lucerna technologies产品代理

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lucerna technologies产品代理

LucernaTM的使命是成为开发基于RNA的研究试剂的市,目前在活细胞中对RNA进行成像的技术存在主要局限性,这使得它们难以使用,并产生可疑有效性的结果。 LucernaTM的创始人发明了一种新颖的基因可编码系统,用于荧光标记细胞中的RNA,克服了先前描述的RNA成像系统的缺点。该系统利用称为菠菜(Spinach)的RNA序列元件,其被附加到感兴趣的RNA上,并且“接通”其他非荧光染料的荧光。该染料基于GFP中荧光团的结构,使菠菜成为GFP的RNA模拟物
价格: 0.00





Lucerna, Inc. is a biotechnology tool company focused on developing and commercializing the fluorescent aptamer (Spinach™) technology for the purposes of: 1.) Providing plug-and-play RNA imaging and detection systems as research reagents, 2.) Developing high-throughput screening platforms to enable new drug discovery of previous intractable targets, and 3.) Developing fluorescent sensors for industrial production applications.


Lucerna was founded by Cornell University scientists who are the inventors of the Spinach™ technology and have published over 20 articles on the technology. The founding team has demonstrated expertise in the fields of RNA biology, aptamer development, chemical biology, and fluorescence imaging. Additionally, Lucerna scientists have extensive experience in RNA biology, fluorescence imaging, high-throughput screening and assay development.