pro-lab 产品代理

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pro-lab 产品代理

位于加拿大的 Pro-Lab Diagnostics Inc.,是成立于 1976 年的一家知名生物试剂耗材制造和研发的生物技术公司,其产品在生命科学实验有着广泛的应用;Pro-Lab 诊断公司专注于微生物和分子生物学产品的研发和制造,公司的知名产品有 Microbank 菌种保存管,EnviroBead 灭菌锅除味珠,Prolex 乳胶凝集试剂盒,和诊断血清等产品;高质量创新的产品、合理的价格是 Pro-Lab 诊断公司的不变的坚持与承诺;Pro-Lab 诊断公司将不断为满足客户的需要和让他们获得更好的成果而努力
价格: 0.00




Streptococcal Grouping –Acid Extraction

Staphylococci Latex Agglutination

Shigella Antisera

Pro-Lab Diagnostics’ mission is to deliver today, and research for tomorrow. This is accomplished through extensive onsite research and development, leading to the manufacture of high quality and cost effective immunodiagnostic reagents.


Additionally, Pro-Lab Diagnostics distributes a wide array of innovative products sourced from leading companies from around the globe. Disciplines covered include Clinical Microbiology, Molecular Biology, Transfusion Medicine, Instrumentation, Women’s Health and much more.  Pro-Lab Diagnostics also specializes in OEM (private label) packaging and welcomes new business opportunities.