品代理

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Cooner Wire产品代理

50 多年来,Cooner Wire 的电缆专家不断提供灵活的电缆解决方案,以满足医疗电子、计算机、航空航天、电信、机器人和半导体行业的行业领导者的要求并超出他们的期望。 Cooner Wire 专注于绝缘软电线和电缆,拥有世界上最大的软电线和定制电缆库存。 Cooner Wire 采用标准和独特的电线结构,尺寸范围从 42 AWG 迷你同轴电缆到 4/0 AWG 超柔性电源电缆,其优势在于我们能够支持这两个极端以及介于两者之间的一切。无论您今天需要特殊电线还是明天需要定制电缆,Cooner Wire 始终是您的首选。
价格: 0.00

For over 50 years, the cable experts at Cooner Wire continue to provide flexible cable solutions that meet the requirements and exceed the expectations of industry leaders in the medical electronics, computer, aerospace, telecommunication, robotic and semi-conductor industries. Specializing in insulated flexible wire and cable, Cooner Wire maintains the world’s largest inventory of flexible wire and custom cables. Utilizing both2 AWG mini coax to 4/0 AWG Extra Flexible Power Cable, Cooner Wire’s strength lies in our ability to support these two extremes and everything in between. Whether your requirement is for a specialty wire today or custom cables tomorrow, Cooner Wire remains the first choice.