Nexcelom Bioscience 产品代理

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Nexcelom Bioscience 产品代理

Nexcelom Bioscience 于 2003 年成立于美国波士顿,是高性能细胞定量分析平台开发和商业化的领导者。作为一家全球性公司,Nexcelom 在美国圣地亚哥、英国曼切斯特以及中国上海均设有分公司,负责全球范围内的业务拓展和客户支持。自 2005 年成功开发第一款细胞计数仪 Cellometer Auto T4 并得到 NIH 客户认可以来,已陆续开发出Cellometer® 明场、荧光以及图像类流式细胞定量分析仪系列。2014 年从 Brooks 生命科学部成功收购 Celigo®S 全视野原位细胞分析仪产品线,快速整合并提升公司在细胞定量技术上的研发能力。2019 年 Cellaca™ MX 正式上线,开创了高速高通量细胞计数的先河。多年来产品被广泛应用于新药研发、免疫治疗、疫苗开发、药物评价等基础生命科学研究以及酿酒、生物能源等工艺开发。
价格: 0.00

Plate-based Image Cytometers

High-throughput Automated Cell Counters

Fluorescent Automated Cell Counters

Brightfield Automated Cell Counters

Yeast Automated Cell Counter


In 2003, the founders of Nexcelom introduced the CP2, a convenient tool to assist with manual cell counting. According to Dr. Jean Qiu, founder and CTO at Nexcelom, “one day a customer at the NIH asked us to ‘make counting under the microscope go away.’ We invented Cellometer Auto T4 to measure cell concentration and viability.”


“The Cellometer has provided a much faster and more accurate method of counting the 100s of samples we need to set up for flow cytometry analysis.” – Dr. Janice Pluth, Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory


Since then, we have expanded our product range, upgraded system capabilities, and optimized fit-for-purpose methods to enable researchers to analyze all cell types, including small cells and primary cells, and to conduct modern cell-based assays. With sophisticated proprietary technologies, Nexcelom is a clear leader and innovator in the field of image-based cytometry for cell analysis.


Proven Performance

Today, scientists around the world use Cellometer, Cellaca, and Celigo instruments for cell quantification, analysis, and cell-based assays, in academic and government research institutes, biotechnology, and industrial settings. Nexcelom image cytometry and cell analysis solutions are integrated into a broad range of workflows in life sciences.


“This instrument [Cellaca MX] greatly increases the consistency of our experiments. And 10x faster than manual counting, no need for washing or contamination, so it will be excellent for decreasing of time-consuming and increasing the accuracy.” – Ayman Al-Labban, Qualipharm