ProteoChem 产品代理

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ProteoChem 产品代理

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Mass Spectrometry Standards

UltraPure MALDI Matrices

Mobile Phase Solvents

Protein Crosslinkers

Deuterated Crosslinkers

Biotinylation Reagents

Protein Modification Reagents

Immobilization Resins

Purified Detergents

Chemical Reagents


Dithiothreitol (DTT)


Sodium m-Periodate


Dimethyl sulfoxide


MES Monohydrate

Sodium Borate Buffer

Cacodylic Acid

Hydroxylamine hydrochloride

Sodium acetate

Sodium cyanoborohydride

Purified Enzymes

ProteoChem is a biotechnological and chemical reagent manufacturing company that specializes in protein biochemistry and organic synthesis. ProteoChem manufactures analytical standards for NMR and mass spectrometry, protein crosslinkers, and novel proteomics reagents for protein detection and protein modification that are used in mass spectrometry, drug development, diagnostics, and protein biology.


ProteoChem is a responsive company employing scientists with decades of scientific experience. Our flexibility, versatility, and knowledge allow us to undertake endeavors which may otherwise require significant research and development. We provide custom synthesis and bulk manufacturing services to our customers in the biotechnology, diagnostic, and pharmaceutical industries.