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Arista 于 1993 年创立,是快速诊断试剂和设备的领先制造商和供应商。Arista 生产的试剂在全球范围内用于妊娠、药物滥用、传染病等的快速检测。定制应用包括兽医、农业、环境测试、肿瘤标志物和其他疾病状态应用。

Arista 于 1993 年创立,是快速诊断试剂和设备的领先制造商和供应商。Arista  生产的试剂在全球范围内用于妊娠、药物滥用、传染病等的快速检测。定制应用包括兽医、农业、环境测试、肿瘤标志物和其他疾病状态应用。

aristaABASU-0401anti-Alpha mAb, subunit, Monoclonal   antibodies - Fertility antibody1017
aristaABASU-0402anti-Alpha mAb, subunit, Monoclonal Antibodies - Fertility antibody1859.4
aristaABFSH-0403anti-Alpha FSH mAb, clone 3, Monoclonal Antibodies - Fertility antibody1812.6
aristaCGACG-0701anti-Alpha hCG mAb CGC, clone 1, Gold Conjugates - Fertility antibody1183.32
aristaABACG-0401anti-Alpha hCG mAb, clone 1, Monoclonal Antibodies - Fertility antibody1017
aristaCGALH-0701anti-Alpha LH mAb CGC, clone 1, Gold Conjugates - Fertility antibody1145.7
aristaABALH-0401anti-Alpha LH mAb, clone 1, Monoclonal Antibodies - Fertility antibody2163.6
aristaABALH-0403anti-Alpha LH mAb, clone 3, Monoclonal Antibodies - Fertility antibody1087.2
aristaCGAFP-0704anti-Alpha-Fetoprotein (AFP) mAb CGC, clone 4, Gold Conjugates - Misc.   antibody1555.2
aristaABAFP-0401anti-Alpha-Fetoprotein (AFP) mAb, clone 1, Monoclonal Antibodies - Misc.   antibody3637.8
aristaABAFP-0402anti-Alpha-Fetoprotein (AFP) mAb, clone 2, Monoclonal Antibodies - Misc.   antibody3637.8
aristaABAFP-0403anti-Alpha-Fetoprotein (AFP) mAb, clone 3, Monoclonal Antibodies - Misc.   antibody4293
aristaABAFP-0404anti-Alpha-Fetoprotein (AFP) mAb, clone 4, Monoclonal Antibodies - Misc.   antibody4293
aristaAGBAR-0306anti-Barbital BSA, Antigens - Drugs of Abuse antibody1602
aristaAGBAR-0302anti-Barbital BSA, Antigens - Drugs of Abuse antibody3225.42
aristaAGBAR-0301anti-Barbital BSA, Antigens - Drugs of Abuse antibody3591
aristaCGBAR-0702anti-Barbital mAb CGC, clone 2, Gold Conjugates - Drugs of Abuse antibody1368
aristaCGBAR-0700anti-Barbital mAb CGC, Gold Conjugates - Drugs of Abuse antibody1251
aristaABBAR-0402anti-Barbital mAb, clone 2, Monoclonal Antibodies - Drugs of Abuse   antibody2538
aristaABBAR-0400anti-Barbital mAb, Monoclonal Antibodies - Drugs of Abuse antibody2538
aristaAGCOC-0300anti-Benzoylecgonine (cocaine) BSA, Antigens - Drugs of Abuse antibody1485
aristaAGCOC-0302anti-Benzoylecgonine (cocaine) BSA, Antigens - Drugs of Abuse antibody1485
aristaAGCOC-0310anti-Benzoylecgonine (cocaine) BSA, Antigens - Drugs of Abuse antibody1953
aristaCGCOC-0702anti-Benzoylecgonine (cocaine) mAb CGC, clone 2, Gold Conjugates - Drugs   of Abuse antibody1251
aristaCGCOC-0704anti-Benzoylecgonine (cocaine) mAb CGC, clone 4, Gold Conjugates - Drugs   of Abuse antibody1428.48
aristaCGCOC-0700anti-Benzoylecgonine (cocaine) mAb CGC, Gold Conjugates - Drugs of Abuse   antibody1321.2
aristaABCOC-0402anti-Benzoylecgonine (cocaine) mAb, clone 2, Monoclonal Antibodies -   Drugs of Abuse antibody2953.26
aristaABCOC-0404anti-Benzoylecgonine (cocaine) mAb, clone 4, Monoclonal Antibodies -   Drugs of Abuse antibody1882.8
aristaABCOC-0400anti-Benzoylecgonine (cocaine) mAb, Monoclonal Antibodies - Drugs of   Abuse antibody3474
aristaCGFSH-0700anti-Beta FSH mAb CGC, Gold Conjugates - Fertility antibody1219.5
aristaABFSH-0401anti-Beta FSH mAb, clone 1, Monoclonal Antibodies - Fertility antibody2046.6
aristaCGBCG-0701anti-Beta hCG mAb CGC, clone 1, Gold Conjugates - Fertility antibody1063.8
aristaCGBCG-0702anti-Beta hCG mAb CGC, clone 2, Gold Conjugates - Fertility antibody1087.2
aristaCGBCG-0703anti-Beta hCG mAb CGC, clone 3, Gold Conjugates - Fertility antibody1110.6
aristaCGBCG-0706anti-Beta hCG mAb CGC, clone 6, Gold Conjugates - Fertility antibody1087.2
aristaCGBCG-0707anti-Beta hCG mAb CGC, clone 7, Gold Conjugates - Fertility antibody1017
aristaABBCG-0401anti-Beta hCG mAb, clone 1, Monoclonal Antibodies - Fertility antibody1591.74
aristaABBCG-0402anti-Beta hCG mAb, clone 2, Monoclonal Antibodies - Fertility antibody1555.2
aristaABBCG-0403anti-Beta hCG mAb, clone 3, Monoclonal Antibodies - Fertility antibody1602
aristaABBCG-0406anti-Beta hCG mAb, clone 6, Monoclonal Antibodies - Fertility antibody1673.46
aristaABBCG-0407anti-Beta hCG mAb, clone 7, Monoclonal Antibodies - Fertility antibody1087.2
aristaCGBLH-0703anti-Beta LH mAb CGC, clone 3, Gold Conjugates - Fertility antibody1063.8
aristaCGBLH-0700anti-Beta LH mAb CGC, Gold Conjugates - Fertility antibody1063.8
aristaABBLH-0401anti-Beta LH mAb, clone 1, Monoclonal Antibodies - Fertility antibody1591.74
aristaABBLH-0403anti-Beta LH mAb, clone 3, Monoclonal Antibodies - Fertility antibody1180.8
aristaCGTSH-0706anti-Beta TSH (adult) mAb CGC, clone 6, Gold Conjugates - Misc. antibody1476
aristaABTSH-0406anti-Beta TSH (adult) mAb, clone 6, Monoclonal Antibodies - Misc.   antibody2374.2
aristaCGTSH-0701anti-Beta TSH mAb CGC, clone 1, Gold Conjugates - Misc. antibody1619.1
aristaCGTSH-0702anti-Beta TSH mAb CGC, clone 2, Gold Conjugates - Misc. antibody1591.74
aristaCGTSH-0700anti-Beta TSH mAb CGC, Gold Conjugates - Misc. antibody1728
aristaABTSH-0401anti-Beta TSH mAb, clone 1, Monoclonal Antibodies - Misc. antibody2374.2
aristaABTSH-0402anti-Beta TSH mAb, clone 2, Monoclonal Antibodies - Misc. antibody2490.3
aristaABTSH-0403anti-Beta TSH mAb, clone 3, Monoclonal Antibodies - Misc. antibody2023.2
aristaABTSH-0400anti-Beta TSH mAb, Monoclonal Antibodies - Misc. antibody3015.54
aristaCGBIO-0600anti-Biotin BSA CGC, Gold Conjugates - Misc. antibody1017
aristaAGBIO-0100anti-Biotin BSA, Antigens - Misc. antibody1017
aristaAGBUP-0306anti-Buprenorphine BSA, Antigens - Drugs of Abuse antibody1602
aristaAGBUP-0303anti-Buprenorphine BSA, Antigens - Drugs of Abuse antibody2538
aristaCGBUP-0703anti-Buprenorphine mAb CGC, clone 3, Gold Conjugates - Drugs of Abuse   antibody1438.2
aristaABBUP-0403anti-Buprenorphine mAb, clone 3, Monoclonal Antibodies - Drugs of Abuse   antibody2953.26
aristaCGCA1-0701anti-CA125 mAb CGC, clone 1, Gold Conjugates - Cancer Marker antibody2054.7
aristaABCA1-0401anti-CA125 mAb, clone 1, Monoclonal Antibodies - Cancer Marker antibody4527
aristaABCA1-0402anti-CA125 mAb, clone 2, Monoclonal Antibodies - Cancer Marker antibody5267.7
aristaCGCEA-0705anti-CEA mAb CGC, clone 5, Gold Conjugates - Cancer Marker antibody1368
aristaABCEA-0405anti-CEA mAb, clone 5, Monoclonal Antibodies - Cancer Marker antibody2953.26
aristaABCEA-0400anti-CEA mAb, Monoclonal Antibodies - Cancer Marker antibody2538
aristaABCPA-0500anti-Chicken anti Protein A, Polyclonal Antibodies - Misc. antibody1251
aristaAGCIG-0100anti-Chicken IgY, Purified IgG antibody923.4
aristaCGCHL-0704anti-Chlamydia LPS mAb CGC, clone 4, Gold Conjugates - Infectious Disease   antibody1945.8
aristaABCHL-0403anti-Chlamydia LPS mAb, clone 3, Monoclonal Antibodies - Infectious   Disease antibody5369.4
aristaABCHL-0404anti-Chlamydia LPS mAb, clone 4, Monoclonal Antibodies - Infectious   Disease antibody5369.4
aristaCGCHL-0701anti-Chlamydia mAb CGC, clone 1, Gold Conjugates - Infectious Disease   antibody1825.2
aristaCGCHL-0703anti-Chlamydia mAb CGC, clone 3, Gold Conjugates - Infectious Disease   antibody1608.12
aristaABCHL-0401anti-Chlamydia mAb, clone 1, Monoclonal Antibodies - Infectious Disease   antibody3279.96
aristaABCHL-0402anti-Chlamydia mAb, clone 2, Monoclonal Antibodies - Infectious Disease   antibody2420.46
aristaCGUCG-0000anti-Colloidal Gold, unconjugated, Gold Conjugates - Misc. antibody914.04
aristaCGCRP-0701anti-C-Reactive Protein (CRP) mAb CGC, clone 1, Gold Conjugates - Misc.   antibody1368
aristaCGCRP-0702anti-C-Reactive Protein (CRP) mAb CGC, clone 2, Gold Conjugates - Misc.   antibody1485
aristaABCRP-0401anti-C-Reactive Protein (CRP) mAb, clone 1, Monoclonal Antibodies - Misc.   antibody4042.26
aristaABCRP-0402anti-C-Reactive Protein (CRP) mAb, clone 2, Monoclonal Antibodies - Misc.   antibody3942
aristaCGDGG-0800Donkey anti Goat IgG CGC, Gold Conjugates - Misc.1017
aristaABDGG-0500Donkey anti Goat IgG, Polyclonal Antibodies - Misc.1591.74
aristaABFSH-0500Goat anti Alpha FSH, Polyclonal Antibodies - Fertility1017
aristaCGACG-0800Goat anti Alpha hCG CGC, Gold Conjugates - Fertility1040.4
aristaABACG-0500Goat anti Alpha hCG, Polyclonal Antibodies - Fertility1183.32
aristaCGALH-0800Goat anti Alpha LH CGC, Gold Conjugates - Fertility1175.94
aristaABALH-0500Goat anti Alpha LH, Polyclonal Antibodies - Fertility1183.32
aristaABASU-0501Goat anti alpha subunit, Polyclonal Antibodies - Fertility1017
aristaCGAFP-0801Goat anti Alpha-Fetoprotein (AFP) CGC, Gold Conjugates - Misc.1852.2
aristaABAFP-0501Goat anti Alpha-Fetoprotein (AFP), Polyclonal Antibodies - Misc.3906.18
aristaCGBCG-0800Goat anti Beta hCG CGC, Gold Conjugates - Fertility1183.32
aristaABBCG-0500Goat anti Beta hCG, Polyclonal Antibodies - Fertility1017
aristaABCRP-0501Goat anti C-Reactive Protein (CRP), Polyclonal Antibodies - Misc.1134
aristaABHBS-0500Goat anti HBsAg, Polyclonal Antibodies - Infectious Disease1455.66
aristaCGIGA-0800Goat anti Human IgA CGC, Gold Conjugates - Misc.1251
aristaABIGA-0500Goat anti Human IgA, Polyclonal Antibodies - Misc.1976.4
aristaCGIGG-0800Goat anti Human IgG CGC, Gold Conjugates - Misc.1017
aristaABIGG-0501Goat anti Human IgG Fc, Polyclonal Antibodies - Misc.1859.4
aristaABIGG-0500Goat anti Human IgG, Polyclonal Antibodies - Misc.970.2
aristaABIGM-0500Goat anti Human IgM (u specific), Polyclonal Antibodies - Misc.2163.6
aristaCGIGM-0800Goat anti Human IgM CGC, Gold Conjugates - Misc.1414.8
aristaCGIGM-0801Goat anti Human IgM Fc (5u specific) CGC, Gold Conjugates - Misc.1485
aristaABIGM-0501Goat anti Human IgM Fc (5u specific), Polyclonal Antibodies - Misc.2631.6
aristaCGGAM-0800Goat anti Mouse IgG CGC, Gold Conjugates - Misc.993.6
aristaABGAM-0500Goat anti Mouse IgG, Polyclonal Antibodies - Misc.946.8
aristaABPSA-0500Goat anti Prostate Specific Antigen (PSA), Polyclonal Antibodies - Cancer   Marker4176
aristaCGGAR-0800Goat anti Rabbit IgG CGC, Gold Conjugates - Misc.993.6
aristaABGAR-0500Goat anti Rabbit IgG, Polyclonal Antibodies - Misc.1156.14
aristaAGGIG-0100Goat IgG, Purified IgG1054.08
aristaCGHPY-0704anti-H. pylori mAb CGC, clone 4, Gold Conjugates - Infectious Disease   antibody1728
aristaABHPY-0403anti-H. pylori mAb, Monoclonal Antibodies - Infectious Disease antibody2772
aristaABHPY-0404anti-H. pylori mAb, Monoclonal Antibodies - Infectious Disease antibody2772
aristaCGHBS-0702anti-HBsAg mAb CGC, clone 2, Gold Conjugates - Infectious Disease   antibody1256.94
aristaCGHBS-0705anti-HBsAg mAb CGC, clone 5, Gold Conjugates - Infectious Disease   antibody1087.2
aristaCGHBS-0706anti-HBsAg mAb CGC, clone 6, Gold Conjugates - Infectious Disease   antibody1063.8
aristaABHBS-0402anti-HBsAg mAb, clone 2, Monoclonal Antibodies - Infectious Disease   antibody1836
aristaABHBS-0404anti-HBsAg mAb, clone 4, Monoclonal Antibodies - Infectious Disease   antibody1728
aristaABHBS-0405anti-HBsAg mAb, clone 5, Monoclonal Antibodies - Infectious Disease   antibody1555.2
aristaABHBS-0406anti-HBsAg mAb, clone 6, Monoclonal Antibodies - Infectious Disease   antibody1581.66
aristaAGHPY-0103Helicobacter Pylori (H. pylori), Antigens - Infectious Disease3770.1
aristaAGHPY-0104Helicobacter Pylori (H. pylori), Antigens - Infectious Disease3357
aristaAGHPY-0100Helicobacter Pylori (H. pylori), Antigens - Infectious Disease8535.06
aristaABHHB-0500Horse anti HBsAg, Polyclonal Antibodies - Infectious Disease1485
aristaCGHHG-0716anti-Human Hemoglobin (A1c) mAb CGC, Gold Conjugates - Cancer Marker   antibody1321.2
aristaABHHG-0416anti-Human Hemoglobin (A1c) mAb, Monoclonal Antibodies - Cancer Marker   antibody4723.02
aristaCGHHG-0710anti-Human Hemoglobin mAb CGC, clone 10, Gold Conjugates - Cancer Marker   antibody1591.74
aristaCGHHG-0712anti-Human Hemoglobin mAb CGC, clone 12, Gold Conjugates - Cancer Marker   antibody1251
aristaCGHHG-0707anti-Human Hemoglobin mAb CGC, clone 7, Gold Conjugates - Cancer Marker   antibody1321.2
aristaCGHHG-0708anti-Human Hemoglobin mAb CGC, clone 8, Gold Conjugates - Cancer Marker   antibody1321.2
aristaABHHG-0410anti-Human Hemoglobin mAb, clone 10, Monoclonal Antibodies - Cancer   Marker antibody2680.92
aristaABHHG-0411anti-Human Hemoglobin mAb, clone 11, Monoclonal Antibodies - Cancer   Marker antibody1864.08
aristaABHHG-0412anti-Human Hemoglobin mAb, clone 11, Monoclonal Antibodies - Cancer   Marker antibody1602
aristaABHHG-0406anti-Human Hemoglobin mAb, clone 6, Monoclonal Antibodies - Cancer Marker   antibody3216.6
aristaABHHG-0407anti-Human Hemoglobin mAb, clone 7, Monoclonal Antibodies - Cancer Marker   antibody2116.8
aristaABHHG-0408anti-Human Hemoglobin mAb, clone 8, Monoclonal Antibodies - Cancer Marker   antibody2447.46
aristaABHHG-0409anti-Human Hemoglobin mAb, clone 9, Monoclonal Antibodies - Cancer Marker   antibody2000.16
aristaCGIGG-0706anti-Human IgG mAb CGC, clone 6, Gold Conjugates - Misc. antibody1210.68
aristaCGIGG-0700anti-Human IgG mAb CGC, Gold Conjugates - Misc. antibody1728
aristaCGMGG-0700anti-Human IgG mAb CGC, Gold Conjugates - Misc. antibody1485
aristaABIGG-0401anti-Human IgG mAb, clone 1, Monoclonal Antibodies - Misc. antibody1446.48
aristaABIGG-0400anti-Human IgG mAb, Monoclonal Antibodies - Misc. antibody5539.86
aristaAGHIG-0100anti-Human IgG, Purified IgG antibody1074.42
aristaCGIGM-0702anti-Human IgM mAb CGC, clone 2, Gold Conjugates - Misc. antibody1265.04
aristaCGIGM-0700anti-Human IgM mAb CGC, Gold Conjugates - Misc. antibody1809.72
aristaABIGM-0402anti-Human IgM mAb, clone 2, Monoclonal Antibodies - Misc. antibody1455.66
aristaABIGM-0400anti-Human IgM mAb, Monoclonal Antibodies - Misc. antibody4761
aristaCGINF-0707anti-Influenza A mAb CGC, Gold Conjugates - Infectious Disease antibody1455.66
aristaCGINF-0701anti-Influenza A mAb CGC, Gold Conjugates - Infectious Disease antibody1368
aristaABINF-0401anti-Influenza A mAb, clone 1, Monoclonal Antibodies - Infectious Disease   antibody4968.18
aristaABINF-0406anti-Influenza A mAb, clone 6, Monoclonal Antibodies - Infectious Disease   antibody2304
aristaABINF-0407anti-Influenza A mAb, clone 7, Monoclonal Antibodies - Infectious Disease   antibody2680.92
aristaABINF-0405anti-Influenza B mAb, clone 5, Monoclonal Antibodies - Infectious Disease   antibody6492.96
aristaABINF-0402anti-Influenza B mAb. Clone 2, Monoclonal Antibodies - Infectious Disease   antibody4878
aristaCGMAL-0721anti-Malaria pLDH mAb, clone 21, Gold Conjugates - Infectious Disease   antibody1591.74
aristaABMAL-0421anti-Malaria pLDH mAb, clone 21, Monoclonal Antibodies - Infectious   Disease antibody1953
aristaABMAL-0404anti-Malaria HRPII IgG mAb, clone 4, Monoclonal Antibodies - Infectious   Disease antibody4527
aristaCGMAL-0704anti-Malaria HRPII IgG mAb CGC, clone 4, Gold Conjugates - Infectious   Disease antibody1602
aristaABMAL-0405anti-Malaria HRPII IgM mAb, clone 5, Monoclonal Antibodies - Infectious   Disease antibody5267.7
aristaCGMAL-0743anti-Malaria HRPII mAb, Gold Conjugates - Infectious Disease antibody1591.74
aristaCGMAL-0745anti-Malaria HRPII mAb, Gold Conjugates - Infectious Disease antibody1368
aristaABMAL-0441anti-Malaria HRPII mAb, Monoclonal Antibodies - Infectious Disease   antibody2528.64
aristaABMAL-0442anti-Malaria HRPII mAb, Monoclonal Antibodies - Infectious Disease   antibody2528.64
aristaABMAL-0443anti-Malaria HRPII mAb, Monoclonal Antibodies - Infectious Disease   antibody2544.84
aristaABMAL-0433anti-Malaria P. vivax LDH mAb, clone 33, Monoclonal Antibodies -   Infectious Disease antibody2680.92
aristaCGMAL-0640anti-Malaria P.f. MSP-1 CGC, Gold Conjugates - Infectious Disease   antibody2000.16
aristaABMAL-0422anti-Malaria P.falciparum LDH, clone 22, Monoclonal Antibodies -   Infectious Disease antibody1953
aristaCGMAL-0610anti-Malaria P.v. MSP-1 CGC, Gold Conjugates - Infectious Disease   antibody1719
aristaABMAL-0423anti-Malaria pLDH mAb, clone 23, Monoclonal Antibodies - Infectious   Disease antibody2187
aristaAGMDM-0304MDMA BSA (for saliva), Antigens - Drugs of Abuse1602
aristaAGMDM-0303MDMA BSA, Antigens - Drugs of Abuse1602
aristaAGMDM-0301MDMA BTG, Antigens - Drugs of Abuse3497.76
aristaCGMDM-0701anti-MDMA mAb CGC, clone 1, Gold Conjugates - Drugs of Abuse antibody1591.74
aristaCGMDM-0703anti-MDMA mAb CGC, clone 3, Gold Conjugates - Drugs of Abuse antibody1251
aristaABMDM-0401anti-MDMA mAb, clone 1, Monoclonal Antibodies - Drugs of Abuse antibody3770.1
aristaABMDM-0403anti-MDMA mAb, clone 3, Monoclonal Antibodies - Drugs of Abuse antibody2680.92
aristaCGMIG-0600Mouse IgG CGC, Gold Conjugates - Misc.970.2
aristaAGMIG-0100Mouse IgG, Purified IgG1054.08
aristaARTMB-0011New TMB (faster) (Microwell - non precip), Misc.2272.5
aristaAGOXY-0304Oxycodone BSA (for Saliva), Antigens - Drugs of Abuse1728
aristaAGOXY-0303Oxycodone BSA, Antigens - Drugs of Abuse1728
aristaAGOXY-0302Oxycodone BSA, Antigens - Drugs of Abuse1953
aristaCGOXY-0702anti-Oxycodone mAb CGC, clone 2, Gold Conjugates - Drugs of Abuse   antibody1602
aristaCGOXY-0703anti-Oxycodone mAb CGC, clone 3, Gold Conjugates - Drugs of Abuse   antibody1368
aristaABOXY-0402anti-Oxycodone mAb, clone 2, Monoclonal Antibodies - Drugs of Abuse   antibody3942
aristaABOXY-0403anti-Oxycodone mAb, clone 3, Monoclonal Antibodies - Drugs of Abuse   antibody2187
aristaAGPCP-0306Phencyclidine (PCP) BSA, Antigens - Drugs of Abuse1728
aristaAGPCP-0301Phencyclidine (PCP) BSA, Antigens - Drugs of Abuse1953
aristaAGPCP-0300Phencyclidine (PCP) BSA, Antigens - Drugs of Abuse3591
aristaCGPCP-0703anti-Phencyclidine (PCP) mAb CGC, clone 3, Gold Conjugates - Drugs of   Abuse antibody1455.66
aristaCGPCP-0700anti-Phencyclidine (PCP) mAb CGC, Gold Conjugates - Drugs of Abuse   antibody1157.4
aristaABPCP-0403anti-Phencyclidine (PCP) mAb, clone 3, Monoclonal Antibodies - Drugs of   Abuse antibody2538
aristaABPCP-0400anti-Phencyclidine (PCP) mAb, Monoclonal Antibodies - Drugs of Abuse   antibody2421
aristaAGPPX-0307Propoxyphene (PPX) BSA (for saliva), Antigens - Drugs of Abuse1864.08
aristaAGPPX-0306Propoxyphene (PPX) BSA, Antigens - Drugs of Abuse1602
aristaCGPPX-0700anti-Propoxyphene (PPX) mAb CGC, Gold Conjugates - Drugs of Abuse   antibody1368
aristaABPPX-0400anti-Propoxyphene (PPX) mAb, Monoclonal Antibodies - Drugs of Abuse   antibody2953.26
aristaCGPSA-0702anti-Prostate Specific Antigen (PSA) mAb CGC, clone 2, Gold Conjugates -   Cancer Marker antibody1537.38
aristaCGPSA-0700anti-Prostate Specific Antigen (PSA) mAb CGC, Gold Conjugates - Cancer   Marker antibody1368
aristaABPSA-0405anti-Prostate Specific Antigen (PSA) mAb, clone 5, Monoclonal Antibodies   - Cancer Marker antibody2421
aristaABPSA-0406anti-Prostate Specific Antigen (PSA) mAb, clone 6, Monoclonal Antibodies   - Cancer Marker antibody2421
aristaABPSA-0407anti-Prostate Specific Antigen (PSA) mAb, clone 7, Monoclonal Antibodies   - Cancer Marker antibody2421
aristaABPSA-0400anti-Prostate Specific Antigen (PSA) mAb, Monoclonal Antibodies - Cancer   Marker antibody3006
aristaCGSTA-0801Rabbit anti Streptococcus A CGC, Gold Conjugates - Infectious Disease1319.58
aristaABSTA-0501Rabbit anti Streptococcus A, Polyclonal Antibodies - Infectious Disease2982.6
aristaABSTA-0502Rabbit anti Streptococcus A, Polyclonal Antibodies - Infectious Disease2982.6
aristaCGRIG-0600Rabbit IgG CGC, Gold Conjugates - Misc.1156.14
aristaAGRIG-0100Rabbit IgG, Purified IgG905.94
aristaCGHCV-0632rHCV Cocktail, soluble CGC, Gold Conjugates - Infectious Disease1602
aristaAGHCV-0231rHCV Cocktail, soluble, Antigens - Infectious Disease3006
aristaAGHCV-0232rHCV Cocktail, soluble, Antigens - Infectious Disease3497.76
aristaAGHCV-0217rHCV Core, soluble, Antigens - Infectious Disease3006
aristaAGHIV-0233rHIV gp120/41 fusion, soluble (63 KDa), Antigens - Infectious Disease2655
aristaAGHIV-0255rHIV gp13, soluble, Antigens - Infectious Disease4527
aristaAGHIV-0210rHIV gp36, insoluble, Antigens - Infectious Disease4777.56
aristaCGHIV-0613rHIV gp36, soluble CGC, Gold Conjugates - Infectious Disease1321.2
aristaCGHIV-0610rHIV gp36, soluble CGC, Gold Conjugates - Infectious Disease1591.74
aristaAGHIV-0212rHIV gp36, soluble, Antigens - Infectious Disease2817
aristaAGHIV-0213rHIV gp36, soluble, Antigens - Infectious Disease2421
aristaAGHIV-0215rHIV gp36, soluble, Antigens - Infectious Disease3708
aristaCGHIV-0633rHIV gp41, soluble CGC, Gold Conjugates - Infectious Disease1321.2
aristaCGHIV-0638rHIV gp41, soluble CGC, Gold Conjugates - Infectious Disease1321.2
aristaCGHIV-0620rHIV gp41, soluble CGC, Gold Conjugates - Infectious Disease1368
aristaAGHIV-0222.2rHIV gp41, soluble, Antigens - Infectious Disease2538
aristaAGHIV-0237rHIV gp41, soluble, Antigens - Infectious Disease2538
aristaAGHIV-0238rHIV gp41, soluble, Antigens - Infectious Disease2934.36
aristaAGHIV-0241rHIV gp41, soluble, Antigens - Infectious Disease2538
aristaAGHIV-0225rHIV gp41, soluble, Antigens - Infectious Disease4450.86
aristaCGHIV-0640rHIV p24, soluble CGC, Gold Conjugates - Infectious Disease1602
aristaAGHIV-0245rHIV p24, soluble, Antigens - Infectious Disease4723.02
aristaAGMAL-0260rMalaria (P.f. CSP), Antigens - Infectious Disease5229
aristaAGMAL-0240rMalaria (P.f. MSP-1), Antigens - Infectious Disease6084.54
aristaAGMAL-0250rMalaria (P.f. MSP-2), Antigens - Infectious Disease5229
aristaAGMAL-0220rMalaria (P.v. CSP), Antigens - Infectious Disease5580
aristaAGMAL-0210rMalaria (P.v. MSP-1), Antigens - Infectious Disease5229
aristaAGMAL-0230rMalaria (P.v. MSP-2), Antigens - Infectious Disease6084.54
aristaCGPTA-0601rProtein A CGC, Gold Conjugates - Misc.993.6
aristaAGPTA-0101rProtein A, Antigens - Misc.1083.96
aristaCGPTG-0601rProtein G CGC, Gold Conjugates - Misc.1210.68
aristaAGPTG-0101rProtein G, Antigens - Misc.1319.58
aristaAGSPL-0210rSyphilis (15 KDa), Antigens - Infectious Disease5229
aristaAGSPL-0200rSyphilis (17 KDa), Antigens - Infectious Disease6084.54
aristaAGSPL-0220rSyphilis (47 KDa), Antigens - Infectious Disease6084.54
aristaCGSPL-0610rSyphilis 15 KDa CGC, Gold Conjugates - Infectious Disease1602
aristaCGSPL-0600rSyphilis 17 KDa CGC, Gold Conjugates - Infectious Disease1602
aristaCGSPL-0620rSyphilis 47 KDa CGC, Gold Conjugates - Infectious Disease1602
aristaCGSTV-0600Streptavidin CGC, Gold Conjugates - Misc.1134
aristaAGSTV-0100Streptavidin, Antigens - Misc.1227.6
aristaAGTHC-0306Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) BSA, Antigens - Drugs of Abuse1864.08
aristaAGTHC-0304Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) BSA, Antigens - Drugs of Abuse2070
aristaAGTHC-0301Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) BSA, Antigens - Drugs of Abuse4586.94
aristaCGTHC-0701anti-Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) mAb CGC, clone 1, Gold Conjugates - Drugs   of Abuse antibody1455.66
aristaCGTHC-0705anti-Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) mAb CGC, clone 5, Gold Conjugates - Drugs   of Abuse antibody1319.58
aristaCGTHC-0706anti-Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) mAb CGC, clone 6, Gold Conjugates - Drugs   of Abuse antibody1265.04
aristaABTHC-0401anti-Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) mAb, clone 1, Monoclonal Antibodies -   Drugs of Abuse antibody3357
aristaABTHC-0405anti-Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) mAb, clone 5, Monoclonal Antibodies -   Drugs of Abuse antibody1882.8
aristaABTHC-0406anti-Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) mAb, clone 6, Monoclonal Antibodies -   Drugs of Abuse antibody1728
aristaARTMB-0020TMB (Membrane - precip), Misc.2272.5
aristaARTMB-0010TMB (Microwell - non precip), Misc.2272.5
aristaAGTCA-0301Tricyclic Antidepressant (TCA) BSA, Antigens - Drugs of Abuse4723.02
aristaCGTCA-0701anti-Tricyclic Antidepressant (TCA) mAb CGC, clone 1, Gold Conjugates -   Drugs of Abuse antibody1485
aristaCGTCA-0702anti-Tricyclic Antidepressant (TCA) mAb CGC, clone 2, Gold Conjugates -   Drugs of Abuse antibody1591.74
aristaABTCA-0401anti-Tricyclic Antidepressant (TCA) mAb, clone 1, Monoclonal Antibodies -   Drugs of Abuse antibody4761
aristaABTCA-0402anti-Tricyclic Antidepressant (TCA) mAb, clone 2, Monoclonal Antibodies -   Drugs of Abuse antibody2272.5
aristaABASU-0401anti-Alpha mAb, subunit, Monoclonal antibodies - Fertility antibody1319.58
aristaABASU-0402anti-Alpha mAb, subunit, Monoclonal Antibodies - Fertility antibody2093.4
aristaABFSH-0403anti-Alpha FSH mAb, clone 3, Monoclonal Antibodies - Fertility antibody2218.14
aristaCGACG-0701anti-Alpha hCG mAb CGC, clone 1, Gold Conjugates - Fertility antibody1455.66
aristaABACG-0401anti-Alpha hCG mAb, clone 1, Monoclonal Antibodies - Fertility antibody1134
aristaCGALH-0701anti-Alpha LH mAb CGC, clone 1, Gold Conjugates - Fertility antibody1391.4
aristaABALH-0401anti-Alpha LH mAb, clone 1, Monoclonal Antibodies - Fertility antibody2093.4
aristaABALH-0403anti-Alpha LH mAb, clone 3, Monoclonal Antibodies - Fertility antibody1157.4
aristaCGAFP-0704anti-Alpha-Fetoprotein (AFP) mAb CGC, clone 4, Gold Conjugates - Misc.   antibody1906.2
aristaABAFP-0401anti-Alpha-Fetoprotein (AFP) mAb, clone 1, Monoclonal Antibodies - Misc.   antibody4059
aristaABAFP-0402anti-Alpha-Fetoprotein (AFP) mAb, clone 2, Monoclonal Antibodies - Misc.   antibody4059
aristaABAFP-0403anti-Alpha-Fetoprotein (AFP) mAb, clone 3, Monoclonal Antibodies - Misc.   antibody5539.86
aristaABAFP-0404anti-Alpha-Fetoprotein (AFP) mAb, clone 4, Monoclonal Antibodies - Misc.   antibody4761
aristaAGBAR-0306anti-Barbital BSA, Antigens - Drugs of Abuse antibody2136.42
aristaAGBAR-0302anti-Barbital BSA, Antigens - Drugs of Abuse antibody3006
aristaAGBAR-0301anti-Barbital BSA, Antigens - Drugs of Abuse antibody4410
aristaCGBAR-0702anti-Barbital mAb CGC, clone 2, Gold Conjugates - Drugs of Abuse antibody1728
aristaCGBAR-0700anti-Barbital mAb CGC, Gold Conjugates - Drugs of Abuse antibody1368
aristaABBAR-0402anti-Barbital mAb, clone 2, Monoclonal Antibodies - Drugs of Abuse   antibody3361.68
aristaABBAR-0400anti-Barbital mAb, Monoclonal Antibodies - Drugs of Abuse antibody2772
aristaAGCOC-0300anti-Benzoylecgonine (cocaine) BSA, Antigens - Drugs of Abuse antibody1719
aristaAGCOC-0302anti-Benzoylecgonine (cocaine) BSA, Antigens - Drugs of Abuse antibody1719
aristaAGCOC-0310anti-Benzoylecgonine (cocaine) BSA, Antigens - Drugs of Abuse antibody2544.84
aristaCGCOC-0702anti-Benzoylecgonine (cocaine) mAb CGC, clone 2, Gold Conjugates - Drugs   of Abuse antibody1591.74
aristaCGCOC-0704anti-Benzoylecgonine (cocaine) mAb CGC, clone 4, Gold Conjugates - Drugs   of Abuse antibody1344.6
aristaCGCOC-0700anti-Benzoylecgonine (cocaine) mAb CGC, Gold Conjugates - Drugs of Abuse   antibody1673.46
aristaABCOC-0402anti-Benzoylecgonine (cocaine) mAb, clone 2, Monoclonal Antibodies -   Drugs of Abuse antibody2772
aristaABCOC-0404anti-Benzoylecgonine (cocaine) mAb, clone 4, Monoclonal Antibodies -   Drugs of Abuse antibody2599.2
aristaABCOC-0400anti-Benzoylecgonine (cocaine) mAb, Monoclonal Antibodies - Drugs of   Abuse antibody4314.6
aristaCGFSH-0700anti-Beta FSH mAb CGC, Gold Conjugates - Fertility antibody1342.26
aristaABFSH-0401anti-Beta FSH mAb, clone 1, Monoclonal Antibodies - Fertility antibody2653.74
aristaCGBCG-0701anti-Beta hCG mAb CGC, clone 1, Gold Conjugates - Fertility antibody1134
aristaCGBCG-0702anti-Beta hCG mAb CGC, clone 2, Gold Conjugates - Fertility antibody1157.4
aristaCGBCG-0703anti-Beta hCG mAb CGC, clone 3, Gold Conjugates - Fertility antibody1373.94
aristaCGBCG-0706anti-Beta hCG mAb CGC, clone 6, Gold Conjugates - Fertility antibody1134
aristaCGBCG-0707anti-Beta hCG mAb CGC, clone 7, Gold Conjugates - Fertility antibody1346.76
aristaABBCG-0401anti-Beta hCG mAb, clone 1, Monoclonal Antibodies - Fertility antibody1728
aristaABBCG-0402anti-Beta hCG mAb, clone 2, Monoclonal Antibodies - Fertility antibody1765.8
aristaABBCG-0403anti-Beta hCG mAb, clone 3, Monoclonal Antibodies - Fertility antibody1719
aristaABBCG-0406anti-Beta hCG mAb, clone 6, Monoclonal Antibodies - Fertility antibody1809.72
aristaABBCG-0407anti-Beta hCG mAb, clone 7, Monoclonal Antibodies - Fertility antibody1204.2
aristaCGBLH-0703anti-Beta LH mAb CGC, clone 3, Gold Conjugates - Fertility antibody1319.58
aristaCGBLH-0700anti-Beta LH mAb CGC, Gold Conjugates - Fertility antibody1157.4
aristaABBLH-0401anti-Beta LH mAb, clone 1, Monoclonal Antibodies - Fertility antibody1485
aristaABBLH-0403anti-Beta LH mAb, clone 3, Monoclonal Antibodies - Fertility antibody1274.4
aristaCGTSH-0706anti-Beta TSH (adult) mAb CGC, clone 6, Gold Conjugates - Misc. antibody1391.4
aristaABTSH-0406anti-Beta TSH (adult) mAb, clone 6, Monoclonal Antibodies - Misc.   antibody2608.2
aristaCGTSH-0701anti-Beta TSH mAb CGC, clone 1, Gold Conjugates - Misc. antibody1514.34
aristaCGTSH-0702anti-Beta TSH mAb CGC, clone 2, Gold Conjugates - Misc. antibody1485
aristaCGTSH-0700anti-Beta TSH mAb CGC, Gold Conjugates - Misc. antibody1864.08
aristaABTSH-0401anti-Beta TSH mAb, clone 1, Monoclonal Antibodies - Misc. antibody2608.2
aristaABTSH-0402anti-Beta TSH mAb, clone 2, Monoclonal Antibodies - Misc. antibody2467.8
aristaABTSH-0403anti-Beta TSH mAb, clone 3, Monoclonal Antibodies - Misc. antibody2718
aristaABTSH-0400anti-Beta TSH mAb, Monoclonal Antibodies - Misc. antibody3421.44
aristaCGBIO-0600anti-Biotin BSA CGC, Gold Conjugates - Misc. antibody1265.04
aristaAGBIO-0100anti-Biotin BSA, Antigens - Misc. antibody1265.04
aristaAGBUP-0306anti-Buprenorphine BSA, Antigens - Drugs of Abuse antibody1836
aristaAGBUP-0303anti-Buprenorphine BSA, Antigens - Drugs of Abuse antibody2889
aristaCGBUP-0703anti-Buprenorphine mAb CGC, clone 3, Gold Conjugates - Drugs of Abuse   antibody1625.4
aristaABBUP-0403anti-Buprenorphine mAb, clone 3, Monoclonal Antibodies - Drugs of Abuse   antibody2889
aristaCGCA1-0701anti-CA125 mAb CGC, clone 1, Gold Conjugates - Cancer Marker antibody1953
aristaABCA1-0401anti-CA125 mAb, clone 1, Monoclonal Antibodies - Cancer Marker antibody5948.28
aristaABCA1-0402anti-CA125 mAb, clone 2, Monoclonal Antibodies - Cancer Marker antibody5948.28
aristaCGCEA-0705anti-CEA mAb CGC, clone 5, Gold Conjugates - Cancer Marker antibody1485
aristaABCEA-0405anti-CEA mAb, clone 5, Monoclonal Antibodies - Cancer Marker antibody2889
aristaABCEA-0400anti-CEA mAb, Monoclonal Antibodies - Cancer Marker antibody3361.68
aristaABCPA-0500anti-Chicken anti Protein A, Polyclonal Antibodies - Misc. antibody1485
aristaAGCIG-0100anti-Chicken IgY, Purified IgG antibody1128.96
aristaCGCHL-0704anti-Chlamydia LPS mAb CGC, clone 4, Gold Conjugates - Infectious Disease   antibody1836
aristaABCHL-0403anti-Chlamydia LPS mAb, clone 3, Monoclonal Antibodies - Infectious   Disease antibody5112
aristaABCHL-0404anti-Chlamydia LPS mAb, clone 4, Monoclonal Antibodies - Infectious   Disease antibody5910.48
aristaCGCHL-0701anti-Chlamydia mAb CGC, clone 1, Gold Conjugates - Infectious Disease   antibody1960.38
aristaCGCHL-0703anti-Chlamydia mAb CGC, clone 3, Gold Conjugates - Infectious Disease   antibody1748.34
aristaABCHL-0401anti-Chlamydia mAb, clone 1, Monoclonal Antibodies - Infectious Disease   antibody3286.8
aristaABCHL-0402anti-Chlamydia mAb, clone 2, Monoclonal Antibodies - Infectious Disease   antibody2327.4
aristaCGUCG-0000anti-Colloidal Gold, unconjugated, Gold Conjugates - Misc. antibody1069.02
aristaCGCRP-0701anti-C-Reactive Protein (CRP) mAb CGC, clone 1, Gold Conjugates - Misc.   antibody1485
aristaCGCRP-0702anti-C-Reactive Protein (CRP) mAb CGC, clone 2, Gold Conjugates - Misc.   antibody1864.08
aristaABCRP-0401anti-C-Reactive Protein (CRP) mAb, clone 1, Monoclonal Antibodies - Misc