
产品分类 > 科研仪器 > berkeleylights产品代理


Berkeley Lights平台加速了基于细胞的产品的使用。我们的专有技术——自动化、优化的工作流程、软件、耗材、分析试剂——使科学家能够在第一时间找到最好的细胞。
价格: 0.00

Antibody Discovery

Viral Neutralization

Cell Line Development

Cell Therapy Development

Synthetic Biology

Advanced Automation

The Beacon® Optofluidic System

The Lightning™ Optofluidic System

The Culture Station™ System

The Berkeley Lights Platform accelerates the use of cell-based products. Our proprietary technology – automation, optimized workflows, software, consumables, assay reagents – enables scientists to find the best cells, the first time they look.