The EUROSCARF collection center has been set up for the deposit and delivery of biological materials generated in genome analysis networks. These include the following projects: BMBF (325 ORFs), EUROFAN I (800 ORFs) and EUROFAN II as part of the world wide yeast gene deletion project (6000 ORFs). When av
deletion cassettes or the complementing genes are also put into stock. The genetic background of the deletion strains differs from project to project. In many cases you have the choice of different genetic backgrounds.
German yeast functional analysis project
During the german yeast functional analysis project (1994-1997) supported by the BMBF (Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung) 325 genes have been deleted. A collaboration of 15 laboratories worked on the deletion of the genes and on the functional analysis of the deletion strains (Entian et al.: Mol Gen Genet 262 (1999) 683-702). All deletions were done in the strain CEN.PK2. Due to the early start of the project most gene deletions were made by replacing the gene of interest with an auxotrophic marker. About one third of the deletions were carried out by PCR techniques. For this reason there are a variety of transformation markers with which the genes were replaced. From this project EUROSCARF harbours haploid strains of both mating types and the heterozygous diploid strains. Only the heterozygous diploids are available for essential genes. Strains contributed by this project can be identified by a preceeding B in the accession number followed by a 4 digit numerical code and a terminal letter.
This collaboration of 115 groups was supported by the
able, plasmids containing the
European Union. The project started in 1/96 and 800 open reading frames were deleted and analysed. Each participating laboratory took over the responsibility to delete and preliminary analyse six genes (sixpack). The deletion strategy had been worked out by Wach et al. (Yeast 10 (1994) 1793-1808). The strategy is based on PCR fragments to delete the respective open reading frames. The deletions are present in three different genetic backgrounds. All open reading frames had to be deleted in the background of FY1679, isogenic to S288C, the which was the source of the S. cerevisiae genome sequencing. In addition to that for most genes an additional set of deletions in either CEN.PK2 or W303 had been produced to prove that the deletion cassettes are of general use. Strains constructed in phase I are identified by a 5 digit numerical code in the accession number followed by terminal letter corresponding to the mating type of the strain.
According to the guidelines of EUROFAN I all deletion plasmids were also collected. In addition to that for most genes plasmids for complementation of the deleted genes are available.
Worldwide gene deletion project (EUROFAN II)
In a worldwide effort european and overseas laboratories are combined in the consortium of the Saccharomyces genome deletion project (Winzeler et al.: Science 285 (1999) 901-906).
The European task is labelled as EUROFAN II. All constructed strains will be collected by EUROSCARF. The deletions are made in a genetic background isogenic to S288c, the Saccharomyces cerevisiae strain whose DNA sequence had been determined. Deletion strains constructed during phase II were all in the genetic background of the BY strain series.
The EUROSCARF accession numbers of these strains differs from the record number given by the Saccharomyces genome deletion project only by the preceeding letter Y.