Antibodies Inc产品代理

产品分类 > 临床研究 > Antibodies Inc产品代理

Antibodies Inc产品代理

价格: 0.00


Primary Antibody 550

Normal Sera 40

Secondary Antibody 38

In-Vitro Diagnostic Kit 15

Blocking Reagent 1

Immunoprecipitation Reagent 1


NeuroMab 470

Antibodies Incorporated 83

Aves Labs 64

PhosphoSolutions 30

For over fifty years, the people of Antibodies Incorporated have dedicated themselves to supporting the life-enhancing, breakthrough work of scientists everywhere. We fulfill our mission with an extensive catalog of validated neuroscience antibodies and a suite of services governed by a stringent and long-established Quality Management System -- and we do it all in Davis, California, USA.