Making innovative tools that enable researchers to image, identify, and isolate viable single cells and clonal colonies
Researchers worldwide in the fields of CRISPR gene editing, oncology, stem cell biology, immunology and neurobiology use Cell Microsystems products, advancing sophisticated discovery across the life sciences.
The company’s CellRaft AIR® System addresses two widespread challenges facing scientists: the ability to actively select viable single cells or clonal colonies based on their phenotype, and match these cells to clonal expansion or molecular analyses. Cells are seeded, imaged, identified, and isolated on Cell Microsystem’s Cytosort® Arrays.
As an early-stage growth company, Cell Microsystems has secured both public and private funding to support its growth.
The company currently markets its products to researchers worldwide, and prides itself on being a customer-focused organization responsive to feedback and inspired to fuel deeper contributions to science.
Cell Microsystems is led by a talented team of life science professionals. Meet them here.