techlab 产品代理

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techlab 产品代理

TECHLAB ®的创始人于 1970 年代后期在弗吉尼亚理工大学厌氧菌实验室会面,当时他们正在研究艰难梭菌感染的诊断和治疗。在 Tracy Wilkins 博士的带领下,研究人员开发了首个用于艰难梭菌疾病的商业诊断试剂。

当发现艰难梭菌是医院的主要病原体后,对抗血清的需求迅速增长,TECHLAB 于 1989 年成立并生产和销售该产品。
价格: 0.00


The founders of TECHLAB® met in the late 1970s at Virginia Tech’s Anaerobe Laboratory, where they were investigating diagnosis and treatments for Clostridium difficile infection. Led by Dr. Tracy Wilkins, the researchers developed the first commercial diagnostic reagents for C. difficile disease.


Demand for the antiserum grew quickly when it was discovered that C. difficile is a major hospital pathogen, and TECHLAB was incorporated in 1989 to produce and distribute the product.