human medical test systems
Veterinary Diagnostics
AnDiaTec was founded in the summer of 2003. We develop and produce innovative assays for challenging diagnostic parameters. Due to the sophisticated technology provided, the assays are user-friendly and simple, but at the same time guarantee reliable and sensitive diagnostic results. Thus, AnDiaTec was priced i.a. with the international Animal Pharm Award in 2007.
The product range includes in vitro diagnostics for human and veterinary applications, plus assays for food industries and environmental purposes.The portfolio encloses real time PCR and conventional PCR. The tests are produced according to DIN EN ISO IEC 13485 and IVD 98/79/EG (CE label) for human diagnostics or German Animal Disease Law §17 TierSG for veterinary diagnostics. Additionally, the lab facility is accredited according to directive 9CFR by the USDA for production and export of the veterinary diagnostic tests to the United States.
The human and veterinary diagnostic tests are sold worldwide in more than 50 countries thanks to a wide net of various distributors.