
产品分类 > 科研耗材 > compoundsolutions产品代理


Compound Solutions 为像您这样具有前瞻性思维的营养公司提供独特的、有科学依据的成分。 因为我们开始与全球众多不同品牌合作,所以我们对营养领域有独特的看法。 不仅如此,我们还希望您将我们视为您的创新合作伙伴——从概念到发布,我们都在这里为您服务。
价格: 0.00

ompound Solutions supplies unique, science-backed ingredients to forward-thinking nutrition companies like you. Because we get to work with so many different brands around the globe, we have a unique view of the nutrition space. Not only that, we’d like you to consider us your innovation partner–here for you from concept to launch and beyond.