Zyagen 价格更新

美国Zyagen公司位于加利福尼亚州的生物硅谷圣地亚哥,是一家著名的提供基因表达产品和服务的生物公司。从2000年到现在,在基因表达方面的研究及产品的推广一直处于全球领先地位。Zyagen 公司由一批训练有素的高水平的学者与研究人员,同时与发展中国家的科学家在生物制药,生物技术等方面有着多年的经验。

美国Zyagen公司位于加利福尼亚州的生物硅谷圣地亚哥,是一家著名的提供基因表达产品和服务的生物公司。从2000年到现在,在基因表达方面的研究及产品的推广一直处于全球领先地位。Zyagen 公司由一批训练有素的高水平的学者与研究人员,同时与发展中国家的科学家在生物制药,生物技术等方面有着多年的经验。

ZyagenHG-801Human Heart Genomic DNA0.05mg2724.75
ZyagenHG-306Human Intestine Genomic DNA0.05mg2724.75
ZyagenHG-901Human Kidney Genomic DNA0.05mg2724.75
ZyagenHG-314Human Liver Genomic DNA0.05mg2724.75
ZyagenHG-601Human Lung Genomic DNA0.05mg2724.75
ZyagenHG-313Human Pancreas Genomic DNA0.05mg2724.75
ZyagenHG-413Human Placenta Genomic DNA0.05mg2724.75
ZyagenHG-102Human Skeletal Muscles Genomic DNA0.05mg2724.75
ZyagenHG-101Human Skin Genomic DNA0.05mg2724.75
ZyagenHG-701Human Spleen Genomic DNA0.05mg2724.75
ZyagenHG-302Human Stomach Genomic DNA0.05mg2724.75
ZyagenHG-401Human Testis Genomic DNA0.05mg2724.75
ZyagenHG-010Human Tissue Genomic DNA Panel, set of any 10 Tissues10X0.015mg16805.25
ZyagenHG-015Human Tissue Genomic DNA Panel, set of any 15 Tissues15X0.015mg20270.25
ZyagenHG-005Human Tissue Genomic DNA Panel, set of any 5 Tissues5X0.015mg11607.75
ZyagenHG-411Human Uterus Genomic DNA0.05mg2724.75
ZyagenMG-201Mouse Brain Genomic DNA0.1mg2315.25
ZyagenMG-311Mouse Colon Genomic DNA0.1mg2315.25
ZyagenMG-301Mouse Esophagus Genomic DNA0.1mg2315.25
ZyagenMG-801Mouse Heart Genomic DNA0.1mg2315.25
ZyagenMG-306Mouse Intestine Genomic DNA0.1mg2315.25
ZyagenMG-901Mouse Kidney Genomic DNA0.1mg2315.25
ZyagenMG-314Mouse Liver Genomic DNA0.1mg2315.25
ZyagenMG-601Mouse Lung Genomic DNA0.1mg2315.25
ZyagenMG-406Mouse Ovary Genomic DNA0.1mg2315.25
ZyagenMG-313Mouse Pancreas Genomic DNA0.1mg2315.25
ZyagenMG-413Mouse Placenta Genomic DNA0.1mg2315.25
ZyagenMG-102Mouse Skeletal Muscles Genomic DNA0.1mg2315.25
ZyagenMG-101Mouse Skin Genomic DNA0.1mg2315.25
ZyagenMG-701Mouse Spleen Genomic DNA0.1mg2315.25
ZyagenMG-302Mouse Stomach Genomic DNA0.1mg2315.25
ZyagenMG-401Mouse Testis Genomic DNA0.1mg2315.25
ZyagenMG-010Mouse Tissue Genomic DNA Panel, set of any 10 Tissues10X0.025mg13340.25
ZyagenMG-015Mouse Tissue Genomic DNA Panel, set of any 15 Tissues15X0.025mg16805.25
ZyagenMG-005Mouse Tissue Genomic DNA Panel, set of any 5 Tissues5X0.025mg8142.75
ZyagenMG-411Mouse Uterus Genomic DNA0.1mg2315.25
ZyagenRG-201Rat Brain Genomic DNA0.1mg2315.25
ZyagenRG-311Rat Colon Genomic DNA0.1mg2315.25
ZyagenRG-301Rat Esophagus Genomic DNA0.1mg2315.25
ZyagenRG-801Rat Heart Genomic DNA0.1mg2315.25
ZyagenRG-306Rat Intestine Genomic DNA0.1mg2315.25
ZyagenRG-901Rat Kidney Genomic DNA0.1mg2315.25
ZyagenRG-314Rat Liver Genomic DNA0.1mg2315.25
ZyagenRG-601Rat Lung Genomic DNA0.1mg2315.25
ZyagenRG-406Rat Ovary Genomic DNA0.1mg2315.25
ZyagenRG-313Rat Pancreas Genomic DNA0.1mg2315.25
ZyagenRG-413Rat Placenta Genomic DNA0.1mg2315.25
ZyagenRG-102Rat Skeletal Muscles Genomic DNA0.1mg2315.25
ZyagenRG-101Rat Skin Genomic DNA0.1mg2315.25
ZyagenRG-701Rat Spleen Genomic DNA0.1mg2315.25
ZyagenRG-302Rat Stomach Genomic DNA0.1mg2315.25
ZyagenRG-401Rat Testis Genomic DNA0.1mg2315.25
ZyagenRG-010Rat Tissue Genomic DNA Panel, set of any 10 Tissues10X0.025mg13340.25
ZyagenRG-015Rat Tissue Genomic DNA Panel, set of any 15 Tissues15X0.025mg15072.75
ZyagenRG-005Rat Tissue Genomic DNA Panel, set of any 5 Tissues5X0.025mg8142.75
ZyagenRG-411Rat Uterus Genomic DNA0.1mg2315.25
ZyagenHR-UR-50Human Universal Reference Total RNA1x0.05mg2425.5
ZyagenBR-UR-100Bovine Universal Reference Total RNA1x0.1mg2425.5
ZyagenBR-UR-200Bovine Universal Reference Total RNA2x0.1mg4646.25
ZyagenBR-UR-400Bovine Universal Reference Total RNA4x0.1mg7560
ZyagenCR-UR-200Chicken Universal Reference Total RNA2x0.1mg4646.25
ZyagenCR-UR-100Chicken Universal Reference Total RNA1x0.1mg2425.5
ZyagenCR-UR-400Chicken Universal Reference Total RNA4x0.1mg7560
ZyagenDR-UR-100Dog Universal Reference Total RNA1x0.1mg2425.5
ZyagenDR-UR-200Dog Universal Reference Total RNA2x0.1mg4646.25
ZyagenDR-UR-400Dog Universal Reference Total RNA4x0.1mg7560
ZyagenPR-UR-100Pig Universal Reference Total RNA1x0.1mg2425.5
ZyagenPR-UR-200Pig Universal Reference Total RNA2x0.1mg4646.25
ZyagenPR-UR-400Pig Universal Reference Total RNA4x0.1mg7560
ZyagenSR-UR-100Sheep Universal Reference Total RNA1x0.1mg2425.5
ZyagenSR-UR-200Sheep Universal Reference Totol RNA2x0.1mg4646.25
ZyagenSR-UR-400Sheep Universal Reference Total RNA4x0.1mg7560
ZyagenMD-UR-40-RHMouse Universal Reference cDNA-Random Hexamer1x40 reactions3150
ZyagenMD-UR-80-RHMouse Universal Reference cDNA-Random Hexamer2x40 reactions5985
ZyagenRD-UR-40-RHRat Universal Reference cDNA-Random Hexamer1x40 reactions3150
ZyagenRD-UR-80-RHRat Universal Reference cDNA-Random Hexamer2x40 reactions5985
ZyagenKR-UR-100Monkey Universal Reference Total RNA1x0.1mg2425.5
ZyagenKR-UR-200Monkey Universal Reference Total RNA2x0.1mg4646.25
ZyagenKR-UR-400Monkey Universal Reference Total RNA4x0.1mg7560
ZyagenBD-UR-40Bovine Universal Reference cDNA-Oligo dT1x40 reactions3150
ZyagenBD-UR-80Bovine Universal Reference cDNA-Oligo dT2x40 reactions5985
ZyagenBD-UR-40-RHBovine Universal Reference cDNA-Random Hexamer1x40 reactions3150
ZyagenBD-UR-80-RHBovine Universal Reference cDNA-Random Hexamer2x40 reactions5985
ZyagenCD-UR-80-RHChicken Universal Reference cDNA-Random Hexamer2x40 reactions5985
ZyagenCD-UR-40-RHChicken Universal Reference cDNA-Random Hexamer1x40 reactions3150
ZyagenCD-UR-80Chicken Universal Reference cDNA-Oligo dT2x40 reactions5985
ZyagenCD-UR-40Chicken Universal Reference cDNA-Oligo dT1x40 reactions3150
ZyagenDD-UR-40-RHDog Universal Reference cDNA-Random Hexamer1x40 reactions3638.25
ZyagenDD-UR-80-RHDog Universal Reference cDNA-Random Hexamer2x40 reactions6457.5
ZyagenDD-UR-40Dog Universal Reference cDNA-Oligo dT1x40 reactions3638.25
ZyagenDD-UR-80Dog Universal Reference cDNA-Oligo dT2x40 reactions6457.5
ZyagenHD-UR-40-RHHuman Universal Reference cDNA-Random Hexamer1x40 reactions3638.25
ZyagenHD-UR-80-RHHuman Universal Reference cDNA-Random Hexamer2x40 reactions6457.5
ZyagenHD-UR-40Human Universal Reference cDNA-Oligo dT1x40 reactions3638.25
ZyagenHD-UR-80Human Universal Reference cDNA-Oligo dT2x40 reactions6457.5
ZyagenKD-UR-40-RHMonkey Universal Reference cDNA-Random Hexamer1x40 reactions3638.25
ZyagenKD-UR-80-RHMonkey Universal Reference cDNA-Random Hexamer2x40 reactions6457.5
ZyagenKD-UR-40Monkey Universal Reference cDNA-Oligo dT1x40 reactions3638.25
ZyagenKD-UR-80Monkey Universal Reference cDNA-Oligo dT2x40 reactions6457.5
ZyagenPD-UR-40-RHPig Universal Reference cDNA-Random Hexamer1x40 reactions3150
ZyagenPD-UR-80-RHPig Universal Reference cDNA-Random Hexamer2x40 reactions5985
ZyagenPD-UR-40Pig Universal Reference cDNA-Oligo dT1x40 reactions3150
ZyagenPD-UR-80Pig Universal Reference cDNA-Oligo dT2x40 reactions5985
ZyagenSD-UR-40-RHSheep Universal Reference cDNA-Random Hexamer1x40 reactions3150
ZyagenSD-UR-80-RHSheep Universal Reference cDNA-Random Hexamer2x40 reactions5985
ZyagenSD-UR-40Sheep Universal Reference cDNA-Oligo dT1x40 reactions3150
ZyagenSD-UR-80Sheep Universal Reference cDNA-Oligo dT2x40 reactions5985
ZyagenGA-170CFHamster, Chinese, Genomic DNA, Female*0.05mg2315.25
ZyagenGA-170AMHamster, Armenian, Genomic DNA, Male0.1mg2315.25
ZyagenGA-170AFHamster, Armenian, Genomic DNA, Female0.1mg2315.25
ZyagenRF-127Rat Levator Ani Muscle Frozen Sections10 Slides4142.25
ZyagenRF-128Rat Bulbocavernosus Muscles Frozen Sections10 slides4142.25
ZyagenRP-128Rat Bulbocavernosus Muscles Paraffin Sections10 slides4142.25
ZyagenRP-127Rat Levator Ani Muscle Paraffin Sections10 slides4142.25
ZyagenMP-127Mouse CD1 Levator Ani Muscle Paraffin Sections10 Slides4142.25
ZyagenMP-128Mouse CD1 Bulbocavernosus Muscles Paraffin Sections10 slides4142.25
ZyagenPLG-1095Flaxseed Genomic DNA0.1mg3969
ZyagenPLG-1096Oat Genomic DNA0.1mg3969
ZyagenPLG-1097Rye Genomic DNA0.1mg3969
ZyagenPLD-1095Flaxseed cDNA30 reactions6457.5
ZyagenPLD-1096Oat cDNA30 reactions6457.5
ZyagenPLD-1097Rye cDNA30 reactions6457.5
ZyagenPLR-1095Flaxseed Total RNA0.05mg4803.75
ZyagenPLR-1096Oat Total RNA0.05mg4803.75
ZyagenPLR-1097Rye Total RNA0.05mg4803.75
ZyagenPLT-1095Flaxseed Total Protein0.5mg2976.75
ZyagenPLT-1096Oat Total Protein0.5mg2976.75
ZyagenPLT-1097Rye Total Protein0.5mg2976.75
ZyagenPLG-1121Chickpea Genomic DNA0.1mg3969
ZyagenPLG-1141Pea Genomic DNA0.1mg3969
ZyagenPLG-1151Lentil Genomic DNA0.1mg3969
ZyagenPLG-1099Sweet Potato Genomic DNA0.1mg3969
ZyagenPLG-1161Lotus Genomic DNA0.1mg3969
ZyagenTR-413Rabbit Placenta Total RNA0.1mg2063.25
ZyagenTR-414Rabbit Mammary Gland Total RNA0.05mg2063.25
ZyagenTD-413Rabbit Placenta cDNA30 reactions3150
ZyagenTD-414Rabbit Mammary Gland cDNA30 reactions3150
ZyagenMR-005R-C57Mouse C57 Minor Tissue Total RNA Panel, any 5 tissues5x0.01mg11261.25
ZyagenMR-902-C57Mouse C57 Bladder Total RNA0.025mg2331
ZyagenMR-605-C57Mouse C57 Diaphragm Total RNA0.025mg2331
ZyagenMR-301-C57Mouse C57 Esophagus Total RNA0.025mg2331
ZyagenMR-106-C57Mouse C57 Eye Total RNA0.025mg2331
ZyagenMR-802-C57Mouse C57 Heart, left and right atrium Total RNA0.05mg2331
ZyagenMR-805-C57Mouse C57 Heart, left and right ventricle Total RNA0.05mg2331
ZyagenMR-111-C57Mouse C57 Lacrimal Gland Total RNA0.05mg2331
ZyagenMR-406-C57Mouse C57 Ovary Total RNA0.025mg2331
ZyagenMR-416-C57Mouse C57 Penis Total RNA0.05mg2331
ZyagenMR-316-C57Mouse C57 Salivary Gland, Parotid Total RNA0.05mg2331
ZyagenMR-412-C57Mouse C57 Vagina Total RNA0.05mg2331
ZyagenMR-230-C57Mouse C57 Spinal cord, whole Total RNA0.05mg2331
ZyagenMR-310-C57Mouse C57 Cecum Total RNA0.1mg2331
ZyagenMR-311-C57Mouse C57 Colon Total RNA0.1mg2331
ZyagenMR-801-C57Mouse C57 Heart, whole Total RNA0.05mg2331
ZyagenMR-901-C57Mouse C57 Kidney Total RNA0.1mg2331
ZyagenMR-601-C57Mouse C57 Lung Total RNA0.1mg2331
ZyagenMR-312-C57Mouse C57 Rectum Total RNA0.1mg2331
ZyagenMR-317-C57Mouse C57 Salivary Gland, Mandibular Total RNA0.1mg2331
ZyagenMR-407-C57Mouse C57 Seminal Vesicles Total RNA0.1mg2331
ZyagenMR-102-C57Mouse C57 Skeletal Muscles Total RNA0.05mg2331
ZyagenMR-101-C57Mouse C57 Skin Total RNA0.05mg2331
ZyagenMR-307-C57Mouse C57 Intestine, Duodenum Total RNA0.1mg2331
ZyagenMR-308-C57Mouse C57 Intestine, Jejunum Total RNA0.1mg2331
ZyagenMR-309-C57Mouse C57 Intestine, Ileum Total RNA0.1mg2331
ZyagenMR-701-C57Mouse C57 Spleen Total RNA0.1mg2331
ZyagenMR-401-C57Mouse C57 Testis Total RNA0.1mg2331
ZyagenMR-702-C57Mouse C57 Thymus Total RNA0.05mg2331
ZyagenMR-105-C57Mouse C57 Tongue Total RNA0.1mg2331
ZyagenMR-411-C57Mouse C57 Uterus, non-pregnant Total RNA0.1mg2331
ZyagenMR-201-C57Mouse C57 Brain Total RNA0.05mg2331
ZyagenMR-314-C57Mouse C57 Liver Total RNA0.1mg2331
ZyagenMR-313-C57Mouse C57 Pancreas Total RNA0.1mg2331
ZyagenMR-306-C57Mouse C57 Intestine, whole Total RNA0.1mg2331
ZyagenMR-302-C57Mouse C57 Stomach, whole Total RNA0.1mg2331
ZyagenMR-010-C57Mouse C57 Major Tissue Total RNA Panel, any 10 tissues10x0.025mg11261.25
ZyagenMR-015-C57Mouse C57 Major Tissue Total RNA Panel, any 15 tissues15X0.025mg14726.25
ZyagenMR-005-C57Mouse C57 Major Tissue Total RNA Panel, any 5 tissues5X0.025mg7796.25
ZyagenGB-230Bison (Bufflao) Genomic DNA0.1mg2315.25
ZyagenGF-240MFrog, Xenopus Genomic DNA, Male0.1mg2315.25
ZyagenGF-240FFrog Xenopus Genomic DNA. Female0.1mg2315.25
ZyagenGE-310Ecoli Genomic DNA*0.05mg2315.25
ZyagenGY-300Yeast Genomic DNA*0.05mg2315.25
ZyagenGD-290Drosophila Genomic DNA*0.025mg2315.25
ZyagenGC-280C Elegans Genomic DNA*0.025mg2315.25
ZyagenGW-250Wildboar Genomic DNA0.1mg2315.25
ZyagenGZ-270Zebrafish Genomic DNA0.025mg2315.25
ZyagenGL-260Llama genomic DNA0.1mg2315.25
ZyagenGC-270Camel Genomic DNA0.1mg2315.25
ZyagenGE-240ELK Genomic DNA0.1mg2315.25
ZyagenGO-320Ostrich Genomic DNA0.1mg2315.25
ZyagenMR-103Mouse CD1 Adipose Tissue Total RNA0.025mg2772
ZyagenMR-501 Mouse CD1 Adrenal Total RNA0.025mg2772
ZyagenMR-807 Mouse CD1 Aorta Total RNA0.025mg2772
ZyagenMR-704 Mouse CD1 Bone Marrow Total RNA0.025mg2772
ZyagenMR-109 Mouse CD1 Cartilage Total RNA0.025mg2772
ZyagenMR-812 Mouse CD1 Jugular Vein Total RNA0.025mg2772
ZyagenMR-703 Mouse CD1 Lymph Nodes Total RNA0.025mg2772
ZyagenMR-502Mouse CD1 Pituitary Total RNA0.025mg2772
ZyagenMR-811 Mouse CD1 Portal Vein Total RNA0.025mg2772
ZyagenMR-408 Mouse CD1 Prostate Total RNA0.025mg2772
ZyagenMR-706 Mouse CD1 Peyer's Patches Total RNA0.025mg2772
ZyagenMR-503 Mouse CD1 Thyroid Total RNA0.025mg2772
ZyagenMR-602 Mouse CD1 Trachea Total RNA0.025mg2772
ZyagenMR-409Mouse CD1 Vas Deferens Total RNA0.025mg2772
ZyagenMR-908 Mouse CD1 Vena Cava Total RNA0.025mg2772
ZyagenMR-705Mouse CD1 Blood Total RNA0.025mg3465
ZyagenMR-108 Mouse CD1 Bone, Calvaria Total RNA0.025mg4425.75
ZyagenMR-107 Mouse CD1 Bone, long Total RNA0.025mg4425.75
ZyagenMR-005RMouse CD1 Minor Tissue Total RNA Panel, any 5 tissues5x0.01mg10332
ZyagenMR-010RMouse CD1 Minor Tissue Total RNA Panel, any 10 tissues10X0.01mg13639.5
ZyagenMR-015RMouse CD1 Minor Tissue Total RNA Panel, any 15 tissues15X0.01mg16222.5
ZyagenMR-215 Mouse CD1 Brainstem Total RNA0.05mg2063.25
ZyagenMR-202 Mouse CD1 Cerebellum Total RNA0.05mg2063.25
ZyagenMR-212 Mouse CD1 Cerebral Cortex, entorhinal  Total RNA0.05mg2063.25
ZyagenMR-210 Mouse CD1 Cerebral Cortex, frontal Total RNA0.05mg2063.25
ZyagenMR-211 Mouse CD1 Cerebral Cortex, posterior Total RNA0.05mg2063.25
ZyagenMR-209 Mouse CD1 Cerebrum Total RNA0.05mg2063.25
ZyagenMR-203 Mouse  CD1 Hippocampus Total RNA0.025mg2063.25
ZyagenMR-204 Mouse CD1 Hypothalamus Total RNA0.025mg2063.25
ZyagenMR-206 Mouse CD1 Medulla Total RNA0.025mg2063.25
ZyagenMR-217 Mouse CD1 Midbrain Total RNA0.05mg2063.25
ZyagenMR-213 Mouse CD1 Olfactory Bulb Total RNA0.025mg2063.25
ZyagenMR-207 Mouse CD1 Pons Total RNA0.025mg2063.25
ZyagenMR-214 Mouse CD1 Striatum Total RNA0.025mg2063.25
ZyagenMR-205 Mouse CD1 Thalamus Total RNA0.025mg2063.25
ZyagenMR-201Mouse CD1 Brain, whole Total RNA0.05mg2063.25
ZyagenMR-201-005Mouse CD1 Brain Region Total RNA Panel, Set of any 5 Regions5X0.010mg8410.5
ZyagenMR-201-010Mouse CD1 Brain Region Total RNA Panel, Set of any 10 Regions10x0.010mg10143
ZyagenMR-201-015Mouse CD1 Brain Region Total RNA Panel, Set of any 15 Regions15X0.010mg13608
ZyagenMR-104-11 Mouse CD1 Embryo-E11 Total RNA0.025mg2063.25
ZyagenMR-104-12 Mouse CD1 Embryo-E12 Total RNA0.025mg2063.25
ZyagenMR-104-13 Mouse CD1 Embryo-E13 Total RNA0.025mg2063.25
ZyagenMR-104-14 Mouse CD1 Embryo-E14 Total RNA0.05mg2063.25
ZyagenMR-104-15 Mouse CD1 Embryo-E15 Total RNA0.1mg2063.25
ZyagenMR-104-16Mouse CD1 Embryo-E16 Total RNA0.1mg2063.25
ZyagenMR-104-17Mouse CD1 Embryo-E17 Total RNA0.1mg2063.25
ZyagenMR-104-18Mouse CD1 Embryo-E18 Total RNA0.1mg2063.25
ZyagenMR-104-005 Mouse CD1 Embryo Total RNA Panel, Set of 5 Embryos5X0.015mg9182.25
ZyagenMR-104-008Mouse CD1 Embryo Total RNA Panel, Set of 8 Embryos8x0.015mg12647.25
ZyagenMR-414-11 Mouse CD1 Mammary Gland, E11  Total RNA0.05mg2063.25
ZyagenMR-414-12 Mouse CD1 Mammary Gland, E12 Total RNA0.05mg2063.25
ZyagenMR-414-13 Mouse CD1 Mammary Gland, E13 Total RNA0.05mg2063.25
ZyagenMR-414-14 Mouse CD1 Mammary Gland, E14 Total RNA0.05mg2063.25
ZyagenMR-414-15 Mouse CD1 Mammary Gland, E15 Total RNA0.05mg2063.25
ZyagenMR-414-16 Mouse CD1 Mammary Gland, E16  Total RNA0.05mg2063.25
ZyagenMR-414-17 Mouse CD1 Mammary Gland, E17  Total RNA0.05mg2063.25
ZyagenMR-414-18 Mouse CD1 Mammary Gland, E18  Total RNA0.05mg2063.25
ZyagenMR-414-L1 Mouse CD1 Mammary Gland, Day 1 of Lactation  Total RNA0.05mg2063.25
ZyagenMR-414-L3 Mouse CD1 Mammary Gland, Day 3 of Lactation  Total RNA0.05mg2063.25
ZyagenMR-414-L7 Mouse CD1 Mammary Gland, Day 7 of Lactation  Total RNA0.05mg2063.25
ZyagenMR-414-N1Mouse CD1 Mammary Gland, Day 1 of involution  Total RNA0.05mg2063.25
ZyagenMR-414-N7 Mouse CD1 Mammary Gland, Day 7 of involution  Total RNA0.05mg2063.25
ZyagenMR-414-005 Mouse CD1 Mammary Gland Total RNA Panel, set of any 5 Tissues5X0.025mg9182.25
ZyagenMR-414-010 Mouse CD1 Mammary Gland Total RNA Panel, set of any 10 Tissues10x0.025mg12647.25
ZyagenMR-414-014Mouse CD1 Mammary Gland Total RNA Panel, set of any 14 Tissues14X0.025mg16112.25
ZyagenMR-413-11 Mouse CD1 Placenta-E11 Total RNA0.05mg2063.25
ZyagenMR-413-12 Mouse CD1 Placenta-E12 Total RNA0.05mg2063.25
ZyagenMR-413-13 Mouse CD1 Placenta-E13  Total RNA0.05mg2063.25
ZyagenMR-413-14 Mouse CD1 Placenta-E14 Total RNA0.05mg2063.25
ZyagenMR-413-15 Mouse CD1 Placenta-E15 Total RNA0.05mg2063.25
ZyagenMR-413-16 Mouse CD1 Placenta-E16 Total RNA0.05mg2063.25
ZyagenMR-413-17 Mouse CD1 Placenta-E17 Total RNA0.05mg2063.25
ZyagenMR-413-18 Mouse CD1 Placenta-E18 Total RNA0.05mg2063.25
ZyagenMR-413-005 Mouse CD1 Placental Tissue Total RNA Panel, Set of any 5 tissues5X0.025mg8489.25
ZyagenMR-413-008Mouse  CD1 Placental Tissue Total RNA Panel, Set of any 8 tissues8x0.025mg11954.25
ZyagenRR-103Rat Adipose Tissue Total RNA0.05mg2772
ZyagenRR-501Rat Adrenal Total RNA0.025mg2772
ZyagenRR-807Rat Aorta Total RNA0.025mg2772
ZyagenRR-704Rat Bone Marrow Total RNA0.025mg2772
ZyagenRR-109Rat Cartilage Total RNA0.025mg2772
ZyagenRR-812Rat Jugular Vein Total RNA0.025mg2772
ZyagenRR-703Rat Lymph Nodes Total RNA0.025mg2772
ZyagenRR-502Rat Pituitary Total RNA0.025mg2772
ZyagenRR-811Rat Portal Vein Total RNA0.025mg2772
ZyagenRR-706Rat Peyer's Patches Total RNA0.025mg2772
ZyagenRR-503Rat Thyroid Total RNA0.025mg2772
ZyagenRR-602Rat Trachea Total RNA0.025mg2772
ZyagenRR-409Rat Vas Deferens Total RNA0.025mg2772
ZyagenRR-908Rat Vena Cava Total RNA0.025mg2772
ZyagenRR-705Rat Blood Total RNA0.025mg3465
ZyagenRR-108Rat Bone, Calvaria Total RNA0.025mg4425.75
ZyagenRR-107Rat Bone, long Total RNA0.025mg4425.75
ZyagenRR-005Rat Major Tissue Total RNA Panel, Any 5 tissues5X0.025mg6867
ZyagenMD-104-008Mouse CD1 Embryo cDNA Panel, Set of 8 Embryos8x10reactions13781.25
ZyagenMD-104-005Mouse CD1 Embryo cDNA Panel, Set of any 5 Embryos5x10 reactions10316.25
ZyagenMD-104-11Mouse CD1 Embryo-E11 cDNA30reactions3150
ZyagenMD-104-12Mouse CD1 Embryo-E12 cDNA30 reactions3150
ZyagenMD-104-13Mouse CD1 Embryo-E13 cDNA30 reactions3150
ZyagenMD-104-14Mouse CD1 Embryo-E14 cDNA30 reactions3150
ZyagenMD-104-15Mouse CD1 Embryo-E15 cDNA30 reactions3150
ZyagenMD-104-16Mouse CD1 Embryo-E16 cDNA30 reactions3150
ZyagenMD-104-17Mouse CD1 Embryo-E17 cDNA30 reactions3150
ZyagenMD-104-18Mouse CD1 Embryo-E18 cDNA30 reactions3150
ZyagenMD-103-C57Mouse C57 Adipose Tissue cDNA *30 reactions4142.25
ZyagenMD-501-C57Mouse C57 Adrenal cDNA *30 reactions4142.25
ZyagenMD-807-C57Mouse C57 Aorta cDNA *30 reactions4142.25
ZyagenMD-902-C57Mouse C57 Bladder  cDNA30 reactions3638.25
ZyagenMD-705-C57Mouse C57 Blood cDNA *30 reactions4473
ZyagenMD-704-C57Mouse C57 Bone Marrow cDNA *30 reactions4142.25
ZyagenMD-108-C57Mouse C57 Bone, Calvaria  Tissue cDNA*30 reactions5622.75
ZyagenMD-107-C57Mouse C57 Bone, long  cDNA *30 reactions5622.75
ZyagenMD-201-C57-1Mouse C57 Brain, whole  cDNA30 reactions3638.25
ZyagenMD-109-C57Mouse C57 Cartilage cDNA *30 reactions4142.25
ZyagenMD-310-C57Mouse C57 Cecum  cDNA30 reactions3638.25
ZyagenMD-311-C57Mouse C57 Colon  cDNA30 reactions3638.25
ZyagenMD-605-C57Mouse C57 Diaphragm cDNA30 reactions3638.25
ZyagenMD-402-C57Mouse C57 Epididymis, whole  cDNA30 reactions3638.25
ZyagenMD-301-C57Mouse C57 Esophagus cDNA30 reactions3638.25
ZyagenMD-106-C57Mouse C57 Eye cDNA30 reactions3638.25
ZyagenMD-802-C57Mouse C57 Heart, left and right atrium cDNA30 reactions3638.25
ZyagenMD-805-C57Mouse C57 Heart, left and right ventricle  cDNA30 reactions3638.25
ZyagenMD-801-C57Mouse C57 Heart, whole cDNA30 reactions3638.25
ZyagenMD-812-C57Mouse C57 Jugular Vein cDNA *30 reactions4142.25
ZyagenMD-901-C57Mouse C57 Kidney cDNA30 reactions3638.25
ZyagenMD-111-C57Mouse C57 Lacrimal Gland cDNA30 reactions3638.25
ZyagenMD-314-C57Mouse C57 Liver cDNA30 reactions3638.25
ZyagenMD-601-C57Mouse C57 Lung cDNA30 reactions3638.25
ZyagenMD-703-C57Mouse C57 Lymph nodes cDNA *30 reactions4142.25
ZyagenMD-414-C57-1Mouse C57 Mammary Gland, non pregnant cDNA30 reactions3638.25
ZyagenMD-406-C57Mouse C57 Ovary cDNA30 reactions3638.25
ZyagenMD-313-C57Mouse C57 Pancreas cDNA30 reactions3638.25
ZyagenMD-416-C57Mouse C57 Penis cDNA30 reactions3638.25
ZyagenMD-706-C57Mouse C57 Peyer's Patches  cDNA *30 reactions4142.25
ZyagenMD-502-C57Mouse C57 Pituitary cDNA *30 reactions4142.25
ZyagenMD-811-C57Mouse C57 Portal Vein cDNA *30 reactions4142.25
ZyagenMD-408-C57Mouse C57 Prostate cDNA30 reactions3638.25
ZyagenMD-312-C57Mouse C57 Rectum cDNA30 reactions3638.25
ZyagenMD-316-C57Mouse C57 Salivary gland, Parotid cDNA30 reactions3638.25
ZyagenMD-317-C57Mouse C57 Salivary gland, Submandibular cDNA30 reactions3638.25
ZyagenMD-407-C57Mouse C57 Seminal Vesicles cDNA30 reactions3638.25
ZyagenMD-102-C57Mouse C57 Skeletal Muscles cDNA30 reactions3638.25
ZyagenMD-101-C57Mouse C57 Skin cDNA30 reactions3638.25
ZyagenMD-307-C57Mouse C57 Intestine, Duodenum cDNA30 reactions3638.25
ZyagenMD-309-C57Mouse C57 Intestine, Ileum  cDNA30 reactions3638.25
ZyagenMD-308-C57Mouse C57 Intestine, Jejunum cDNA30 reactions3638.25
ZyagenMD-306-C57Mouse C57 Intestine, whole cDNA30 reactions3638.25
ZyagenMD-230-C57Mouse C57 Spinal cord, whole  cDNA30 reactions3638.25
ZyagenMD-701-C57Mouse C57 Spleen cDNA30 reactions3638.25
ZyagenMD-302-C57Mouse C57 Stomach, whole cDNA30 reactions3638.25
ZyagenMD-401-C57Mouse C57 Testis  cDNA30 reactions3638.25
ZyagenMD-702-C57Mouse C57 Thymus cDNA30 reactions3638.25
ZyagenMD-503-C57Mouse C57 Thyroid cDNA *30 reactions4142.25
ZyagenMD-010R-C57Mouse C57 Tissue cDNA Panel, select any 10  including tissues noted with *10x10 reactions17844.75
ZyagenMD-010-C57Mouse C57 Tissue cDNA Panel, select any 10 tissues except noted with *10x10 reactions15419.25
ZyagenMD-005-C57Mouse C57 Tissue cDNA Panel, select any 5 tissues except noted with *5x10 reactions10221.75
ZyagenMD-105-C57Mouse C57 Tongue cDNA30 reactions3638.25
ZyagenMD-602-C57Mouse C57 Trachea cDNA30 reactions4142.25
ZyagenMD-411-C57Mouse C57 Uterus, non-pregnant cDNA30 reactions3638.25
ZyagenMD-412-C57Mouse C57 Vagina cDNA30 reactions3638.25
ZyagenMD-809-C57Mouse C57 Vena Cava cDNA *30 reactions4142.25
ZyagenMD-015-C57Mouse C57 Tissue cDNA Panel, select any 15 tissues except noted with *15x10 Reactions18884.25
ZyagenMD-015Mouse CD1 Tissue cDNA Panel, select any 15 tissues except noted with *15x10 reactions15765.75
ZyagenMD-201-010-C57Mouse C57 Brain Region cDNA Panel, Set of any 10 Regions10X10 reactions14726.25
ZyagenMD-201-015-C57Mouse C57 Brain Region cDNA Panel, Set of any 15 Regions15X10 reactions18191.25
ZyagenMD-201-005-C57Mouse C57 Brain Region cDNA Panel, Set of any 5 Regions5X10 reactions10221.75
ZyagenMD-201-C57Mouse C57 Brain, whole Tissue cDNA30 reactions3638.25
ZyagenMD-215-C57Mouse C57 Brainstem cDNA30 reactions3638.25
ZyagenMD-202-C57Mouse C57 Cerebellum cDNA30 reactions3638.25
ZyagenMD-212-C57Mouse C57 Cerebral Cortex, entorhinal cDNA30 reactions3638.25
ZyagenMD-210-C57Mouse C57 Cerebral Cortex, frontal cDNA30 reactions3638.25
ZyagenMD-211-C57Mouse C57 Cerebral Cortex, posterior cDNA30 reactions3638.25
ZyagenMD-209-C57Mouse C57 Cerebrum cDNA30 reactions3638.25
ZyagenMD-203-C57Mouse C57 Hippocampus cDNA30 reactions3638.25
ZyagenMD-204-C57Mouse C57 Hypothalamus cDNA30 reactions3638.25
ZyagenMD-206-C57Mouse C57 Medulla cDNA30 reactions3638.25
ZyagenMD-217-C57Mouse C57 Midbrain cDNA30 reactions3638.25
ZyagenMD-213-C57Mouse C57 Olfactory Bulb cDNA30 reactions3638.25
ZyagenMD-207-C57Mouse C57 Pons cDNA30 reactions3638.25
ZyagenMD-214-C57Mouse C57 Striatum cDNA30 reactions3638.25
ZyagenMD-205-C57Mouse C57 Thalamus cDNA30 reactions3638.25
ZyagenMD-104-008-C57Mouse C57 Embryo cDNA Panel, Set of 8 Embryos8x10reactions17073
ZyagenMD-104-005-C57Mouse C57 Embryo cDNA Panel, Set of any 5 Embryos5x10 reactions13088.25
ZyagenMD-104-11-C57Mouse C57 Embryo-E11 cDNA30 reactions3638.25
ZyagenMD-104-12-C57Mouse C57 Embryo-E12 cDNA30 reactions3638.25
ZyagenMD-104-13-C57Mouse C57 Embryo-E13 cDNA30 reactions3638.25
ZyagenMD-104-14-C57Mouse C57 Embryo-E14 cDNA30 reactions3638.25
ZyagenMD-104-15-C57Mouse C57 Embryo-E15 cDNA30 reactions3638.25
ZyagenMD-104-16-C57Mouse C57 Embryo-E16 cDNA30 reactions3638.25
ZyagenMD-104-17-C57Mouse C57 Embryo-E17 cDNA30 reactions3638.25
ZyagenMD-104-18-C57Mouse C57 Embryo-E18 cDNA30 reactions3638.25
ZyagenMD-413-11-C57Mouse C57 Placenta-E11 cDNA30 reactions3638.25
ZyagenMD-413-12-C57Mouse C57 Placenta-E12 cDNA30 reactions3638.25
ZyagenMD-413-13-C57Mouse C57 Placenta-E13 cDNA30 reactions3638.25
ZyagenMD-413-14-C57Mouse C57 Placenta-E14 cDNA30 reactions3638.25
ZyagenMD-413-15-C57Mouse C57 Placenta-E15 cDNA30 reactions3638.25
ZyagenMD-413-16-C57Mouse C57 Placenta-E16 cDNA30 reactions3638.25
ZyagenMD-413-17-C57Mouse C57 Placenta-E17 cDNA30 reactions3638.25
ZyagenMD-413-18-C57Mouse C57 Placenta-E18 cDNA30 reactions3638.25
ZyagenMD-413-005-C57Mouse C57 Placental Tissue cDNA Panel, Set of any 5 tissues5x10 reactions13088.25
ZyagenMD-413-008-C57Mouse C57 Placental Tissue cDNA Panel, Set of any 8 tissues8x10reactions17073
ZyagenMD-414-010-C57Mouse C57 Mammary Gland cDNA Panel, set of any 10 Tissues10x10 reactions17073
ZyagenMD-414-014-C57Mouse C57 Mammary Gland cDNA Panel, set of any 14 Tissues14x10reactions20616.75
ZyagenMD-414-005-C57Mouse C57 Mammary Gland cDNA Panel, set of any 5 Tissues5x10 reactions13088.25
ZyagenMD-414-N1-C57Mouse C57 Mammary Gland, Day 1 of Involution cDNA30 reactions3638.25
ZyagenMD-414-L1-C57Mouse C57 Mammary Gland, Day 1 of Lactation cDNA30 reactions3638.25
ZyagenMD-414-L3-C57Mouse C57 Mammary Gland, Day 3 of Lactation cDNA30 reactions3638.25
ZyagenMD-414-N7-C57Mouse C57 Mammary Gland, Day 7 of Involution cDNA30 reactions3638.25
ZyagenMD-414-L7-C57Mouse C57 Mammary Gland, Day 7 of Lactation cDNA30 reactions3638.25
ZyagenMD-414-11-C57Mouse C57 Mammary Gland, E11 cDNA30 reactions3638.25
ZyagenMD-414-12-C57Mouse C57 Mammary Gland, E12 cDNA30 reactions3638.25
ZyagenMD-414-13-C57Mouse C57 Mammary Gland, E13 cDNA30 reactions3638.25
ZyagenMD-414-14-C57Mouse C57 Mammary Gland, E14 cDNA30 reactions3638.25
ZyagenMD-414-15-C57Mouse C57 Mammary Gland, E15 cDNA30 reactions3638.25
ZyagenMD-414-16-C57Mouse C57 Mammary Gland, E16 cDNA30 reactions3638.25
ZyagenMD-414-17-C57Mouse C57 Mammary Gland, E17 cDNA30 reactions3638.25
ZyagenMD-414-18-C57Mouse C57 Mammary Gland, E18 cDNA30 reactions3638.25
ZyagenMD-414-C57Mouse C57 Mammary Gland, non pregnant cDNA30 reactions3638.25
ZyagenRD-015Rat Tissue cDNA Panel, select any 15 tissues except noted with *15X10 reactions15765.75
ZyagenND-010Minipig Tissue Panel, any 10 tissues10x10 reactions18191.25
ZyagenKD-010Monkey Tissue cDNA Panel, Cynomolgus, any 10 tissues10x10 reactions18191.25
ZyagenUD-010Monkey Tissue cDNA Panel, Rhesus, any 10 tissues10x10 reactions18191.25
ZyagenMT-902-C57Mouse C57 Bladder Total Protein0.5mg2331
ZyagenMT-310-C57Mouse C57 Cecum Total Protein1mg2331
ZyagenMT-311-C57Mouse C57 Colon Total Protein1mg2331
ZyagenMT-605-C57Mouse C57 Diaphragm Total Protein0.5mg2331
ZyagenMT-402-C57Mouse C57 Epididymis, whole Total Protein0.5mg2331
ZyagenMT-301-C57Mouse C57 Esophagus Total Protein0.5mg2331
ZyagenMT-106-C57Mouse C57 Eye Total Protein0.5mg2331
ZyagenMT-801-C57Mouse C57 Heart, whole Total Protein1mg2331
ZyagenMT-802-C57Mouse C57 Heart, left and right atrium Total Protein0.5mg2331
ZyagenMT-805-C57Mouse C57 Heart, left and right ventricle Total Protein0.5mg2331
ZyagenMT-901-C57Mouse C57 Kidney Total Protein1mg2331
ZyagenMT-111-C57Mouse C57 Lacrimal gland Total Protein0.5mg2331
ZyagenMT-314-C57Mouse C57 Liver Total Protein1mg2331
ZyagenMT-601-C57Mouse C57 Lung Total Protein1mg2331
ZyagenMT-406-C57Mouse C57 Ovary Total Protein0.5mg2331
ZyagenMT-313-C57Mouse C57 Pancreas Total Protein1mg2331
ZyagenMT-416-C57Mouse C57 Penis Total Protein0.5mg2331
ZyagenMT-408-C57Mouse C57 Prostate Total Protein0.5mg2331
ZyagenMT-312-C57Mouse C57 Rectum Total Protein0.5mg2331
ZyagenMT-317-C57Mouse C57 Salivary gland, Mandibular Total Protein1mg2331
ZyagenMT-316-C57Mouse C57 Salivary gland, Parotid Total Protein1mg2331
ZyagenMT-407-C57Mouse C57 Seminal Vesicles Total Protein0.5mg2331
ZyagenMT-102-C57Mouse C57 Skeletal Muscles Total Protein1mg2331
ZyagenMT-101-C57Mouse C57 Skin Total Protein0.5mg2331
ZyagenMT-306-C57Mouse C57 Intestine, whole Total Protein1mg2331
ZyagenMT-307-C57Mouse C57 Intestine, Duodenum Total Protein0.5mg2331
ZyagenMT-308-C57Mouse C57 Intestine, Jejunum Total Protein0.5mg2331
ZyagenMT-309-C57Mouse C57 Intestine, Ileum Total Protein0.5mg2331
ZyagenMT-701-C57Mouse C57 Spleen Total Protein1mg2331
ZyagenMT-302-C57Mouse C57 Stomach, whole Total Protein1mg2331
ZyagenMT-401-C57Mouse C57 Testis Total Protein1mg2331
ZyagenMT-702-C57Mouse C57 Thymus Total Protein0.5mg2331
ZyagenMT-105-C57Mouse C57 Tongue Total Protein0.5mg2331
ZyagenMT-411-C57Mouse C57 Uterus, non-pregnant Total Protein0.5mg2331
ZyagenMT-412-C57Mouse C57 Vagina Total Protein0.5mg2331
ZyagenMT-414-C57Mouse C57 Mammary Gland, non pregnant Total Protein0.5mg2331
ZyagenMT-201-C57Mouse C57 Brain, whole Total Protein1mg2331
ZyagenMT-230-C57Mouse C57 Spinal cord, whole Total Protein0.5mg2331
ZyagenMT-103-C57Mouse C57 Adipose Tissue Total Protein*0.5mg2913.75
ZyagenMT-501-C57Mouse C57 Adrenal Total Protein*0.5mg2913.75
ZyagenMT-807-C57Mouse C57 Aorta Total Protein*0.5mg2913.75
ZyagenMT-704-C57Mouse C57 Bone Marrow Total Protein*0.5mg2913.75
ZyagenMT-109-C57Mouse  C57 Cartilage Total Protein*0.5mg2913.75
ZyagenMT-812-C57Mouse C57 Jugular Vein Total Protein*0.5mg2913.75
ZyagenMT-703-C57Mouse C57 Lymph nodes Total Protein*0.5mg2913.75
ZyagenMT-502-C57Mouse C57 Pituitary Total Protein*0.5mg2913.75
ZyagenMT-811-C57Mouse C57 Portal Vein Total Protein*0.5mg2913.75
ZyagenMT-706-C57Mouse C57 Peyer's Patches Total Protein*0.5mg2913.75
ZyagenMT-503-C57Mouse C57 Thyroid Total Protein*0.5mg2913.75
ZyagenMT-602-C57Mouse C57 Trachea Total Protein*0.5mg2913.75
ZyagenMT-409-C57Mouse C57 Vas Deferens Total Protein*0.5mg2913.75
ZyagenMT-908-C57Mouse C57 Vena Cava Total Protein*0.5mg2913.75
ZyagenMT-705-C57Mouse C57 Blood Total Protein*0.5mg3496.5
ZyagenMT-108-C57Mouse C57 Bone, Calvaria Total Protein*0.5mg4473
ZyagenMT-107-C57Mouse C57 Bone, long Total Protein*0.5mg4473
ZyagenMT-005-C57Mouse C57 Tissue Total Protein Panel, Set of any 5 tissues  except noted with *5x0.1mg7890.75
ZyagenMT-010-C57Mouse C57 Tissue Total Protein Panel, Set of any 10  tissues except noted with *10x0.1mg9623.25
ZyagenMT-010R-C57Mouse C57 Tissue Protein Panel, Set of any 10  tissues including noted with *10x0.1mg12048.75
ZyagenMT-015-C57Mouse C57 Tissue Total Protein Panel, Set of any 15  tissues except noted with *15x0.1mg11355.75
ZyagenMT-015R-C57Mouse C57 Tissue Protein Panel, Set of any 15  tissues including noted with *15x0.1mg15513.75
ZyagenMT-201-015-C57Mouse C57 Brain Region Total Protein Panel, Set of any 15 Regions15x0.1mg16458.75
ZyagenMT-201-010-C57Mouse C57 Brain Region Total Protein Panel, Set of any 10 Regions10x0.1mg13686.75
ZyagenMT-201-005-C57Mouse C57 Brain Region Total Protein Panel, Set of any 5 regions5x0.1mg8489.25
ZyagenMT-201-C57Mouse C57 Brain, whole Total Protein1mg2331
ZyagenMT-215-C57Mouse C57 Brainstem Total Protein0.5mg2331
ZyagenMT-202-C57Mouse C57 Cerebellum Total Protein0.5mg2331
ZyagenMT-212-C57Mouse C57 Cerebral Cortex, entorhinal Total Protein0.5mg2331
ZyagenMT-210-C57Mouse C57 Cerebral Cortex, frontal Total Protein0.5mg2331
ZyagenMT-211-C57Mouse C57 Cerebral Cortex, posterior Total Protein0.5mg2331
ZyagenMT-209-C57Mouse C57 Cerebrum Total Protein0.5mg2331
ZyagenMT-203-C57Mouse C57 Hippocampus Total Protein0.5mg2331
ZyagenMT-204-C57Mouse C57 Hypothalamus Total Protein0.5mg2331
ZyagenMT-206-C57Mouse C57 Medulla Total Protein0.5mg2331
ZyagenMT-217-C57Mouse C57 Midbrain Total Protein0.5mg2331
ZyagenMT-213-C57Mouse C57 Olfactory Bulb Total Protein0.5mg2331
ZyagenMT-207-C57Mouse C57 Pons Total Protein0.5mg2331
ZyagenMT-214-C57Mouse C57 Striatum Total Protein0.5mg2331
ZyagenMT-205-C57Mouse C57 Thalamus Total Protein0.5mg2331
ZyagenMT-104-008-C57Mouse C57 Embryo Total Protein Panel, Set of 8 Embryos8x0.1mg13686.75
ZyagenMT-104-005-C57Mouse C57 Embryo Total Protein Panel, Set of 5 Embryos5x0.1mg8489.25
ZyagenMT-104-11-C57Mouse C57 Embryo-E11Total Protein0.5mg2331
ZyagenMT-104-12-C57Mouse C57 Embryo-E12 Total Protein0.5mg2331
ZyagenMT-104-13-C57Mouse C57 Embryo-E13 Total Protein0.5mg2331
ZyagenMT-104-14-C57Mouse C57 Embryo-E14 Total Protein0.5mg2331
ZyagenMT-104-15-C57Mouse C57 Embryo-E15 Total Protein0.5mg2331
ZyagenMT-104-16-C57Mouse C57 Embryo-E16 Total Protein1mg2331
ZyagenMT-104-17-C57Mouse C57 Embryo-E17 Total Protein1mg2331
ZyagenMT-104-18-C57Mouse C57 Embryo-E18 Total Protein1mg2331
ZyagenMT-413-008-C57Mouse C57 Placental Tissue Total Protein Panel, Set of any 8 tissues8x0.1mg13686.75
ZyagenMT-413-005-C57Mouse C57 Placental Tissue Total Protein Panel, Set of any 5 tissues5x0.1mg8489.25
ZyagenMT-413-11-C57Mouse C57 Placenta-E11 Total Protein0.5mg2331
ZyagenMT-413-12-C57Mouse C57 Placenta-E12 Total Protein0.5mg2331
ZyagenMT-413-13-C57Mouse C57 Placenta-E13 Total Protein0.5mg2331
ZyagenMT-413-14-C57Mouse C57 Placenta-E14 Total Protein0.5mg2331
ZyagenMT-413-15-C57Mouse C57 Placenta-E15 Total Protein0.5mg2331
ZyagenMT-413-16-C57Mouse C57 Placenta-E16 Total Protein0.5mg2331
ZyagenMT-413-17-C57Mouse C57 Placenta-E17 Total Protein0.5mg2331
ZyagenMT-413-18-C57Mouse C57 Placenta-E18 Total Protein0.5mg2331
ZyagenMT-414-014-C57Mouse C57 Mammary Gland Total Protein Panel, set of any 14 Tissues14x0.1mg17151.75
ZyagenMT-414-010-C57Mouse C57  Mammary Gland Total Protein Panel, set of any 10 Tissues10x0.1mg13686.75
ZyagenMT-414-005-C57Mouse C57  Mammary Gland Total Protein Panel, set of any 5 Tissues5x0.1mg8489.25
ZyagenMT-414-11-C57Mouse C57  Mammary Gland, E11 Total Protein0.5mg2331
ZyagenMT-414-12-C57Mouse C57  Mammary Gland, E12 Total Protein0.5mg2331
ZyagenMT-414-13-C57Mouse C57  Mammary Gland, E13 Total Protein0.5mg2331
ZyagenMT-414-14-C57Mouse C57  Mammary Gland, E14 Total Protein0.5mg2331
ZyagenMT-414-15-C57Mouse C57  Mammary Gland, E15 Total Protein0.5mg2331
ZyagenMT-414-16-C57Mouse C57  Mammary Gland, E16 Total Protein0.5mg2331
ZyagenMT-414-17-C57Mouse C57  Mammary Gland, E17 Total Protein0.5mg2331
ZyagenMT-414-18-C57Mouse C57  Mammary Gland, E18 Total Protein0.5mg2331
ZyagenMT-414-L1-C57Mouse C57  Mammary Gland, Day 1 of Lactation Total Protein0.5mg2331
ZyagenMT-414-L3-C57Mouse C57  Mammary Gland, Day 3 of Lactation Total Protein0.5mg2331
ZyagenMT-414-L7-C57Mouse C57  Mammary Gland, Day 7 of Lactation Total Protein0.5mg2331
ZyagenMT-414-N1-C57Mouse C57  Mammary Gland, Day 1 of Involution Total Protein0.5mg2331
ZyagenMT-414-N7-C57Mouse C57  Mammary Gland, Day 7 of Involution Total Protein0.5mg2331
ZyagenMT-414-C57Mouse C57  Mammary Gland, non pregnant Total Protein0.5mg2331
ZyagenNT-010Minipig Tissue Total Protein Panel, any 10 tissues10x0.1mg15419.25
ZyagenHT-010Human Tissue Total Protein Panel, any 10 Tissues Except noted with*10x0.1mg18970.875
ZyagenMF-902Mouse CD1 Bladder Frozen Sections10 slides2961
ZyagenMF-310Mouse CD1 Cecum Frozen Sections10 slides2961
ZyagenMF-311Mouse CD1 Colon Frozen Sections10 slides2961
ZyagenMF-403Mouse CD1 Epididymis, Caput Frozen Sections10 slides2961
ZyagenMF-404Mouse CD1 Epididymis, Corpus Frozen Sections10 slides2961
ZyagenMF-405Mouse CD1 Epididymis, Cauda Frozen Sections10 slides2961
ZyagenMF-301Mouse CD1 Esophagus Frozen Sections10 slides2961
ZyagenMF-110Mouse CD1 Harderian gland Frozen Sections10 slides2961
ZyagenMF-802Mouse CD1 Heart, left and right atrium Frozen Sections10 slides2961
ZyagenMF-805Mouse CD1 Heart, left and right ventricle Frozen Sections10 slides2961
ZyagenMF-901Mouse CD1 Kidney Frozen Sections10 slides2961
ZyagenMF-111Mouse CD1 Lacrimal gland Frozen Sections10 slides2961
ZyagenMF-314Mouse CD1 Liver Frozen Sections10 slides2961
ZyagenMF-601Mouse CD1 Lung Frozen Sections10 slides2961
ZyagenMF-406Mouse CD1 Ovary Frozen Sections10 slides2961
ZyagenMF-410Mouse CD1 Oviduct Frozen Sections10 slides2961
ZyagenMF-313Mouse CD1 Pancreas Frozen Sections10 slides2961
ZyagenMF-416Mouse CD1 Penis Frozen Sections10 slides2961
ZyagenMF-408Mouse CD1 Prostate Frozen Sections10 slides2961
ZyagenMF-312Mouse CD1 Rectum Frozen Sections10 slides2961
ZyagenMF-317Mouse CD1 Salivary gland, Mandibular Frozen Sections10 slides2961
ZyagenMF-316Mouse CD1 Salivary gland, Parotid Frozen Sections10 slides2961
ZyagenMF-318Mouse CD1 Salivary gland, Sublingual Frozen Sections10 slides2961
ZyagenMF-241Mouse CD1 Sciatic Nerve Frozen Sections10 slides2961
ZyagenMF-407Mouse CD1 Seminal Vesicles Frozen Sections10 slides2961
ZyagenMF-102Mouse CD1 Skeletal Muscles Frozen Sections10 slides2961
ZyagenMF-101Mouse CD1 Skin Frozen Sections10 slides2961
ZyagenMF-307Mouse CD1 Intestine, Duodenum Frozen Sections10 slides2961
ZyagenMF-308Mouse CD1 Intestine, Jejunum Frozen Sections10 slides2961
ZyagenMF-309Mouse CD1 Intestine, Ileum Frozen Sections10 slides2961
ZyagenMF-701Mouse CD1 Spleen Frozen Sections10 slides2961
ZyagenMF-304Mouse CD1 Stomach, Cardiac Frozen Sections10 slides2961
ZyagenMF-303Mouse CD1 Stomach, Fundus Frozen Sections10 slides2961
ZyagenMF-305Mouse CD1 Stomach, Pylorus Frozen Sections10 slides2961
ZyagenMF-401Mouse CD1 Testis Frozen Sections10 slides2961
ZyagenMF-702Mouse CD1 Thymus Frozen Sections10 slides2961
ZyagenMF-903Mouse CD1 Urethra Frozen Sections10 slides2961
ZyagenMF-411Mouse CD1 Uterus, non-pregnant Frozen Sections10 slides2961
ZyagenMF-412Mouse CD1 Vagina Frozen Sections10 slides2961
ZyagenMF-409Mouse CD1 Vas Deferens Frozen Sections10 slides2961
ZyagenMF-231Mouse CD1 Spinal Cord, Cervical Frozen Sections10 slides3449.25
ZyagenMF-232Mouse CD1 Spinal Cord, Thoracic Frozen Sections10 slides3449.25
ZyagenMF-233Mouse CD1 Spinal Cord, Lumber Frozen Sections10 slides3449.25
ZyagenMF-234Mouse CD1 Spinal Cord, Sacral Frozen Sections10 slides3449.25
ZyagenMF-103Mouse CD1 Adipose Tissue Frozen Sections10 slides3449.25
ZyagenMF-501Mouse CD1 Adrenal Frozen Sections10 slides3449.25
ZyagenMF-807Mouse CD1 Aorta Frozen Sections10 slides3449.25
ZyagenMF-605Mouse CD1 Diaphragm Frozen Sections10 slides3449.25
ZyagenMF-240Mouse CD1 Dorsal Root Ganglion Frozen Sections10 slides3449.25
ZyagenMF-106Mouse CD1 Eye Frozen Sections10 slides3449.25
ZyagenMF-812Mouse CD1 Jugular Vein Frozen Sections10 slides3449.25
ZyagenMF-703Mouse CD1 Lymph nodes Frozen Sections10 slides3449.25
ZyagenMF-504Mouse CD1 Parathyroid Frozen Sections10 slides3449.25
ZyagenMF-502Mouse CD1 Pituitary Frozen Sections10 slides3449.25
ZyagenMF-706Mouse CD1 Peyer's Patches Frozen Sections10 slides3449.25
ZyagenMF-503Mouse CD1 Thyroid Frozen Sections10 slides3449.25
ZyagenMF-105Mouse CD1 Tongue Frozen Sections10 slides3449.25
ZyagenMF-602Mouse CD1 Trachea Frozen Sections10 slides3449.25
ZyagenMF-908Mouse CD1 Vena Cava Frozen Sections10 slides3449.25
ZyagenMF-414Mouse CD1 Mammary Gland Frozen Sections, Non-Pregnant10 slides3449.25
ZyagenMF-127Mouse CD1 Levator Ani Muscl Frozen Sections10 Slides4142.25
ZyagenMF-128Mouse CD1 Bulbocavernosus Muscles Frozen Sections10 slides4142.25
ZyagenMF-108Mouse CD1 Bone, Calvaria Frozen Sections*10 slides5103
ZyagenMF-107Mouse CD1 Bone, long Frozen Sections*10 slides5103
ZyagenMF-109Mouse CD1 Cartilage Frozen Sections*10 slides5103
ZyagenMF-606Mouse CD1 Olfactory Epithelium Frozen Sections*10 slides5103
ZyagenMF-005Mouse CD1 Tissue Frozen Sections Panel, any 5 except noted with *5x4 slides5985
ZyagenMF-010Mouse CD1 Tissue Frozen Sections Panel, any 10 except noted with *10x4 slides11182.5
ZyagenMF-015Mouse CD1 Tissue Frozen Sections Panel, any 15 except noted with *15x4 slides14647.5
ZyagenMF-020Mouse CD1 Tissue Frozen Sections Panel, any 20 except noted with *20x4 slides18112.5
ZyagenMF-902-C57Mouse C57 Bladder Frozen Sections10 slides3291.75
ZyagenMF-310-C57Mouse C57 Cecum Frozen Sections10 slides3291.75
ZyagenMF-311-C57Mouse C57 Colon Frozen Sections10 slides3291.75
ZyagenMF-403-C57Mouse C57 Epididymis, Caput Frozen Sections10 slides3291.75
ZyagenMF-404-C57Mouse C57 Epididymis, Corpus Frozen Sections10 slides3291.75
ZyagenMF-405-C57Mouse C57 Epididymis, Cauda Frozen Sections10 slides3291.75
ZyagenMF-301-C57Mouse C57 Esophagus Frozen Sections10 slides3291.75
ZyagenMF-110-C57Mouse C57 Harderian gland Frozen Sections10 slides3291.75
ZyagenMF-802-C57Mouse C57 Heart, left and right atrium Frozen Sections10 slides3291.75
ZyagenMF-805-C57Mouse C57 Heart, left and right ventricle Frozen Sections10 slides3291.75
ZyagenMF-901-C57Mouse C57 Kidney Frozen Sections10 slides3291.75
ZyagenMF-111-C57Mouse C57 Lacrimal gland Frozen Sections10 slides3291.75
ZyagenMF-314-C57Mouse C57 Liver Frozen Sections10 slides3291.75
ZyagenMF-601-C57Mouse C57 Lung Frozen Sections10 slides3291.75
ZyagenMF-406-C57Mouse C57 Ovary Frozen Sections10 slides3291.75
ZyagenMF-410-C57Mouse C57 Oviduct Frozen Sections10 slides3291.75
ZyagenMF-313-C57Mouse C57 Pancreas Frozen Sections10 slides3291.75
ZyagenMF-416-C57Mouse C57 Penis Frozen Sections10 slides3291.75
ZyagenMF-408-C57Mouse C57 Prostate Frozen Sections10 slides3291.75
ZyagenMF-312-C57Mouse C57 Rectum Frozen Sections10 slides3291.75
ZyagenMF-317-C57Mouse C57 Salivary gland, Mandibular Frozen Sections10 slides3291.75
ZyagenMF-316-C57Mouse C57 Salivary gland, Parotid Frozen Sections10 slides3291.75
ZyagenMF-318-C57Mouse C57 Salivary gland, Sublingual Frozen Sections10 slides3291.75
ZyagenMF-241-C57Mouse C57 Sciatic Nerve Frozen Sections10 slides3291.75
ZyagenMF-407-C57Mouse C57 Seminal Vesicles Frozen Sections10 slides3291.75
ZyagenMF-102-C57Mouse C57 Skeletal Muscles Frozen Sections10 slides3291.75
ZyagenMF-101-C57Mouse C57 Skin Frozen Sections10 slides3291.75
ZyagenMF-307-C57Mouse C57 Intestine, Duodenum Frozen Sections10 slides3291.75
ZyagenMF-308-C57Mouse C57 Intestine, Jejunum Frozen Sections10 slides3291.75
ZyagenMF-309-C57Mouse C57 Intestine, Ileum Frozen Sections10 slides3291.75
ZyagenMF-701-C57Mouse C57 Spleen Frozen Sections10 slides3291.75
ZyagenMF-304-C57Mouse C57 Stomach, Cardiac Frozen Sections10 slides3291.75
ZyagenMF-303-C57Mouse C57 Stomach, Fundus Frozen Sections10 slides3291.75
ZyagenMF-305-C57Mouse C57 Stomach, Pylorus Frozen Sections10 slides3291.75
ZyagenMF-401-C57Mouse C57 Testis Frozen Sections10 slides3291.75
ZyagenMF-702-C57Mouse C57 Thymus Frozen Sections10 slides3291.75
ZyagenMF-903-C57Mouse C57 Urethra Frozen Sections10 slides3291.75
ZyagenMF-411-C57Mouse C57 Uterus, non-pregnant Frozen Sections10 slides3291.75
ZyagenMF-412-C57Mouse C57 Vagina Frozen Sections10 slides3291.75
ZyagenMF-409-C57Mouse C57 Vas Deferens Frozen Sections10 slides3291.75
ZyagenMF-231-C57Mouse C57 Spinal Cord, Cervical Frozen Sections10 slides3780
ZyagenMF-232-C57Mouse C57 Spinal Cord, Thoracic Frozen Sections10 slides3780
ZyagenMF-233-C57Mouse C57 Spinal Cord, Lumber Frozen Sections10 slides3780
ZyagenMF-234-C57Mouse C57 Spinal Cord, Sacral Frozen Sections10 slides3780
ZyagenMF-103-C57Mouse C57 Adipose Tissue Frozen Sections10 slides3780
ZyagenMF-501-C57Mouse C57 Adrenal Frozen Sections10 slides3780
ZyagenMF-807-C57Mouse C57 Aorta Frozen Sections10 slides3780
ZyagenMF-605-C57Mouse C57 Diaphragm Frozen Sections10 slides3780
ZyagenMF-240-C57Mouse C57 Dorsal Root Ganglion Frozen Sections10slides3780
ZyagenMF-106-C57Mouse C57 Eye Frozen Sections10 slides3780
ZyagenMF-812-C57Mouse C57 Jugular Vein Frozen Sections10 slides3780
ZyagenMF-703-C57Mouse C57 Lymph nodes Frozen Sections10 slides3780
ZyagenMF-504-C57Mouse C57 Parathyroid Frozen Sections10 slides3780
ZyagenMF-502-C57Mouse C57 Pituitary Frozen Sections10 slides3780
ZyagenMF-706-C57Mouse C57 Peyer's Patches Frozen Sections10 slides3780
ZyagenMF-503-C57Mouse C57 Thyroid Frozen Sections10 slides3780
ZyagenMF-105-C57Mouse C57 Tongue Frozen Sections10 slides3780
ZyagenMF-602-C57Mouse C57 Trachea Frozen Sections10 slides3780
ZyagenMF-908-C57Mouse C57 Vena Cava Frozen Sections10 slides3780
ZyagenMF-127-C57Mouse C57 Levator Ani Muscl Frozen Sections10 Slides4473
ZyagenMF-128-C57Mouse C57 Bulbocavernosus Muscles Frozen Sections10 slides4473
ZyagenMF-108-C57Mouse C57 Bone, Calvaria Frozen Sections*10 slides5433.75
ZyagenMF-107-C57Mouse C57 Bone, long Frozen Sections*10 slides5433.75
ZyagenMF-109-C57Mouse C57 Cartilage Frozen Sections*10 slides5433.75
ZyagenMF-606-C57Mouse C57 Olfactory Epithelium Frozen Sections*10 slides5433.75
ZyagenMF-005-C57Mouse C57 Tissue Frozen Sections Panel, any 5 except noted with *5x4 slides6851.25
ZyagenMF-010-C57Mouse C57 Tissue Frozen Sections Panel, any 10 except noted with *10x4 slides12048.75
ZyagenMF-015-C57Mouse C57 Tissue Frozen Sections Panel, any 15 except noted with *15x4 slides15513.75
ZyagenMF-020-C57Mouse C57 Tissue Frozen Sections Panel, any 20 except noted with *20x4 slides18978.75
ZyagenMP-902-C57Mouse C57 Bladder Paraffin Sections10 slides3291.75
ZyagenMP-310-C57Mouse C57 Cecum Paraffin Sections10 slides3291.75
ZyagenMP-311-C57Mouse C57 Colon Paraffin Sections10 slides3291.75
ZyagenMP-403-C57Mouse C57 Epididymis, Caput Paraffin Sections10 slides3291.75
ZyagenMP-404-C57Mouse C57 Epididymis, Corpus Paraffin Sections10 slides3291.75
ZyagenMP-405-C57Mouse C57 Epididymis, Cauda Paraffin Sections10 slides3291.75
ZyagenMP-301-C57Mouse C57 Esophagus Paraffin Sections10 slides3291.75
ZyagenMP-110-C57Mouse C57 Harderian gland Paraffin Sections10 slides3291.75
ZyagenMP-802-C57Mouse C57 Heart, left and right atrium Paraffin Sections10 slides3291.75
ZyagenMP-805-C57Mouse C57 Heart, left and right ventricle Paraffin Sections10 slides3291.75
ZyagenMP-901-C57Mouse C57 Kidney Paraffin Sections10 slides3291.75
ZyagenMP-111-C57Mouse C57 Lacrimal gland Paraffin Sections10 slides3291.75
ZyagenMP-314-C57Mouse C57 Liver Paraffin Sections10 slides3291.75
ZyagenMP-601-C57Mouse C57 Lung Paraffin Sections10 slides3291.75
ZyagenMP-406-C57Mouse C57 Ovary Paraffin Sections10 slides3291.75
ZyagenMP-410-C57Mouse C57 Oviduct Paraffin Sections10 slides3291.75
ZyagenMP-313-C57Mouse C57 Pancreas Paraffin Sections10 slides3291.75
ZyagenMP-416-C57Mouse C57 Penis Paraffin Sections10 slides3291.75
ZyagenMP-408-C57Mouse C57 Prostate Paraffin Sections10 slides3291.75
ZyagenMP-312-C57Mouse C57 Rectum Paraffin Sections10 slides3291.75
ZyagenMP-317-C57Mouse C57 Salivary gland, Mandibular Paraffin Sections10 slides3291.75
ZyagenMP-316-C57Mouse C57 Salivary gland, Parotid Paraffin Sections10 slides3291.75
ZyagenMP-318-C57Mouse C57 Salivary gland, Sublingual Paraffin Sections10 slides3291.75
ZyagenMP-241-C57Mouse C57 Sciatic Nerve Paraffin Sections10 slides3291.75
ZyagenMP-407-C57Mouse C57 Seminal Vesicles Paraffin Sections10 slides3291.75
ZyagenMP-102-C57Mouse C57 Skeletal Muscles Paraffin Sections10 slides3291.75
ZyagenMP-101-C57Mouse C57 Skin Paraffin Sections10 slides3291.75
ZyagenMP-307-C57Mouse C57 Small Intestine, Duodenum Paraffin Sections10 slides3291.75
ZyagenMP-308-C57Mouse C57 Small Intestine, Jejunum Paraffin Sections10 slides3291.75
ZyagenMP-309-C57Mouse C57 Small Intestine, Ileum Paraffin Sections10 slides3291.75
ZyagenMP-701-C57Mouse C57 Spleen Paraffin Sections10 slides3291.75
ZyagenMP-304-C57Mouse C57 Stomach, Cardiac Paraffin Sections10 slides3291.75
ZyagenMP-303-C57Mouse C57 Stomach, Fundus Paraffin Sections10 slides3291.75
ZyagenMP-305-C57Mouse C57 Stomach, Pylorus Paraffin Sections10 slides3291.75


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