salubrisinc 产品代理

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salubrisinc 产品代理

我们的标本采集和处理套件 NUCLISWAB®、NUCLISAB-NAR® 和 SENSIPLUS® 可用于 COVID-19 的可靠诊断。
Salubris-medica 为结核病的诊断提供最完整、创新、简便且经济实惠的解决方案。
价格: 0.00


SALUBRIS GROUP provides research, development, manufacturing, distribution and services in new and evolving technologies.

The headquarters is based in Boston, Massachusetts with plants and offices internationally.

SALUBRIS GROUP includes three business entities: SALUBRIS-medica, SALUBRIS-R&D and SALUBRIS-technica.

SALUBRIS-medica specializes in biotechnology products. It engages in a wide range of activities including manufacturing distribution and related services. The tuberculosis diagnostic products have received worldwide attention.

SALUBRIS-R&D is a dynamic research & development team with more than 20 biotechnology projects in its pipeline.

SALUBRIS-technica is engaged in research & development and manufacturing of new technology devices.