medimabs 产品代理

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medimabs 产品代理

MédiMabs 由麦吉尔大学的一组研究人员于 2006 年在魁北克省蒙特利尔市成立,以确保当地研究人员能够负担得起地获得最新的高质量研究抗体。目标是提供定制的抗体生成服务,并提供比大多数研究实验室能够自己做到的更好、更快和更便宜的抗体生成服务。
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Founded in 2006, in Montreal, Quebec, by a group of McGill University researchers to ensure affordable access by local researchers to the latest high-quality research antibodies. Our goal was to offer custom antibody generation services and provide better, faster and cheaper than most research laboratories could do it for themselves.


As of 2018, our facilities are now located in the heart of Montreal surrounded by the Montreal’s life science cluster with many biotech companies, Universities, R&D institutions, major healthcare networks and hospitals. New premises but the company focus is still the same with the added benefit of offering new innovative services and a complete “One stop shop” for all your antibody needs.

上一个: MEDISCA 产品代理