美国Zyagen公司位于加利福尼亚州的生物硅谷圣地亚哥,是一家著名的提供基因表达产品和服务的生物公司。从2000年到现在,在基因表达方面的研究及产品的推广一直处于全球领先地位。Zyagen 公司由一批训练有素的高水平的学者与研究人员,同时与发展中国家的科学家在生物制药,生物技术等方面有着多年的经验。
Zyagen | MP-401-C57 | Mouse C57 Testis Paraffin Sections | 10 slides | 3291.75 |
Zyagen | MP-702-C57 | Mouse C57 Thymus Paraffin Sections | 10 slides | 3291.75 |
Zyagen | MP-903-C57 | Mouse C57 Urethra Paraffin Sections | 10 slides | 3291.75 |
Zyagen | MP-411-C57 | Mouse C57 Uterus, non-pregnant Paraffin Sections | 10 slides | 3291.75 |
Zyagen | MP-412-C57 | Mouse C57 Vagina Paraffin Sections | 10 slides | 3291.75 |
Zyagen | MP-409-C57 | Mouse C57 Vas Deferens Paraffin Sections | 10 slides | 3291.75 |
Zyagen | MP-231-C57 | Mouse C57 Spinal Cord, Cervical Paraffin Sections | 10 slides | 3780 |
Zyagen | MP-232-C57 | Mouse C57 Spinal Cord, Thoracic Paraffin Sections | 10 slides | 3780 |
Zyagen | MP-233-C57 | Mouse C57 Spinal Cord, Lumber Paraffin Sections | 10 slides | 3780 |
Zyagen | MP-234-C57 | Mouse C57 Spinal Cord, Sacral Paraffin Sections | 10 slides | 3780 |
Zyagen | MP-103-C57 | Mouse C57 Fat-Adipose Paraffin Sections | 10 slides | 3780 |
Zyagen | MP-501-C57 | Mouse C57 Adrenal Paraffin Sections | 10 slides | 3780 |
Zyagen | MP-807-C57 | Mouse C57 Aorta Paraffin Sections | 10 slides | 3780 |
Zyagen | MP-605-C57 | Mouse C57 Diaphragm Paraffin Sections | 10 slides | 3780 |
Zyagen | MP-240-C57 | Mouse C57 Dorsal Root Ganglion Paraffin Sections | 10 slides | 3780 |
Zyagen | MP-106-C57 | Mouse C57 Eye Paraffin Sections | 10 slides | 3780 |
Zyagen | MP-812-C57 | Mouse C57 Jugular Vein Paraffin Sections | 10 slides | 3780 |
Zyagen | MP-703-C57 | Mouse C57 Lymph nodes Paraffin Sections | 10 slides | 3780 |
Zyagen | MP-504-C57 | Mouse C57 Parathyroid Paraffin Sections | 10 slides | 3780 |
Zyagen | MP-502-C57 | Mouse C57 Pituitary Paraffin Sections | 10 slides | 3780 |
Zyagen | MP-706-C57 | Mouse C57 Peyer's Patches Paraffin Sections | 10 slides | 3780 |
Zyagen | MP-503-C57 | Mouse C57 Thyroid Paraffin Sections | 10 slides | 3780 |
Zyagen | MP-105-C57 | Mouse C57 Tongue Paraffin Sections | 10 slides | 3780 |
Zyagen | MP-602-C57 | Mouse C57 Trachea Paraffin Sections | 10 slides | 3780 |
Zyagen | MP-908-C57 | Mouse C57 Vena Cava Paraffin Sections | 10 slides | 3780 |
Zyagen | MP-414-C57 | Mouse C57 Mammary Gland Paraffin Sections, Non-Pregnant | 10 slides | 3780 |
Zyagen | MP-127-C57 | Mouse C57 Levator Ani Muscles Paraffin Sections | 10 Slides | 4473 |
Zyagen | MP-128-C57 | Mouse C57 Bulbocavernosus Muscles Paraffin Sections | 10 slides | 4473 |
Zyagen | MP-108-C57 | Mouse C57 Bone, Calvaria Paraffin Sections* | 10 slides | 5433.75 |
Zyagen | MP-107-C57 | Mouse C57 Bone, long Paraffin Sections* | 10 slides | 5433.75 |
Zyagen | MP-109-C57 | Mouse C57 Cartilage Paraffin Sections* | 10 slides | 5433.75 |
Zyagen | MP-606-C57 | Mouse C57 Olfactory Epithelium Paraffin Sections* | 10 slides | 5433.75 |
Zyagen | MP-005-C57 | Mouse C57 Tissue Paraffin Sections Panel, any 5 except noted with * | 5x4 slides | 6851.25 |
Zyagen | MP-010-C57 | Mouse C57 Tissue Paraffin Sections Panel, any 10 except noted with * | 10x4 slides | 12048.75 |
Zyagen | MP-015-C57 | Mouse C57 Tissue Paraffin Sections Panel, any 15 except noted with * | 15x4 slides | 15513.75 |
Zyagen | MP-020-C57 | Mouse C57 Tissue Paraffin Sections Panel, any 20 except noted with * | 20x4 slides | 18978.75 |
Zyagen | MF-201-SS-C57 | Mouse C57 Brain Sagittal Frozen Sections | 10 slides | 3780 |
Zyagen | MF-201-HS-C57 | Mouse C57 Brain Horizontal Frozen Sections | 10 slides | 3780 |
Zyagen | MF-FF-201-03-C57 | Mouse C57 Caudate Putamen (striatum) Coronal Frozen Floating Sections, Reg.3 | 10 Sections | 4047.75 |
Zyagen | MF-FF-201-05-C57 | Mouse C57 Medial preoptic area Coronal Frozen Floating Sections Reg.5 | 10 Sections | 4047.75 |
Zyagen | MF-FF-201-07-C57 | Mouse C57 Anterior hypothalamus Coronal Frozen floating Sections, Reg.7 | 10 Sections | 4047.75 |
Zyagen | MF-FF-201-08-C57 | Mouse C57 Hippocampus/thalam/hypothalam Coronal Froz Floating Section, Reg.8 | 10 Sections | 4047.75 |
Zyagen | MF-FF-201-10-C57 | Mouse C57 Rostral Mesencephalon Coronal Frozen Floating Sections Region 10 | 10 Sections | 4047.75 |
Zyagen | MF-FF-201-12-C57 | Mouse C57 Anterior cerebellum/pons Coronal Frozen Floating Section, Reg.12 | 10 Sections | 4047.75 |
Zyagen | MF-FF-201-SS-C57 | Mouse C57 Brain Frozen Sagittal Floating Sections | 10 Sections | 4047.75 |
Zyagen | MF-FF-201-HS-C57 | Mouse C57 Brain Frozen Horizontal Floating Sections | 10 Sections | 4047.75 |
Zyagen | MF-201-01-C57 | Mouse C57 Olfactory bulb Coronal Frozen Sections, Reg. 1 | 10 slides | 3780 |
Zyagen | MF-201-02-C57 | Mouse C57 Prelimbic Cortex area Coronal Frozen Sections, Reg. 2 | 10 slides | 3780 |
Zyagen | MF-201-03-C57 | Mouse C57 Caudate Putamen (striatum) Coronal Frozen Sections, Reg.3 | 10 slides | 3780 |
Zyagen | MF-201-04-C57 | Mouse C57 Limbs of the diagonal band Coronal Frozen Sections, Reg.4 | 10 slides | 3780 |
Zyagen | MF-201-05-C57 | Mouse C57 Medial preoptic areas Coronal Frozen Sections, Reg.5 | 10 slides | 3780 |
Zyagen | MF-201-06-C57 | Mouse C57 paraventricular/supraoptic Coronal Frozen Sections Reg.6 | 10 slides | 3780 |
Zyagen | MF-201-07-C57 | Mouse C57 Anterior hypothalamus Coronal Frozen Sections, Reg.7 | 10 slides | 3780 |
Zyagen | MF-201-08-C57 | Mouse C57 Hippocamp/thalamus/hypothal Coronal Frozen Section Reg.8 | 10 slides | 3780 |
Zyagen | MF-201-09-C57 | Mouse C57 Caudal part of hippocampus Coronal Frozen Sections, Reg.9 | 10 slides | 3780 |
Zyagen | MF-201-10-C57 | Mouse C57 Rostral Mesencephalon Coronal Frozen Sections, Reg.10 | 10 slides | 3780 |
Zyagen | MF-201-11-C57 | Mouse C57 Caudal Mesencephalon Coronal Frozen Sections, Reg.11 | 10 slides | 3780 |
Zyagen | MF-201-12-C57 | Mouse C57 Anterior part cerebellum/pons Coronal Frozen Sections Reg.12 | 10 slides | 3780 |
Zyagen | MF-201-13-C57 | Mouse C57 Mid cerebellum/M. oblongata Coronal Frozen Sections Reg.13 | 10 slides | 3780 |
Zyagen | MF-201-14-C57 | Mouse C57 Caudal cerebellum/M oblangata Coronal Frozen Sections Reg.14 | 10 slides | 3780 |
Zyagen | MF-201-007-C57 | Mouse C57 Brain Coronal Frozen Sections Panel, Set of any 7 regions | 7x4 slides | 9450 |
Zyagen | MF-201-014-C57 | Mouse C57 Brain Coronal Frozen Sections Panel, Set of any 14 regions | 14X4 slides | 14647.5 |
Zyagen | MF-104-18-C57 | Mouse C57 Embryo Sagittal Frozen Sections, E18 | 10slides | 3843 |
Zyagen | MF-104-11-C57 | Mouse C57 Embryo Sagittal Frozen Sections, E11 | 10 slides | 3843 |
Zyagen | MF-104-12-C57 | Mouse C57 Embryo Sagittal Frozen Sections, E12 | 10 slides | 3843 |
Zyagen | MF-104-13-C57 | Mouse C57 Embryo Sagittal Frozen Sections, E13 | 10 slides | 3843 |
Zyagen | MF-104-14-C57 | Mouse C57 Embryo Sagittal Frozen Sections, E14 | 10 slides | 3843 |
Zyagen | MF-104-15-C57 | Mouse C57 Embryo Sagittal Frozen Sections, E15 | 10 slides | 3843 |
Zyagen | MF-104-16-C57 | Mouse C57 Embryo Sagittal Frozen Sections, E16 | 10 slides | 3843 |
Zyagen | MF-104-17-C57 | Mouse C57 Embryo Sagittal Frozen Sections, E17 | 10 slides | 3843 |
Zyagen | MF-104-008-C57 | Mouse C57 Embryo Sagittal Frozen Sections Panel, any 8 Stages | 8X4 slides | 11466 |
Zyagen | MF-413-11-C57 | Mouse C57 Placenta Frozen Sections, E11 | 10 slides | 3780 |
Zyagen | MF-413-12-C57 | Mouse C57 Placenta Frozen Sections, E12 | 10 slides | 3780 |
Zyagen | MF-413-13-C57 | Mouse C57 Placenta Frozen Sections, E13 | 10 slides | 3780 |
Zyagen | MF-413-14-C57 | Mouse C57 Placenta Frozen Sections, E14 | 10 slides | 3780 |
Zyagen | MF-413-15-C57 | Mouse C57 Placenta Frozen Sections, E15 | 10 slides | 3780 |
Zyagen | MF-413-16-C57 | Mouse C57 Placenta Frozen Sections, E16 | 10 slides | 3780 |
Zyagen | MF-413-17-C57 | Mouse C57 Placenta Frozen Sections, E17 | 10 slides | 3780 |
Zyagen | MF-413-18-C57 | Mouse C57 Placenta Frozen Sections, E18 | 10 slides | 3780 |
Zyagen | MF-413-008-C57 | Mouse C57 Placenta Frozen Sections Panel, any 8 stages | 8x4slides | 9733.5 |
Zyagen | MF-414-11-C57 | Mouse C57 Mammary Gland Frozen Sections, E11 | 10 slides | 3780 |
Zyagen | MF-414-12-C57 | Mouse C57 Mammary Gland Frozen Sections, E12 | 10 slides | 3780 |
Zyagen | MF-414-13-C57 | Mouse C57 Mammary Gland Frozen Sections, E13 | 10 slides | 3780 |
Zyagen | MF-414-14-C57 | Mouse C57 Mammary Gland Frozen Sections, E14 | 10 slides | 3780 |
Zyagen | MF-414-15-C57 | Mouse C57 Mammary Gland Frozen Sections, E15 | 10 slides | 3780 |
Zyagen | MF-414-16-C57 | Mouse C57 Mammary Gland Frozen Sections, E16 | 10 slides | 3780 |
Zyagen | MF-414-17-C57 | Mouse C57 Mammary Gland Frozen Sections, E17 | 10 slides | 3780 |
Zyagen | MF-414-18-C57 | Mouse C57 Mammary Gland Frozen Sections, E18 | 10 slides | 3780 |
Zyagen | MF-414-L1-C57 | Mouse C57 Mammary Gland Frozen Sections, Lactation D1 | 10 slides | 3780 |
Zyagen | MF-414-L3-C57 | Mouse C57 Mammary Gland Frozen Sections, Lactation D3 | 10 slides | 3780 |
Zyagen | MF-414-L7-C57 | Mouse C57 Mammary Gland Frozen Sections, Lactation D7 | 10 slides | 3780 |
Zyagen | MF-414-N1-C57 | Mouse C57 Mammary Gland Frozen Sections, Involution D1 | 10 slides | 3780 |
Zyagen | MF-414-N7-C57 | Mouse C57 Mammary Gland Frozen Sections, Involution D7 | 10 slides | 3780 |
Zyagen | MF-414-V-C57 | Mouse C57 Mammary Gland Frozen Sections, Virgin | 10 slides | 3780 |
Zyagen | MF-414-C57 | Mouse C57 Mammary Gland Frozen Sections, Non-Pregnant | 10 slides | 3780 |
Zyagen | MF-414-008-C57 | Mouse C57 mammary gland Frozen Sections Panel, any 8 tissues | 8X4 slides | 9733.5 |
Zyagen | MF-414-015-C57 | Mouse C57 mammary gland Frozen Sections Panel, any 15 stages | 15X4slides | 13198.5 |
Zyagen | MP-201-014-C57 | Mouse C57 Brain Paraffin Coronal Sections Panel, any 14 regs. | 14X4 slides | 14647.5 |
Zyagen | MP-201-007-C57 | Mouse C57 Brain Coronal Paraffin Sections Panel, any 7 regions | 7x4 slides | 9450 |
Zyagen | MP-201-01-C57 | Mouse C57 Olfactory bulb Coronal Paraffin Sections, Region 1 | 10 slides | 3780 |
Zyagen | MP-201-02-C57 | Mouse C57 Prelimbic Cortex area Coronal Paraffin Sections, Region 2 | 10 slides | 3780 |
Zyagen | MP-201-03-C57 | Mouse C57 Caudate Putamen (striatum) Coronal Paraffin Section, Reg.3 | 10 slides | 3780 |
Zyagen | MP-201-04-C57 | Mouse C57 Limbs of diagonal band Coronal Paraffin Sections, Reg.4 | 10 slides | 3780 |
Zyagen | MP-201-05-C57 | Mouse C57 Medial preoptic areas Coronal Paraffin Sections, Reg. 5 | 10 slides | 3780 |
Zyagen | MP-201-06-C57 | Mouse C57 paraventricular nucleous Coronal Paraffin Sections, Reg. 6 | 10 slides | 3780 |
Zyagen | MP-201-07-C57 | Mouse C57 Anterior hypothalamus Coronal Paraffin Sections, Reg.7 | 10 slides | 3780 |
Zyagen | MP-201-08-C57 | Mouse C57 Hippocam/thalam/hypothal Coronal Paraffin Section,Reg.8 | 10 slides | 3780 |
Zyagen | MP-201-09-C57 | Mouse C57 Caudal hippocampus Coronal Paraffin Sections, Reg.9 | 10 slides | 3780 |
Zyagen | MP-201-10-C57 | Mouse C57 Rostral Mesencephalon Coronal Paraffin Sections, Region 10 | 10 slides | 3780 |
Zyagen | MP-201-11-C57 | Mouse C57 Caudal Mesencephalon Coronal Paraffin Sections, Region 11 | 10 slides | 3780 |
Zyagen | MP-201-12-C57 | Mouse C57 Anterior Cerebellum/Pons Coronal Paraffin Sections, Reg.12 | 10 slides | 3780 |
Zyagen | MP-201-13-C57 | Mouse C57 Cerebellum/M oblongata Coronal Paraffin Section, Reg 13 | 10 slides | 3780 |
Zyagen | MP-201-14-C57 | Mouse C57 Caudal cerebellum Coronal Paraffin Sections, Region 14 | 10 slides | 3780 |
Zyagen | MP-201-SS-C57 | Mouse C57 Brain Sagittal Paraffin Sections | 10 slides | 3780 |
Zyagen | MP-201-HS-C57 | Mouse C57 Brain Horizontal Paraffin Sections | 10 slides | 3780 |
Zyagen | MP-104-008-C57 | Mouse C57 Whole Embryo Sagittal Paraffin Sections Panel, any 8 stages | 8X4 slides | 11466 |
Zyagen | MP-104-18-C57 | Mouse C57 Whole Embryo Sagittal Paraffin Sections, E18 | 10slides | 3843 |
Zyagen | MP-104-11-C57 | Mouse C57 Whole Embryo Sagittal Paraffin Sections, E11 | 10 slides | 3843 |
Zyagen | MP-104-12-C57 | Mouse C57 Whole Embryo Sagittal Paraffin Sections, E12 | 10 slides | 3843 |
Zyagen | MP-104-13-C57 | Mouse C57 Whole Embryo Sagittal Paraffin Sections, E13 | 10 slides | 3843 |
Zyagen | MP-104-14-C57 | Mouse C57 Whole Embryo Sagittal Paraffin Sections, E14 | 10 slides | 3843 |
Zyagen | MP-104-15-C57 | Mouse C57 Whole Embryo Sagittal Paraffin Sections, E15 | 10 slides | 3843 |
Zyagen | MP-104-16-C57 | Mouse C57 Whole Embryo Sagittal Paraffin Sections, E16 | 10 slides | 3843 |
Zyagen | MP-104-17-C57 | Mouse C57 Whole Embryo Sagittal Paraffin Sections, E17 | 10 slides | 3843 |
Zyagen | MP-413-008-C57 | Mouse C57 Placenta Paraffin Sections Panel, any 8 stages | 8x4slides | 9733.5 |
Zyagen | MP-413-18-C57 | Mouse C57 Placenta Paraffin Sections, E18 | 10slides | 3780 |
Zyagen | MP-413-11-C57 | Mouse C57 Placenta Paraffin Sections, E11 | 10 slides | 3780 |
Zyagen | MP-413-12-C57 | Mouse C57 Placenta Paraffin Sections, E12 | 10 slides | 3780 |
Zyagen | MP-413-13-C57 | Mouse C57 Placenta Paraffin Sections, E13 | 10 slides | 3780 |
Zyagen | MP-413-14-C57 | Mouse C57 Placenta Paraffin Sections, E14 | 10 slides | 3780 |
Zyagen | MP-413-15-C57 | Mouse C57 Placenta Paraffin Sections, E15 | 10 slides | 3780 |
Zyagen | MP-413-16-C57 | Mouse C57 Placenta Paraffin Sections, E16 | 10 slides | 3780 |
Zyagen | MP-413-17-C57 | Mouse C57 Placenta Paraffin Sections, E17 | 10 slides | 3780 |
Zyagen | MP-414-015-C57 | Mouse C57 mammary gland Paraffin Sections Panel, any 15 stages | 15X4slides | 13198.5 |
Zyagen | MP-414-008-C57 | Mouse C57 mammary gland Paraffin Sections Panel, any 8 stages | 8X4 slides | 9733.5 |
Zyagen | MP-414-11-C57 | Mouse C57 Mammary Gland Paraffin Sections, E11 | 10 slides | 3780 |
Zyagen | MP-414-12-C57 | Mouse C57 Mammary Gland Paraffin Sections, E12 | 10 slides | 3780 |
Zyagen | MP-414-13-C57 | Mouse C57 Mammary Gland Paraffin Sections, E13 | 10 slides | 3780 |
Zyagen | MP-414-14-C57 | Mouse C57 Mammary Gland Paraffin Sections, E14 | 10 slides | 3780 |
Zyagen | MP-414-15-C57 | Mouse C57 Mammary Gland Paraffin Sections, E15 | 10 slides | 3780 |
Zyagen | MP-414-16-C57 | Mouse C57 Mammary Gland Paraffin Sections, E16 | 10 slides | 3780 |
Zyagen | MP-414-17-C57 | Mouse C57 Mammary Gland Paraffin Sections, E17 | 10 slides | 3780 |
Zyagen | MP-414-18-C57 | Mouse C57 Mammary Gland Paraffin Sections, E18 | 10 slides | 3780 |
Zyagen | MP-414-L1-C57 | Mouse C57 Mammary Gland Paraffin Sections, Lactation D1 | 10 slides | 3780 |
Zyagen | MP-414-L3-C57 | Mouse C57 Mammary Gland Paraffin Sections, Lactation D3 | 10 slides | 3780 |
Zyagen | MP-414-L7-C57 | Mouse C57 Mammary Gland Paraffin Sections, Lactation D7 | 10 slides | 3780 |
Zyagen | MP-414-N1-C57 | Mouse C57 Mammary Gland Paraffin Sections, Involution D1 | 10 slides | 3780 |
Zyagen | MP-414-N7-C57 | Mouse C57 Mammary Gland Paraffin Sections, Involution D7 | 10 slides | 3780 |
Zyagen | MP-414-V-C57 | Mouse C57 Mammary Gland Paraffin Sections, Virgin | 10 slides | 3780 |
Zyagen | MP-414-C57 | Mouse C57 Mammary Gland Paraffin Sections, Non-Pregnant | 10 slides | 3780 |
Zyagen | GR-104-20 | Guinea pig Embryo-E20 Total RNA | 0.1mg | 2488.5 |
Zyagen | GR-104-25 | Guinea pig Embryo-E25 Total RNA | 0.1mg | 2488.5 |
Zyagen | GR-104-35 | Guinea pig Embryo-E35 Total RNA | 0.1mg | 2488.5 |
Zyagen | GR-104-40 | Guinea pig Embryo-E40 Total RNA | 0.1mg | 2488.5 |
Zyagen | GR-413-20 | Guinea pig Placenta-E20 Total RNA | 0.1mg | 2488.5 |
Zyagen | GR-413-25 | Guinea pig Placenta-E25 Total RNA | 0.1mg | 2488.5 |
Zyagen | GR-413-35 | Guinea pig Placenta-E35 Total RNA | 0.1mg | 2488.5 |
Zyagen | GR-413-40 | Guinea pig Placenta-E40 Total RNA | 0.1mg | 2488.5 |
Zyagen | GR-414-20 | Guinea pig Mammary Gland-E20 Total RNA | 0.1mg | 2488.5 |
Zyagen | GR-414-25 | Guinea pig Mammary Gland-E25 Total RNA | 0.1mg | 2488.5 |
Zyagen | GR-414-35 | Guinea pig Mammary Gland-E35 Total RNA | 0.1mg | 2488.5 |
Zyagen | GR-414-40 | Guinea pig Mammary Gland-E40 Total RNA | 0.1mg | 2488.5 |
Zyagen | GR-414 | Guinea pig Mammary Gland non-pregnant Total RNA | 0.1mg | 2488.5 |
Zyagen | GD-104-20 | Guinea Pig Embryo-E20 cDNA | 30 reactions | 3638.25 |
Zyagen | GD-104-25 | Guinea Pig Embryo-E25 cDNA | 30 reactions | 3638.25 |
Zyagen | GD-104-35 | Guinea Pig Embryo-E35 cDNA | 30 reactions | 3638.25 |
Zyagen | GD-104-40 | Guinea Pig Embryo-E40 cDNA | 30 reactions | 3638.25 |
Zyagen | GD-413-20 | Guinea Pig Placenta-E20 cDNA | 30 reactions | 3638.25 |
Zyagen | GD-413-25 | Guinea Pig Placenta-E25 cDNA | 30 reactions | 3638.25 |
Zyagen | GD-413-35 | Guinea Pig Placenta-E35 cDNA | 30 reactions | 3638.25 |
Zyagen | GD-413-40 | Guinea Pig Placenta-E40 cDNA | 30 reactions | 3638.25 |
Zyagen | GD-414-20 | Guinea Pig Mammary Gland-E20 cDNA | 30 reactions | 3638.25 |
Zyagen | GD-414-25 | Guinea Pig Mammary Gland-E25 cDNA | 30 reactions | 3638.25 |
Zyagen | GD-414-35 | Guinea Pig Mammary Gland-E35 cDNA | 30 reactions | 3638.25 |
Zyagen | GD-414-40 | Guinea Pig Mammary Gland-E40 cDNA | 30 reactions | 3638.25 |
Zyagen | GD-414 | Guinea Pig Mammary Gland Non-Pregnant cDNA | 30 reactions | 3638.25 |
Zyagen | HP-320 | Human Gallbladder Paraffin Sections | 10 slides | 2961 |
Zyagen | HP-603 | Human Larynx Paraffin Sections | 10 slides | 2961 |
Zyagen | NR-408 | Minipig Prostate Total RNA | 0.05mg | 4142.25 |
Zyagen | NT-408 | MiniPig Prostate Total Protein | 0.5mg | 2299.5 |
Zyagen | NT-503 | MiniPig Thyroid Total Protein | 0.5mg | 2299.5 |
Zyagen | ND-408 | MiniPig Prostate cDNA | 30 reactions | 4630.5 |
Zyagen | NF-408 | MiniPig Prostate Frozen Sections | 10 slides | 4473 |
Zyagen | NP-408 | MiniPig Prostate Paraffin Sections | 10 slides | 4473 |
Zyagen | MF-307-SR | Mouse CD1 Intestine, Duodenum Swiss Roll Frozen Sections* | 10 slides | 4142.25 |
Zyagen | MF-308-SR | Mouse CD1 Intestine, Jejunum Swiss Roll Frozen Sections* | 10 slides | 4142.25 |
Zyagen | MF-309-SR | Mouse CD1 Intestine, Ileum Swiss Roll Frozen Sections* | 10 slides | 4142.25 |
Zyagen | MF-306-SR | Mouse CD1 Intestine, Whole Swiss Roll Frozen Sections* | 10 slides | 5796 |
Zyagen | MF-306-SR-C57 | Mouse C57 Intestine, Whole Swiss Roll Frozen Sections* | 10 slides | 5796 |
Zyagen | MF-307-SR-C57 | Mouse C57 Intestine, Duodenum Swiss Roll Frozen Sections* | 10 slides | 4142.25 |
Zyagen | MF-308-SR-C57 | Mouse C57 Intestine, Jejunum Swiss Roll Frozen Sections* | 10 slides | 4142.25 |
Zyagen | MF-309-SR-C57 | Mouse C57 Intestine, Ileum Swiss Roll Frozen Sections* | 10 slides | 4142.25 |
Zyagen | MF-311-SR | Mouse CD1 Colon Swiss Roll Frozen Sections* | 10 slides | 4142.25 |
Zyagen | MF-311-SR-C57 | Mouse C57 Colon Swiss Roll Frozen Sections* | 10 slides | 4142.25 |
Zyagen | RF-306-SR | Rat Intestine, Whole Swiss Roll Frozen Sections* | 10 slides | 5796 |
Zyagen | RF-307-SR | Rat Intestine, Duodenum Swiss Roll Frozen Sections* | 10 slides | 4142.25 |
Zyagen | RF-308-SR | Rat Intestine, Jejunum Swiss Roll Frozen Sections* | 10 slides | 4142.25 |
Zyagen | RF-309-SR | Rat Intestine, Ileum Swiss Roll Frozen Sections* | 10 slides | 4142.25 |
Zyagen | RF-311-SR | Rat Colon Swiss Roll Frozen Sections* | 10 slides | 4142.25 |
Zyagen | RP-307 | Rat Intestine, Duodenum Paraffin Sections | 10 slides | 2961 |
Zyagen | RP-308 | Rat Intestine, Jejunum Paraffin Sections | 10 slides | 2961 |
Zyagen | RP-309 | Rat Intestine, Ileum Paraffin Sections | 10 slides | 2961 |
Zyagen | RP-311-SR | Rat Colon Swiss Roll Paraffin Sections* | 10 slides | 4142.25 |
Zyagen | RP-306-SR | Rat Intestine, Whole Swiss Roll Paraffin Sections* | 10 slides | 5796 |
Zyagen | MP-306-SR | Mouse CD1 Intestine, Whole Swiss Roll Paraffin Sections* | 10 slides | 5796 |
Zyagen | MP-307-SR | Mouse CD1 Intestine, Duodenum Swiss Roll Paraffin Sections* | 10 slides | 4142.25 |
Zyagen | MP-308-SR | Mouse CD1 Intestine, Jejunum Swiss Roll Paraffin Sections* | 10 slides | 4142.25 |
Zyagen | MP-309-SR | Mouse CD1 Intestine, Ileum Swiss Roll Paraffin Sections* | 10 slides | 4142.25 |
Zyagen | MP-311-SR | Mouse CD1 Colon Swiss Roll Paraffin Sections* | 10 slides | 4142.25 |
Zyagen | MP-306-SR-C57 | Mouse C57 Intestine, Whole Swiss Roll Paraffin Sections* | 10 slides | 5796 |
Zyagen | MP-307-SR-C57 | Mouse C57 Intestine, Duodenum Swiss Roll Paraffin Sections* | 10 slides | 4142.25 |
Zyagen | MP-308-SR-C57 | Mouse C57 Intestine, Jejunum Swiss Roll Paraffin Sections* | 10 slides | 4142.25 |
Zyagen | MP-309-SR-C57 | Mouse C57 Intestine, Ileum Swiss Roll Paraffin Sections* | 10 slides | 4142.25 |
Zyagen | MP-311-SR-C57 | Mouse C57 Colon Swiss Roll Paraffin Sections* | 10 slides | 4142.25 |
Zyagen | HR-230 | Human Spinal Cord Total RNA | 0.05mg | 2236.5 |
Zyagen | HG-230 | Human Spinal Cord Genomic DNA | 0.05mg | 2724.75 |
Zyagen | HT-230 | Human Spinal Cord Total Protein | 1mg | 2299.5 |
Zyagen | HR-704 | Human Bone Marrow Total RNA | 0.05mg | 4142.25 |
Zyagen | HT-704 | Human Bone Marrow Total Protein* | 0.1mg | 3811.5 |
Zyagen | HR-705 | Human Blood Total RNA | 0.025mg | 4142.25 |
Zyagen | HT-705 | Human Blood Total Protein* | 0.1mg | 3811.5 |
Zyagen | MF-704-C57 | Mouse C57 Bone Marrow Frozen Sections* | 10 slides | 5433.75 |
Zyagen | MF-704 | Mouse CD1 Bone Marrow Frozen Sections* | 10 Slides | 5103 |
Zyagen | HG-702 | Human Thymus Genomic DNA | 0.05mg | 2724.75 |
Zyagen | MR-902-BLC | Mouse Balbc Bladder Total RNA | 0.025mg | 2331 |
Zyagen | MR-201-BLC | Mouse Balbc Brain Total RNA | 0.1mg | 2331 |
Zyagen | MR-310-BLC | Mouse Balbc Cecum Total RNA | 0.1mg | 2331 |
Zyagen | MR-311-BLC | Mouse Balbc Colon Total RNA | 0.1mg | 2331 |
Zyagen | MR-605-BLC | Mouse Balbc Diaphragm Total RNA | 0.05mg | 2331 |
Zyagen | MR-402-BLC | Mouse Balbc Epididymis, whole Total RNA | 0.025mg | 2331 |
Zyagen | MR-301-BLC | Mouse Balbc Esophagus Total RNA | 0.025mg | 2331 |
Zyagen | MR-106-BLC | Mouse Balbc Eye Total RNA | 0.025mg | 2331 |
Zyagen | MR-802-BLC | Mouse Balbc Heart, left and right atrium Total RNA | 0.05mg | 2331 |
Zyagen | MR-805-BLC | Mouse Balbc Heart, left and right ventricle Total RNA | 0.05mg | 2331 |
Zyagen | MR-801-BLC | Mouse Balbc Heart, whole Total RNA | 0.05mg | 2331 |
Zyagen | MR-307-BLC | Mouse Balbc Intestine, Duodenum Total RNA | 0.1mg | 2331 |
Zyagen | MR-309-BLC | Mouse Balbc Intestine, Ileum Total RNA | 0.1mg | 2331 |
Zyagen | MR-308-BLC | Mouse Balbc Intestine, Jejunum Total RNA | 0.1mg | 2331 |
Zyagen | MR-306-BLC | Mouse Balbc Intestine, whole Total RNA | 0.1mg | 2331 |
Zyagen | MR-901-BLC | Mouse Balbc Kidney Total RNA | 0.1mg | 2331 |
Zyagen | MR-111-BLC | Mouse Balbc Lacrimal Gland Total RNA | 0.05mg | 2331 |
Zyagen | MR-314-BLC | Mouse Balbc Liver Total RNA | 0.1mg | 2331 |
Zyagen | MR-601-BLC | Mouse Balbc Lung Total RNA | 0.1mg | 2331 |
Zyagen | MR-010-BLC | Mouse Balbc Major Tissue Total RNA Panel, any 10 tissues | 10x0.025mg | 11261.25 |
Zyagen | MR-015-BLC | Mouse Balbc Major Tissue Total RNA Panel, any 15 tissues | 15X0.025mg | 14726.25 |
Zyagen | MR-005-BLC | Mouse Balbc Major Tissue Total RNA Panel, any 5 tissues | 5X0.025mg | 7796.25 |
Zyagen | MR-414-BLC | Mouse Balbc Mammary Gland, non pregnant Total RNA | 0.05mg | 2331 |
Zyagen | MR-406-BLC | Mouse Balbc Ovary Total RNA | 0.025mg | 2331 |
Zyagen | MR-313-BLC | Mouse Balbc Pancreas Total RNA | 0.1mg | 2331 |
Zyagen | MR-416-BLC | Mouse Balbc Penis Total RNA | 0.05mg | 2331 |
Zyagen | MR-312-BLC | Mouse Balbc Rectum Total RNA | 0.1mg | 2331 |
Zyagen | MR-317-BLC | Mouse Balbc Salivary Gland, Mandibular Total RNA | 0.1mg | 2331 |
Zyagen | MR-316-BLC | Mouse Balbc Salivary Gland, Parotid Total RNA | 0.05mg | 2331 |
Zyagen | MR-407-BLC | Mouse Balbc Seminal Vesicles Total RNA | 0.1mg | 2331 |
Zyagen | MR-102-BLC | Mouse Balbc Skeletal Muscles Total RNA | 0.05mg | 2331 |
Zyagen | MR-101-BLC | Mouse Balbc Skin Total RNA | 0.05mg | 2331 |
Zyagen | MR-230-BLC | Mouse Balbc Spinal cord, whole Total RNA | 0.05mg | 2331 |
Zyagen | MR-701-BLC | Mouse Balbc Spleen Total RNA | 0.1mg | 2331 |
Zyagen | MR-302-BLC | Mouse Balbc Stomach, whole Total RNA | 0.1mg | 2331 |
Zyagen | MR-401-BLC | Mouse Balbc Testis Total RNA | 0.1mg | 2331 |
Zyagen | MR-702-BLC | Mouse Balbc Thymus Total RNA | 0.05mg | 2331 |
Zyagen | MR-105-BLC | Mouse Balbc Tongue Total RNA | 0.1mg | 2331 |
Zyagen | MR-411-BLC | Mouse Balbc Uterus, non-pregnant Total RNA | 0.1mg | 2331 |
Zyagen | MR-412-BLC | Mouse Balbc Vagina Total RNA | 0.05mg | 2331 |
Zyagen | MR-103-BLC | Mouse Balbc Adipose Tissue Total RNA | 0.025mg | 2835 |
Zyagen | MR-501-BLC | Mouse Balbc Adrenal Total RNA | 0.025mg | 3465 |
Zyagen | MR-807-BLC | Mouse Balbc Aorta Total RNA | 0.025mg | 3465 |
Zyagen | MR-705-BLC | Mouse Balbc Blood Total RNA | 0.025mg | 3465 |
Zyagen | MR-704-BLC | Mouse Balbc Bone Marrow Total RNA | 0.025mg | 2835 |
Zyagen | MR-108-BLC | Mouse Balbc Bone, Calvaria Total RNA | 0.025mg | 4331.25 |
Zyagen | MR-107-BLC | Mouse Balbc Bone, long Total RNA | 0.025mg | 4331.25 |
Zyagen | MR-109-BLC | Mouse Balbc Cartilage Total RNA | 0.025mg | 2835 |
Zyagen | MR-812-BLC | Mouse Balbc Jugular Vein Total RNA | 0.025mg | 2835 |
Zyagen | MR-703-BLC | Mouse Balbc Lymph Nodes Total RNA | 0.025mg | 3465 |
Zyagen | MR-502-BLC | Mouse Balbc Pituitary Total RNA | 0.025mg | 3937.5 |
Zyagen | MR-811-BLC | Mouse Balbc Portal Vein Total RNA | 0.025mg | 3465 |
Zyagen | MR-408-BLC | Mouse Balbc Prostate Total RNA | 0.025mg | 2835 |
Zyagen | MR-706-BLC | Mouse Balbc Peyer's Patches Total RNA | 0.025mg | 2835 |
Zyagen | MR-503-BLC | Mouse Balbc Thyroid Total RNA | 0.025mg | 3465 |
Zyagen | MR-602-BLC | Mouse Balbc Trachea Total RNA | 0.025mg | 2835 |
Zyagen | MR-409-BLC | Mouse Balbc Vas Deferens Total RNA | 0.025mg | 3937.5 |
Zyagen | MR-908-BLC | Mouse Balbc Vena Cava Total RNA | 0.025mg | 2835 |
Zyagen | MR-010R-BLC | Mouse Balbc Minor Tissue Total RNA Panel, any 10 tissues | 10X0.01mg | 12678.75 |
Zyagen | MR-015R-BLC | Mouse Balbc Minor Tissue Total RNA Panel, any 15 tissues | 15X0.01mg | 16537.5 |
Zyagen | MR-005R-BLC | Mouse Balbc Minor Tissue Total RNA Panel, any 5 tissues | 5x0.01mg | 10237.5 |
Zyagen | MR-215-BLC | Mouse Balbc Brainstem Total RNA | 0.05mg | 2331 |
Zyagen | MR-212-BLC | Mouse Balbc Cerebral Cortex, entorhinal Total RNA | 0.05mg | 2331 |
Zyagen | MR-211-BLC | Mouse Balbc Cerebral Cortex, posterior Total RNA | 0.05mg | 2331 |
Zyagen | MR-206-BLC | Mouse Balbc Medulla Total RNA | 0.025mg | 2331 |
Zyagen | MR-217-BLC | Mouse Balbc Midbrain Total RNA | 0.05mg | 2331 |
Zyagen | MR-201-005-BLC | Mouse Balbc Brain Region Total RNA Panel, Set of any 5 Regions | 5X0.010mg | 10410.75 |
Zyagen | MR-201-015-BLC | Mouse Balbc Brain Region Total RNA Panel, Set of any 15 Regions | 15X0.010mg | 16474.5 |
Zyagen | MR-202-BLC | Mouse Balbc Cerebellum Total RNA | 0.05mg | 2331 |
Zyagen | MR-210-BLC | Mouse Balbc Cerebral Cortex, frontal Total RNA | 0.05mg | 2331 |
Zyagen | MR-203-BLC | Mouse Balbc Hippocampus Total RNA | 0.025mg | 2331 |
Zyagen | MR-207-BLC | Mouse Balbc Pons Total RNA | 0.025mg | 2331 |
Zyagen | MR-205-BLC | Mouse Balbc Thalamus Total RNA | 0.025mg | 2331 |
Zyagen | MR-201-010-BLC | Mouse Balbc Brain Region Total RNA Panel, Set of any 10 Regions | 10x0.010mg | 13009.5 |
Zyagen | MR-209-BLC | Mouse Balbc Cerebrum Total RNA | 0.05mg | 2331 |
Zyagen | MR-204-BLC | Mouse Balbc Hypothalamus Total RNA | 0.025mg | 2331 |
Zyagen | MR-213-BLC | Mouse Balbc Olfactory Bulb Total RNA | 0.025mg | 2331 |
Zyagen | MR-214-BLC | Mouse Balbc Striatum Total RNA | 0.025mg | 2331 |
Zyagen | MF-811 | Mouse CD1 Portal Vein Frozen Sections | 10 Slides | 4142.25 |
Zyagen | MF-131 | Mouse CD1 Brown Fat Frozen Sections | 10 Slides | 3449.25 |
Zyagen | MF-132 | Mouse CD1 Mesenteric Fat Frozen Sections | 10 Slides | 3449.25 |
Zyagen | MF-320 | Mouse CD1 Gallbladder Frozen Sections | 10 Slides | 3449.25 |
Zyagen | MF-505 | Mouse CD1 Pineal Gland Frozen Sections* | 10 Slides | 4142.25 |
Zyagen | MF-129 | Mouse CD1 Ear-Inner Frozen Sections* | 10 Slides | 5796 |
Zyagen | MP-131 | Mouse CD1 Fat-Brown Paraffin Sections | 10 Slides | 3449.25 |
Zyagen | MP-132 | Mouse CD1 Fat-Mesenteric Paraffin Sections | 10 Slides | 3449.25 |
Zyagen | MP-811 | Mouse CD1 Portal Vein Paraffin Sections | 10 Slides | 472.5 |
Zyagen | MP-320 | Mouse CD1 Gallbladder Paraffin Sections | 10 Slides | 3449.25 |
Zyagen | MP-505 | Mouse CD1 Pineal Gland Paraffin Sections* | 10 Slides | 4142.25 |
Zyagen | MP-129 | Mouse CD1 Ear-Inner Paraffin Sections | 10 Slides | 5796 |
Zyagen | RF-131 | Rat Brown Fat Frozen Sections | 10 Slides | 3449.25 |
Zyagen | RF-132 | Rat Mesenteric Fat Frozen Sections | 10 Slides | 3449.25 |
Zyagen | RF-505 | Rat Pineal Gland Frozen Sections* | 10 Slides | 3386.25 |
Zyagen | RF-129 | Rat Ear-Inner Frozen Sections* | 10 SLides | 5796 |
Zyagen | RP-131 | Rat Brown Fat Paraffin Sections | 10 Sliides | 3449.25 |
Zyagen | RP-132 | Rat Mesenteric Fat Paraffin Sections | 10 Slides | 3449.25 |
Zyagen | RP-505 | Rat Pineal Gland Paraffin Sections* | 10 Slides | 4142.25 |
Zyagen | RP-129 | Rat Ear-Inner Paraffin Sections* | 10 Slides | 5796 |
Zyagen | MP-131-C57 | Mouse C57 Fat-Brown Paraffin Sections | 10 slides | 3780 |
Zyagen | MP-132-C57 | Mouse C57 Fat-Mesenteric Paraffin Sections | 10 slides | 3780 |
Zyagen | MP-902-BLC | Mouse BLC Bladder Paraffin Sections | 10 slides | 3291.75 |
Zyagen | MP-310-BLC | Mouse BLC Cecum Paraffin Sections | 10 slides | 3291.75 |
Zyagen | MP-311-BLC | Mouse BLC Colon Paraffin Sections | 10 slides | 3291.75 |
Zyagen | MP-403-BLC | Mouse BLC Epididymis, Caput Paraffin Sections | 10 slides | 3291.75 |
Zyagen | MP-404-BLC | Mouse BLC Epididymis, Corpus Paraffin Sections | 10 slides | 3291.75 |
Zyagen | MP-405-BLC | Mouse BLC Epididymis, Cauda Paraffin Sections | 10 slides | 3291.75 |
Zyagen | MP-301-BLC | Mouse BLC Esophagus Paraffin Sections | 10 slides | 3291.75 |
Zyagen | MP-110-BLC | Mouse BLC Harderian gland Paraffin Sections | 10 slides | 3291.75 |
Zyagen | MP-802-BLC | Mouse BLC Heart, left and right atrium Paraffin Sections | 10 slides | 3291.75 |
Zyagen | MP-805-BLC | Mouse BLC Heart, left and right ventricle Paraffin Sections | 10 slides | 3291.75 |
Zyagen | MP-901-BLC | Mouse BLC Kidney Paraffin Sections | 10 slides | 3291.75 |
Zyagen | MP-111-BLC | Mouse BLC Lacrimal gland Paraffin Sections | 10 slides | 3291.75 |
Zyagen | MP-314-BLC | Mouse BLC Liver Paraffin Sections | 10 slides | 3291.75 |
Zyagen | MP-601-BLC | Mouse BLC Lung Paraffin Sections | 10 slides | 3291.75 |
Zyagen | MP-406-BLC | Mouse BLC Ovary Paraffin Sections | 10 slides | 3291.75 |
Zyagen | MP-410-BLC | Mouse BLC Oviduct Paraffin Sections | 10 slides | 3291.75 |
Zyagen | MP-313-BLC | Mouse BLC Pancreas Paraffin Sections | 10 slides | 3291.75 |
Zyagen | MP-416-BLC | Mouse BLC Penis Paraffin Sections | 10 slides | 3291.75 |
Zyagen | MP-408-BLC | Mouse BLC Prostate Paraffin Sections | 10 slides | 3291.75 |
Zyagen | MP-312-BLC | Mouse BLC Rectum Paraffin Sections | 10 slides | 3291.75 |
Zyagen | MP-317-BLC | Mouse BLC Salivary gland, Mandibular Paraffin Sections | 10 slides | 3291.75 |
Zyagen | MP-316-BLC | Mouse BLC Salivary gland, Parotid Paraffin Sections | 10 slides | 3291.75 |
Zyagen | MP-318-BLC | Mouse BLC Salivary gland, Sublingual Paraffin Sections | 10 slides | 3291.75 |
Zyagen | MP-241-BLC | Mouse BLC Sciatic Nerve Paraffin Sections | 10 slides | 3291.75 |
Zyagen | MP-407-BLC | Mouse BLC Seminal Vesicles Paraffin Sections | 10 slides | 3291.75 |
Zyagen | MP-102-BLC | Mouse BLC Skeletal Muscles Paraffin Sections | 10 slides | 3291.75 |
Zyagen | MP-101-BLC | Mouse BLC Skin Paraffin Sections | 10 slides | 3291.75 |
Zyagen | MP-307-BLC | Mouse BLC Small Intestine, Duodenum Paraffin Sections | 10 slides | 3291.75 |
Zyagen | MP-308-BLC | Mouse BLC Small Intestine, Jejunum Paraffin Sections | 10 slides | 3291.75 |
Zyagen | MP-309-BLC | Mouse BLC Small Intestine, Ileum Paraffin Sections | 10 slides | 3291.75 |
Zyagen | MP-701-BLC | Mouse BLC Spleen Paraffin Sections | 10 slides | 3291.75 |
Zyagen | MP-304-BLC | Mouse BLC Stomach, Cardiac Paraffin Sections | 10 slides | 3291.75 |
Zyagen | MP-303-BLC | Mouse BLC Stomach, Fundus Paraffin Sections | 10 slides | 3291.75 |
Zyagen | MP-305-BLC | Mouse BLC Stomach, Pylorus Paraffin Sections | 10 slides | 3291.75 |
Zyagen | MP-401-BLC | Mouse BLC Testis Paraffin Sections | 10 slides | 3291.75 |
Zyagen | MP-702-BLC | Mouse BLC Thymus Paraffin Sections | 10 slides | 3291.75 |
Zyagen | MP-903-BLC | Mouse BLC Urethra Paraffin Sections | 10 slides | 3291.75 |
Zyagen | MP-411-BLC | Mouse BLC Uterus, non-pregnant Paraffin Sections | 10 slides | 3291.75 |
Zyagen | MP-412-BLC | Mouse BLC Vagina Paraffin Sections | 10 slides | 3291.75 |
Zyagen | MP-409-BLC | Mouse BLC Vas Deferens Paraffin Sections | 10 slides | 3291.75 |
Zyagen | MP-231-BLC | Mouse BLC Spinal Cord, Cervical Paraffin Sections | 10 slides | 3780 |
Zyagen | MP-232-BLC | Mouse BLC Spinal Cord, Thoracic Paraffin Sections | 10 slides | 3780 |
Zyagen | MP-233-BLC | Mouse BLC Spinal Cord, Lumber Paraffin Sections | 10 slides | 3780 |
Zyagen | MP-234-BLC | Mouse BLC Spinal Cord, Sacral Paraffin Sections | 10 slides | 3780 |
Zyagen | MP-103-BLC | Mouse BLC Fat-Adipose Paraffin Sections | 10 slides | 3780 |
Zyagen | MP-501-BLC | Mouse BLC Adrenal Paraffin Sections | 10 slides | 3780 |
Zyagen | MP-807-BLC | Mouse BLC Aorta Paraffin Sections | 10 slides | 3780 |
Zyagen | MP-605-BLC | Mouse BLC Diaphragm Paraffin Sections | 10 slides | 3780 |
Zyagen | MP-240-BLC | Mouse BLC Dorsal Root Ganglion Paraffin Sections | 10 slides | 3780 |
Zyagen | MP-106-BLC | Mouse BLC Eye Paraffin Sections | 10 slides | 3780 |
Zyagen | MP-812-BLC | Mouse BLC Jugular Vein Paraffin Sections | 10 slides | 3780 |
Zyagen | MP-703-BLC | Mouse BLC Lymph nodes Paraffin Sections | 10 slides | 3780 |
Zyagen | MP-504-BLC | Mouse BLC Parathyroid Paraffin Sections | 10 slides | 3780 |
Zyagen | MP-502-BLC | Mouse BLC Pituitary Paraffin Sections | 10 slides | 3780 |
Zyagen | MP-706-BLC | Mouse BLC Peyer's Patches Paraffin Sections | 10 slides | 3780 |
Zyagen | MP-503-BLC | Mouse BLC Thyroid Paraffin Sections | 10 slides | 3780 |
Zyagen | MP-105-BLC | Mouse BLC Tongue Paraffin Sections | 10 slides | 3780 |
Zyagen | MP-602-BLC | Mouse BLC Trachea Paraffin Sections | 10 slides | 3780 |
Zyagen | MP-908-BLC | Mouse BLC Vena Cava Paraffin Sections | 10 slides | 3780 |
Zyagen | MP-414-BLC | Mouse BLC Mammary Gland Paraffin Sections, Non-Pregnant | 10 slides | 3780 |
Zyagen | MP-127-BLC | Mouse BLC Levator Ani Muscl Paraffin Sections | 10 Slides | 4473 |
Zyagen | MP-128-BLC | Mouse BLC Bulbocavernosus Muscles Paraffin Sections | 10 slides | 4473 |
Zyagen | MP-108-BLC | Mouse BLC Bone, Calvaria Paraffin Sections* | 10 slides | 5433.75 |
Zyagen | MP-107-BLC | Mouse BLC Bone, long Paraffin Sections* | 10 slides | 5433.75 |
Zyagen | MP-109-BLC | Mouse BLC Cartilage Paraffin Sections* | 10 slides | 5433.75 |
Zyagen | MP-606-BLC | Mouse BLC Olfactory Epithelium Paraffin Sections* | 10 slides | 5433.75 |
Zyagen | MP-005-BLC | Mouse BLC Tissue Paraffin Sections Panel, any 5 except noted with * | 5x4 slides | 6851.25 |
Zyagen | MP-010-BLC | Mouse BLC Tissue Paraffin Sections Panel, any 10 except noted with * | 10x4 slides | 12048.75 |
Zyagen | MP-015-BLC | Mouse BLC Tissue Paraffin Sections Panel, any 15 except noted with * | 15x4 slides | 15513.75 |
Zyagen | MP-020-BLC | Mouse BLC Tissue Paraffin Sections Panel, any 20 except noted with * | 20x4 slides | 18978.75 |
Zyagen | MP-306-SR-BLC | Mouse BLC Intestine, Whole Swiss Roll Paraffin Sections* | 10 slides | 5796 |
Zyagen | MP-307-SR-BLC | Mouse BLC Intestine, Duodenum Swiss Roll Paraffin Sections* | 10 slides | 4142.25 |
Zyagen | MP-308-SR-BLC | Mouse BLC Intestine, Jejunum Swiss Roll Paraffin Sections* | 10 slides | 4142.25 |
Zyagen | MP-309-SR-BLC | Mouse BLC Intestine, Ileum Swiss Roll Paraffin Sections* | 10 slides | 4142.25 |
Zyagen | MP-311-SR-BLC | Mouse BLC Colon Swiss Roll Paraffin Sections* | 10 slides | 4142.25 |
Zyagen | MP-131-BLC | Mouse BLC Fat-Brown Paraffin Sections | 10 slides | 3780 |
Zyagen | MP-132-BLC | Mouse BLC Fat-Mesenteric Paraffin Sections | 10 slides | 3780 |
Zyagen | 77 | 30 reactions | 0 | |
Zyagen | MD-111-BLC | Mouse BLC Lacrimal Gland cDNA | 30 reactions | 3638.25 |
Zyagen | MD-314-BLC | Mouse BLC Liver cDNA | 30 reactions | 3638.25 |
Zyagen | MD-601-BLC | Mouse BLC Lung cDNA | 30 reactions | 3638.25 |
Zyagen | MD-703-BLC | Mouse BLC Lymph nodes cDNA * | 30 reactions | 4142.25 |
Zyagen | MD-414-BLC | Mouse BLC Mammary Gland, non pregnant cDNA | 30 reactions | 3638.25 |
Zyagen | MD-406-BLC | Mouse BLC Ovary cDNA | 30 reactions | 3638.25 |
Zyagen | MD-313-BLC | Mouse BLC Pancreas cDNA | 30 reactions | 3638.25 |
Zyagen | MD-416-BLC | Mouse BLC Penis cDNA | 30 reactions | 3638.25 |
Zyagen | MD-706-BLC | Mouse BLC Peyer's Patches cDNA * | 30 reactions | 4142.25 |
Zyagen | MD-502-BLC | Mouse BLC Pituitary cDNA * | 30 reactions | 4142.25 |
Zyagen | MD-811-BLC | Mouse BLC Portal Vein cDNA * | 30 reactions | 4142.25 |
Zyagen | MD-408-BLC | Mouse BLC Prostate cDNA | 30 reactions | 3638.25 |
Zyagen | MD-312-BLC | Mouse BLC Rectum cDNA | 30 reactions | 3638.25 |
Zyagen | MD-316-BLC | Mouse BLC Salivary gland, Parotid cDNA | 30 reactions | 3638.25 |
Zyagen | MD-317-BLC | Mouse BLC Salivary gland, Submandibular cDNA | 30 reactions | 3638.25 |
Zyagen | MD-407-BLC | Mouse BLC Seminal Vesicles cDNA | 30 reactions | 3638.25 |
Zyagen | MD-102-BLC | Mouse BLC Skeletal Muscles cDNA | 30 reactions | 3638.25 |
Zyagen | MD-101-BLC | Mouse BLC Skin cDNA | 30 reactions | 3638.25 |
Zyagen | MD-307-BLC | Mouse BLC Intestine, Duodenum cDNA | 30 reactions | 3638.25 |
Zyagen | MD-309-BLC | Mouse BLC Intestine, Ileum cDNA | 30 reactions | 3638.25 |
Zyagen | MD-308-BLC | Mouse BLC Intestine, Jejunum cDNA | 30 reactions | 3638.25 |
Zyagen | MD-306-BLC | Mouse BLC Intestine, whole cDNA | 30 reactions | 3638.25 |
Zyagen | MD-230-BLC | Mouse BLC Spinal cord, whole cDNA | 30 reactions | 3638.25 |
Zyagen | MD-701-BLC | Mouse BLC Spleen cDNA | 30 reactions | 3638.25 |
Zyagen | MD-302-BLC | Mouse BLC Stomach, whole cDNA | 30 reactions | 3638.25 |
Zyagen | MD-401-BLC | Mouse BLC Testis cDNA | 30 reactions | 3638.25 |
Zyagen | MD-702-BLC | Mouse BLC Thymus cDNA | 30 reactions | 3638.25 |
Zyagen | MD-503-BLC | Mouse BLC Thyroid cDNA * | 30 reactions | 4142.25 |
Zyagen | MD-010R-BLC | Mouse BLC Tissue cDNA Panel, select any 10 including tissues noted with * | 10x10 reactions | 17844.75 |
Zyagen | MD-010-BLC | Mouse BLC Tissue cDNA Panel, select any 10 tissues except noted with * | 10x10 reactions | 15419.25 |
Zyagen | MD-005-BLC | Mouse BLC Tissue cDNA Panel, select any 5 tissues except noted with * | 5x10 reactions | 10221.75 |
Zyagen | MD-105-BLC | Mouse BLC Tongue cDNA | 30 reactions | 3638.25 |
Zyagen | MD-602-BLC | Mouse BLC Trachea cDNA | 30 reactions | 4142.25 |
Zyagen | MD-411-BLC | Mouse BLC Uterus, non-pregnant cDNA | 30 reactions | 3638.25 |
Zyagen | MD-412-BLC | Mouse BLC Vagina cDNA | 30 reactions | 3638.25 |
Zyagen | MD-809-BLC | Mouse BLC Vena Cava cDNA * | 30 reactions | 4142.25 |
Zyagen | MD-015-BLC | Mouse BLC Tissue cDNA Panel, select any 15 tissues except noted with * | 15x10 Reactions | 18884.25 |
Zyagen | MD-201-010-BLC | Mouse BLC Brain Region cDNA Panel, Set of any 10 Regions | 10X10 reactions | 14726.25 |
Zyagen | MD-201-015-BLC | Mouse BLC Brain Region cDNA Panel, Set of any 15 Regions | 15X10 reactions | 18191.25 |
Zyagen | MD-201-005-BLC | Mouse BLC Brain Region cDNA Panel, Set of any 5 Regions | 5X10 reactions | 10221.75 |
Zyagen | MD-201-BLC | Mouse BLC Brain, whole Tissue cDNA | 30 reactions | 3638.25 |
Zyagen | MD-215-BLC | Mouse BLC Brainstem cDNA | 30 reactions | 3638.25 |
Zyagen | MD-202-BLC | Mouse BLC Cerebellum cDNA | 30 reactions | 3638.25 |
Zyagen | MD-212-BLC | Mouse BLC Cerebral Cortex, entorhinal cDNA | 30 reactions | 3638.25 |
Zyagen | MD-210-BLC | Mouse BLC Cerebral Cortex, frontal cDNA | 30 reactions | 3638.25 |
Zyagen | MD-211-BLC | Mouse BLC Cerebral Cortex, posterior cDNA | 30 reactions | 3638.25 |
Zyagen | MD-209-BLC | Mouse BLC Cerebrum cDNA | 30 reactions | 3638.25 |
Zyagen | MD-203-BLC | Mouse BLC Hippocampus cDNA | 30 reactions | 3638.25 |
Zyagen | MD-204-BLC | Mouse BLC Hypothalamus cDNA | 30 reactions | 3638.25 |
Zyagen | MD-206-BLC | Mouse BLC Medulla cDNA | 30 reactions | 3638.25 |
Zyagen | MD-217-BLC | Mouse BLC Midbrain cDNA | 30 reactions | 3638.25 |
Zyagen | MD-213-BLC | Mouse BLC Olfactory Bulb cDNA | 30 reactions | 3638.25 |
Zyagen | MD-207-BLC | Mouse BLC Pons cDNA | 30 reactions | 3638.25 |
Zyagen | MD-214-BLC | Mouse BLC Striatum cDNA | 30 reactions | 3638.25 |
Zyagen | MD-205-BLC | Mouse BLC Thalamus cDNA | 30 reactions | 3638.25 |
Zyagen | MT-902-BLC | Mouse BLC Bladder Total Protein | 0.5mg | 2331 |
Zyagen | MT-310-BLC | Mouse BLC Cecum Total Protein | 1mg | 2331 |
Zyagen | MT-311-BLC | Mouse BLC Colon Total Protein | 1mg | 2331 |
Zyagen | MT-605-BLC | Mouse BLC Diaphragm Total Protein | 0.5mg | 2331 |
Zyagen | MT-402-BLC | Mouse BLC Epididymis, whole Total Protein | 0.5mg | 2331 |
Zyagen | MT-301-BLC | Mouse BLC Esophagus Total Protein | 0.5mg | 2331 |
Zyagen | MT-106-BLC | Mouse BLC Eye Total Protein | 0.5mg | 2331 |
Zyagen | MT-801-BLC | Mouse BLC Heart, whole Total Protein | 1mg | 2331 |
Zyagen | MT-802-BLC | Mouse BLC Heart, left and right atrium Total Protein | 0.5mg | 2331 |
Zyagen | MT-805-BLC | Mouse BLC Heart, left and right ventricle Total Protein | 0.5mg | 2331 |
Zyagen | MT-901-BLC | Mouse BLC Kidney Total Protein | 1mg | 2331 |
Zyagen | MT-111-BLC | Mouse BLC Lacrimal gland Total Protein | 0.5mg | 2331 |
Zyagen | MT-314-BLC | Mouse BLC Liver Total Protein | 1mg | 2331 |
Zyagen | MT-601-BLC | Mouse BLC Lung Total Protein | 1mg | 2331 |
Zyagen | MT-406-BLC | Mouse BLC Ovary Total Protein | 0.5mg | 2331 |
Zyagen | MT-313-BLC | Mouse BLC Pancreas Total Protein | 1mg | 2331 |
Zyagen | MT-416-BLC | Mouse BLC Penis Total Protein | 0.5mg | 2331 |
Zyagen | MT-408-BLC | Mouse BLC Prostate Total Protein | 0.5mg | 2331 |
Zyagen | MT-312-BLC | Mouse BLC Rectum Total Protein | 0.5mg | 2331 |
Zyagen | MT-317-BLC | Mouse BLC Salivary gland, Mandibular Total Protein | 1mg | 2331 |
Zyagen | MT-316-BLC | Mouse BLC Salivary gland, Parotid Total Protein | 1mg | 2331 |
Zyagen | MT-407-BLC | Mouse BLC Seminal Vesicles Total Protein | 0.5mg | 2331 |
Zyagen | MT-102-BLC | Mouse BLC Skeletal Muscles Total Protein | 1mg | 2331 |
Zyagen | MT-101-BLC | Mouse BLC Skin Total Protein | 0.5mg | 2331 |
Zyagen | MT-306-BLC | Mouse BLC Intestine, whole Total Protein | 1mg | 2331 |
Zyagen | MT-307-BLC | Mouse BLC Intestine, Duodenum Total Protein | 0.5mg | 2331 |
Zyagen | MT-308-BLC | Mouse BLC Intestine, Jejunum Total Protein | 0.5mg | 2331 |
Zyagen | MT-309-BLC | Mouse BLC Intestine, Ileum Total Protein | 0.5mg | 2331 |
Zyagen | MT-701-BLC | Mouse BLC Spleen Total Protein | 1mg | 2331 |
Zyagen | MT-302-BLC | Mouse BLC Stomach, whole Total Protein | 1mg | 2331 |
Zyagen | MT-401-BLC | Mouse BLC Testis Total Protein | 1mg | 2331 |
Zyagen | MT-702-BLC | Mouse BLC Thymus Total Protein | 0.5mg | 2331 |
Zyagen | MT-105-BLC | Mouse BLC Tongue Total Protein | 0.5mg | 2331 |
Zyagen | MT-411-BLC | Mouse BLC Uterus, non-pregnant Total Protein | 0.5mg | 2331 |
Zyagen | MT-412-BLC | Mouse BLC Vagina Total Protein | 0.5mg | 2331 |
Zyagen | MT-414-BLC | Mouse BLC Mammary Gland, non pregnant Total Protein | 0.5mg | 2331 |
Zyagen | MT-201-BLC | Mouse BLC Brain, whole Total Protein | 1mg | 2331 |
Zyagen | MT-230-BLC | Mouse BLC Spinal cord, whole Total Protein | 0.5mg | 2331 |
Zyagen | MT-103-BLC | Mouse BLC Adipose Tissue Total Protein* | 0.5mg | 2913.75 |
Zyagen | MT-501-BLC | Mouse BLC Adrenal Total Protein* | 0.5mg | 2913.75 |
Zyagen | MT-807-BLC | Mouse BLC Aorta Total Protein* | 0.5mg | 2913.75 |
Zyagen | MT-704-BLC | Mouse BLC Bone Marrow Total Protein* | 0.5mg | 2913.75 |
Zyagen | MT-109-BLC | Mouse BLC Cartilage Total Protein* | 0.5mg | 2913.75 |
Zyagen | MT-812-BLC | Mouse BLC Jugular Vein Total Protein* | 0.5mg | 2913.75 |
Zyagen | MT-703-BLC | Mouse BLC Lymph nodes Total Protein* | 0.5mg | 2913.75 |
Zyagen | MT-502-BLC | Mouse BLC Pituitary Total Protein* | 0.5mg | 2913.75 |
Zyagen | MT-811-BLC | Mouse BLC Portal Vein Total Protein* | 0.5mg | 2913.75 |
Zyagen | MT-706-BLC | Mouse BLC Peyer's Patches Total Protein* | 0.5mg | 2913.75 |
Zyagen | MT-503-BLC | Mouse BLC Thyroid Total Protein* | 0.5mg | 2913.75 |
Zyagen | MT-602-BLC | Mouse BLC Trachea Total Protein* | 0.5mg | 2913.75 |
Zyagen | MT-409-BLC | Mouse BLC Vas Deferens Total Protein* | 0.5mg | 2913.75 |
Zyagen | MT-908-BLC | Mouse BLC Vena Cava Total Protein* | 0.5mg | 2913.75 |
Zyagen | MT-705-BLC | Mouse BLC Blood Total Protein* | 0.5mg | 3496.5 |
Zyagen | MT-108-BLC | Mouse BLC Bone, Calvaria Total Protein* | 0.5mg | 4473 |
Zyagen | MT-107-BLC | Mouse BLC Bone, long Total Protein* | 0.5mg | 4473 |
Zyagen | MT-005-BLC | Mouse BLC Tissue Total Protein Panel, Set of any 5 tissues except noted with * | 5x0.1mg | 7882.875 |
Zyagen | MT-010-BLC | Mouse BLC Tissue Total Protein Panel, Set of any 10 tissues except noted with * | 10x0.1mg | 9615.375 |
Zyagen | MT-010R-BLC | Mouse BLC Tissue Protein Panel, Set of any 10 tissues including noted with * | 10x0.1mg | 12040.875 |
Zyagen | MT-015-BLC | Mouse BLC Tissue Total Protein Panel, Set of any 15 tissues except noted with * | 15x0.1mg | 11347.875 |
Zyagen | MT-015R-BLC | Mouse BLC Tissue Protein Panel, Set of any 15 tissues including noted with * | 15x0.1mg | 15505.875 |
Zyagen | MT-201-015-BLC | Mouse BLC Brain Region Total Protein Panel, Set of any 15 Regions | 15x0.1mg | 16458.75 |
Zyagen | MT-201-010-BLC | Mouse BLC Brain Region Total Protein Panel, Set of any 10 Regions | 10x0.1mg | 13686.75 |
Zyagen | MT-201-005-BLC | Mouse BLC Brain Region Total Protein Panel, Set of any 5 regions | 5x0.1mg | 8489.25 |
Zyagen | MT-215-BLC | Mouse BLC Brainstem Total Protein | 0.5mg | 2331 |
Zyagen | MT-202-BLC | Mouse BLC Cerebellum Total Protein | 0.5mg | 2331 |
Zyagen | MT-212-BLC | Mouse BLC Cerebral Cortex, entorhinal Total Protein | 0.5mg | 2331 |
Zyagen | MT-210-BLC | Mouse BLC Cerebral Cortex, frontal Total Protein | 0.5mg | 2331 |
Zyagen | MT-211-BLC | Mouse BLC Cerebral Cortex, posterior Total Protein | 0.5mg | 2331 |
Zyagen | MT-209-BLC | Mouse BLC Cerebrum Total Protein | 0.5mg | 2331 |
Zyagen | MT-203-BLC | Mouse BLC Hippocampus Total Protein | 0.5mg | 2331 |
Zyagen | MT-204-BLC | Mouse BLC Hypothalamus Total Protein | 0.5mg | 2331 |
Zyagen | MT-206-BLC | Mouse BLC Medulla Total Protein | 0.5mg | 2331 |
Zyagen | MT-217-BLC | Mouse BLC Midbrain Total Protein | 0.5mg | 2331 |
Zyagen | MT-213-BLC | Mouse BLC Olfactory Bulb Total Protein | 0.5mg | 2331 |
Zyagen | MT-207-BLC | Mouse BLC Pons Total Protein | 0.5mg | 2331 |
Zyagen | MT-214-BLC | Mouse BLC Striatum Total Protein | 0.5mg | 2331 |
Zyagen | MT-205-BLC | Mouse BLC Thalamus Total Protein | 0.5mg | 2331 |
Zyagen | MF-902-BLC | Mouse BLC Bladder Frozen Sections | 10 slides | 3291.75 |
Zyagen | MF-310-BLC | Mouse BLC Cecum Frozen Sections | 10 slides | 3291.75 |
Zyagen | MF-311-BLC | Mouse BLC Colon Frozen Sections | 10 slides | 3291.75 |
Zyagen | MF-403-BLC | Mouse BLC Epididymis, Caput Frozen Sections | 10 slides | 3291.75 |
Zyagen | MF-404-BLC | Mouse BLC Epididymis, Corpus Frozen Sections | 10 slides | 3291.75 |
Zyagen | MF-405-BLC | Mouse BLC Epididymis, Cauda Frozen Sections | 10 slides | 3291.75 |
Zyagen | MF-301-BLC | Mouse BLC Esophagus Frozen Sections | 10 slides | 3291.75 |
Zyagen | MF-110-BLC | Mouse BLC Harderian gland Frozen Sections | 10 slides | 3291.75 |
Zyagen | MF-802-BLC | Mouse BLC Heart, left and right atrium Frozen Sections | 10 slides | 3291.75 |
Zyagen | MF-805-BLC | Mouse BLC Heart, left and right ventricle Frozen Sections | 10 slides | 3291.75 |
Zyagen | MF-901-BLC | Mouse BLC Kidney Frozen Sections | 10 slides | 3291.75 |
Zyagen | MF-111-BLC | Mouse BLC Lacrimal gland Frozen Sections | 10 slides | 3291.75 |
Zyagen | MF-314-BLC | Mouse BLC Liver Frozen Sections | 10 slides | 3291.75 |
Zyagen | MF-601-BLC | Mouse BLC Lung Frozen Sections | 10 slides | 3291.75 |
Zyagen | MF-406-BLC | Mouse BLC Ovary Frozen Sections | 10 slides | 3291.75 |
Zyagen | MF-410-BLC | Mouse BLC Oviduct Frozen Sections | 10 slides | 3291.75 |
Zyagen | MF-313-BLC | Mouse BLC Pancreas Frozen Sections | 10 slides | 3291.75 |
Zyagen | MF-416-BLC | Mouse BLC Penis Frozen Sections | 10 slides | 3291.75 |
Zyagen | MF-408-BLC | Mouse BLC Prostate Frozen Sections | 10 slides | 3291.75 |
Zyagen | MF-312-BLC | Mouse BLC Rectum Frozen Sections | 10 slides | 3291.75 |
Zyagen | MF-317-BLC | Mouse BLC Salivary gland, Mandibular Frozen Sections | 10 slides | 3291.75 |
Zyagen | MF-316-BLC | Mouse BLC Salivary gland, Parotid Frozen Sections | 10 slides | 3291.75 |
Zyagen | MF-318-BLC | Mouse BLC Salivary gland, Sublingual Frozen Sections | 10 slides | 3291.75 |
Zyagen | MF-241-BLC | Mouse BLC Sciatic Nerve Frozen Sections | 10 slides | 3291.75 |
Zyagen | MF-407-BLC | Mouse BLC Seminal Vesicles Frozen Sections | 10 slides | 3291.75 |
Zyagen | MF-102-BLC | Mouse BLC Skeletal Muscles Frozen Sections | 10 slides | 3291.75 |
Zyagen | MF-101-BLC | Mouse BLC Skin Frozen Sections | 10 slides | 3291.75 |
Zyagen | MF-307-BLC | Mouse BLC Intestine, Duodenum Frozen Sections | 10 slides | 3291.75 |
Zyagen | MF-308-BLC | Mouse BLC Intestine, Jejunum Frozen Sections | 10 slides | 3291.75 |
Zyagen | MF-309-BLC | Mouse BLC Intestine, Ileum Frozen Sections | 10 slides | 3291.75 |
Zyagen | MF-701-BLC | Mouse BLC Spleen Frozen Sections | 10 slides | 3291.75 |
Zyagen | MF-304-BLC | Mouse BLC Stomach, Cardiac Frozen Sections | 10 slides | 3291.75 |
Zyagen | MF-303-BLC | Mouse BLC Stomach, Fundus Frozen Sections | 10 slides | 3291.75 |
Zyagen | MF-305-BLC | Mouse BLC Stomach, Pylorus Frozen Sections | 10 slides | 3291.75 |
Zyagen | MF-401-BLC | Mouse BLC Testis Frozen Sections | 10 slides | 3291.75 |
Zyagen | MF-702-BLC | Mouse BLC Thymus Frozen Sections | 10 slides | 3291.75 |
Zyagen | MF-903-BLC | Mouse BLC Urethra Frozen Sections | 10 slides | 3291.75 |
Zyagen | MF-411-BLC | Mouse BLC Uterus, non-pregnant Frozen Sections | 10 slides | 3291.75 |
Zyagen | MF-412-BLC | Mouse BLC Vagina Frozen Sections | 10 slides | 3291.75 |
Zyagen | MF-409-BLC | Mouse BLC Vas Deferens Frozen Sections | 10 slides | 3291.75 |
Zyagen | MF-231-BLC | Mouse BLC Spinal Cord, Cervical Frozen Sections | 10 slides | 3780 |
Zyagen | MF-232-BLC | Mouse BLC Spinal Cord, Thoracic Frozen Sections | 10 slides | 3780 |
Zyagen | MF-233-BLC | Mouse BLC Spinal Cord, Lumber Frozen Sections | 10 slides | 3780 |
Zyagen | MF-234-BLC | Mouse BLC Spinal Cord, Sacral Frozen Sections | 10 slides | 3780 |
Zyagen | MF-103-BLC | Mouse BLC Adipose Tissue Frozen Sections | 10 slides | 3780 |
Zyagen | MF-501-BLC | Mouse BLC Adrenal Frozen Sections | 10 slides | 3780 |
Zyagen | MF-807-BLC | Mouse BLC Aorta Frozen Sections | 10 slides | 3780 |
Zyagen | MF-605-BLC | Mouse BLC Diaphragm Frozen Sections | 10 slides | 3780 |
Zyagen | MP-240-BLC | Mouse BLC Dorsal Root Ganglion Frozen Sections | 10 slides | 3780 |
Zyagen | MF-106-BLC | Mouse BLC Eye Frozen Sections | 10 slides | 3780 |
Zyagen | MF-812-BLC | Mouse BLC Jugular Vein Frozen Sections | 10 slides | 3780 |
Zyagen | MF-703-BLC | Mouse BLC Lymph nodes Frozen Sections | 10 slides | 3780 |
Zyagen | MF-504-BLC | Mouse BLC Parathyroid Frozen Sections | 10 slides | 3780 |
Zyagen | MF-502-BLC | Mouse BLC Pituitary Frozen Sections | 10 slides | 3780 |
Zyagen | MF-706-BLC | Mouse BLC Peyer's Patches Frozen Sections | 10 slides | 3780 |
Zyagen | MF-503-BLC | Mouse BLC Thyroid Frozen Sections | 10 slides | 3780 |
Zyagen | MF-105-BLC | Mouse BLC Tongue Frozen Sections | 10 slides | 3780 |
Zyagen | MF-602-BLC | Mouse BLC Trachea Frozen Sections | 10 slides | 3780 |
Zyagen | MF-908-BLC | Mouse BLC Vena Cava Frozen Sections | 10 slides | 3780 |
Zyagen | MF-414-BLC | Mouse BLC Mammary Gland Frozen Sections, Non-Pregnant | 10 slides | 3780 |
Zyagen | MF-127-BLC | Mouse BLC Levator Ani Muscl Frozen Sections | 10 Slides | 4473 |
Zyagen | MF-128-BLC | Mouse BLC Bulbocavernosus Muscles Frozen Sections | 10 slides | 4473 |
Zyagen | MF-108-BLC | Mouse BLC Bone, Calvaria Frozen Sections* | 10 slides | 5433.75 |
Zyagen | MF-107-BLC | Mouse BLC Bone, long Frozen Sections* | 10 slides | 5433.75 |
Zyagen | MF-109-BLC | Mouse BLC Cartilage Frozen Sections* | 10 slides | 5433.75 |
Zyagen | MF-606-BLC | Mouse BLC Olfactory Epithelium Frozen Sections* | 10 slides | 5433.75 |
Zyagen | MF-005-BLC | Mouse BLC Tissue Frozen Sections Panel, any 5 except noted with * | 5x4 slides | 6851.25 |
Zyagen | MF-010-BLC | Mouse BLC Tissue Frozen Sections Panel, any 10 except noted with * | 10x4 slides | 12048.75 |
Zyagen | MF-015-BLC | Mouse BLC Tissue Frozen Sections Panel, any 15 except noted with * | 15x4 slides | 15513.75 |
Zyagen | MF-020-BLC | Mouse BLC Tissue Frozen Sections Panel, any 20 except noted with * | 20x4 slides | 18978.75 |
Zyagen | MF-306-SR-BLC | Mouse BLC Intestine, Whole Swiss Roll Frozen Sections* | 10 slides | 5796 |
Zyagen | MF-307-SR-BLC | Mouse BLC Intestine, Duodenum Swiss Roll Frozen Sections* | 10 slides | 4142.25 |
Zyagen | MF-308-SR-BLC | Mouse BLC Intestine, Jejunum Swiss Roll Frozen Sections* | 10 slides | 4142.25 |
Zyagen | MF-309-SR-BLC | Mouse BLC Intestine, Ileum Swiss Roll Frozen Sections* | 10 slides | 4142.25 |
Zyagen | MF-311-SR-BLC | Mouse BLC Colon Swiss Roll Frozen Sections* | 10 slides | 4142.25 |
Zyagen | MF-704-BLC | Mouse BLC Bone Marrow Frozen Sections* | 10 slides | 5433.75 |
Zyagen | MF-201-01-BLC | Mouse BLC Olfactory bulb Coronal Frozen Sections, Reg. 1 | 10 slides | 3780 |
Zyagen | MF-201-02-BLC | Mouse BLC Prelimbic Cortex area Coronal Frozen Sections, Reg. 2 | 10 slides | 3780 |
Zyagen | MF-201-03-BLC | Mouse BLC Caudate Putamen (striatum) Coronal Frozen Sections, Reg.3 | 10 slides | 3780 |
Zyagen | MF-201-04-BLC | Mouse BLC Limbs of the diagonal band Coronal Frozen Sections, Reg.4 | 10 slides | 3780 |
Zyagen | MF-201-05-BLC | Mouse BLC Medial preoptic areas Coronal Frozen Sections, Reg.5 | 10 slides | 3780 |
Zyagen | MF-201-06-BLC | Mouse BLC paraventricular/supraoptic Coronal Frozen Sections Reg.6 | 10 slides | 3780 |
Zyagen | MF-201-07-BLC | Mouse BLC Anterior hypothalamus Coronal Frozen Sections, Reg.7 | 10 slides | 3780 |
Zyagen | MF-201-08-BLC | Mouse BLC Hippocamp/thalamus/hypothal Coronal Frozen Section Reg.8 | 10 slides | 3780 |
Zyagen | MF-201-09-BLC | Mouse BLC Caudal part of hippocampus Coronal Frozen Sections, Reg.9 | 10 slides | 3780 |
Zyagen | MF-201-10-BLC | Mouse BLC Rostral Mesencephalon Coronal Frozen Sections, Reg.10 | 10 slides | 3780 |
Zyagen | MF-201-11-BLC | Mouse BLC Caudal Mesencephalon Coronal Frozen Sections, Reg.11 | 10 slides | 3780 |
Zyagen | MF-201-12-BLC | Mouse BLC Anterior part cerebellum/pons Coronal Frozen Sections Reg.12 | 10 slides | 3780 |
Zyagen | MF-201-13-BLC | Mouse BLC Mid cerebellum/M. oblongata Coronal Frozen Sections Reg.13 | 10 slides | 3780 |
Zyagen | MF-201-14-BLC | Mouse BLC Caudal cerebellum/M oblangata Coronal Frozen Sections Reg.14 | 10 slides | 3780 |
Zyagen | MF-201-007-BLC | Mouse BLC Brain Coronal Frozen Sections Panel, Set of any 7 regions | 7x4 slides | 9450 |
Zyagen | MF-201-014-BLC | Mouse BLC Brain Coronal Frozen Sections Panel, Set of any 14 regions | 14X4 slides | 14647.5 |
Zyagen | MF-201-SS-BLC | Mouse BLC Brain Sagittal Frozen Sections | 10 slides | 3780 |
Zyagen | MF-201-HS-BLC | Mouse BLC Brain Horizontal Frozen Sections | 10 slides | 3780 |
Zyagen | MP-201-SS-BLC | Mouse BLC Brain Sagittal Paraffin Sections | 10 slides | 3780 |
Zyagen | MP-201-HS-BLC | Mouse BLC Brain Horizontal Paraffin Sections | 10 slides | 3780 |
Zyagen | MP-201-014-BLC | Mouse BLC Brain Paraffin Coronal Sections Panel, any 14 regs. | 14X4 slides | 14647.5 |
Zyagen | MP-201-007-BLC | Mouse BLC Brain Coronal Paraffin Sections Panel, any 7 regions | 7x4 slides | 9450 |
Zyagen | MP-201-01-BLC | Mouse BLC Olfactory bulb Coronal Paraffin Sections, Region 1 | 10 slides | 3780 |
Zyagen | MP-201-02-BLC | Mouse BLC Prelimbic Cortex area Coronal Paraffin Sections, Region 2 | 10 slides | 3780 |
Zyagen | MP-201-03-BLC | Mouse BLC Caudate Putamen (striatum) Coronal Paraffin Section, Reg.3 | 10 slides | 3780 |
Zyagen | MP-201-04-BLC | Mouse BLC Limbs of diagonal band Coronal Paraffin Sections, Reg.4 | 10 slides | 3780 |
Zyagen | MP-201-05-BLC | Mouse BLC Medial preoptic areas Coronal Paraffin Sections, Reg. 5 | 10 slides | 3780 |
Zyagen | MP-201-06-BLC | Mouse BLC paraventricular nucleous Coronal Paraffin Sections, Reg. 6 | 10 slides | 3780 |
Zyagen | MP-201-07-BLC | Mouse BLC Anterior hypothalamus Coronal Paraffin Sections, Reg.7 | 10 slides | 3780 |
Zyagen | MP-201-08-BLC | Mouse BLC Hippocam/thalam/hypothal Coronal Paraffin Section,Reg.8 | 10 slides | 3780 |
Zyagen | MP-201-09-BLC | Mouse BLC Caudal hippocampus Coronal Paraffin Sections, Reg.9 | 10 slides | 3780 |
Zyagen | MP-201-10-BLC | Mouse BLC Rostral Mesencephalon Coronal Paraffin Sections, Region 10 | 10 slides | 3780 |
Zyagen | MP-201-11-BLC | Mouse BLC Caudal Mesencephalon Coronal Paraffin Sections, Region 11 | 10 slides | 3780 |
Zyagen | MP-201-12-BLC | Mouse BLC Anterior Cerebellum/Pons Coronal Paraffin Sections, Reg.12 | 10 slides | 3780 |
Zyagen | MP-201-13-BLC | Mouse BLC Cerebellum/M oblongata Coronal Paraffin Section, Reg 13 | 10 slides | 3780 |
Zyagen | MP-201-14-BLC | Mouse BLC Caudal cerebellum Coronal Paraffin Sections, Region 14 | 10 slides | 3780 |
Zyagen | RF-020-WS | Rat WS Tissue Frozen Sections Panel, any 20 except noted with * | 20x4 slides | 18112.5 |
Zyagen | RF-015-WS | Rat WS Tissue Frozen Sections Panel, any 15 except noted with * | 15x4 slides | 14647.5 |
Zyagen | RF-010-WS | Rat WS Tissue Frozen Sections Panel, any 10 except noted with * | 10x4 slides | 11182.5 |
Zyagen | RF-306-SR-WS | Rat WS Intestine, Whole Swiss Roll Frozen Sections* | 10 slides | 5796 |
Zyagen | RF-129-WS | Rat WS Ear-Inner Frozen Sections* | 10 SLides | 5796 |
Zyagen | RF-005-WS | Rat WS Tissue Frozen Sections Panel, any 5 except noted with * | 5x4 slides | 5985 |
Zyagen | RF-108-WS | Rat WS Bone, Calvaria Frozen Sections* | 10 slides | 5103 |
Zyagen | RF-107-WS | Rat WS Bone, long Frozen Sections* | 10 slides | 5103 |
Zyagen | RF-109-WS | Rat WS Cartilage Frozen Sections* | 10 slides | 5103 |
Zyagen | RF-204-WS | Rat WS Nodos Ganglion Frozen Sections* | 10 slides | 5103 |
Zyagen | RF-606-WS | Rat WS Olfactory Epithelium Frozen Sections* | 10 slides | 5103 |
Zyagen | RF-237-WS | Rat WS Superior Cervical Ganglion Frozen Sections* | 10 slides | 5103 |
Zyagen | RF-236-WS | Rat WS Trigeminal Ganglion Frozen Sections* | 10 slides | 5103 |
Zyagen | RF-704-WS | Rat WS Bone Marrow Frozen Sections | 10 slides | 5103 |
Zyagen | RF-705-WS | Rat WS White Blood Cells Frozen Sections* | 10 slides | 5103 |
Zyagen | RF-127-WS | Rat WS Levator Ani Muscle Frozen Sections | 10 Slides | 4142.25 |
Zyagen | RF-128-WS | Rat WS Bulbocavernosus Muscles Frozen Sections | 10 slides | 4142.25 |
Zyagen | RF-307-SR-WS | Rat WS Intestine, Duodenum Swiss Roll Frozen Sections* | 10 slides | 4142.25 |
Zyagen | RF-308-SR-WS | Rat WS Intestine, Jejunum Swiss Roll Frozen Sections* | 10 slides | 4142.25 |
Zyagen | RF-309-SR-WS | Rat WS Intestine, Ileum Swiss Roll Frozen Sections* | 10 slides | 4142.25 |
Zyagen | RF-311-SR-WS | Rat WS Colon Swiss Roll Frozen Sections* | 10 slides | 4142.25 |
Zyagen | RF-231-WS | Rat WS Spinal Cord, Cervical Frozen Sections | 10 slides | 3449.25 |
Zyagen | RF-232-WS | Rat WS Spinal Cord, Thoracic Frozen Sections | 10 slides | 3449.25 |
Zyagen | RF-233-WS | Rat WS Spinal Cord, Lumber Frozen Sections | 10 slides | 3449.25 |
Zyagen | RF-234-WS | Rat WS Spinal Cord, Sacral Frozen Sections | 10 slides | 3449.25 |
Zyagen | RF-103-WS | Rat WS Adipose Tissue Frozen Sections | 10 slides | 3449.25 |
Zyagen | RF-501-WS | Rat WS Adrenal Frozen Sections | 10 slides | 3449.25 |
Zyagen | RF-807-WS | Rat WS Aorta Frozen Sections | 10 slides | 3449.25 |
Zyagen | RF-605-WS | Rat WS Diaphragm Frozen Sections | 10 slides | 3449.25 |
Zyagen | RF-240-WS | Rat WS Dorsal Root Ganglion Frozen Sections | 10 slides | 3449.25 |
Zyagen | RF-106-WS | Rat WS Eye Frozen Sections | 10 slides | 3449.25 |
Zyagen | RF-812-WS | Rat WS Jugular Vein Frozen Sections | 10 slides | 3449.25 |
Zyagen | RF-703-WS | Rat WS Lymph nodes Frozen Sections | 10 slides | 3449.25 |
Zyagen | RF-504-WS | Rat WS PaRat WShyroid Frozen Sections | 10 slides | 3449.25 |
Zyagen | RF-502-WS | Rat WS Pituitary Frozen Sections | 10 slides | 3449.25 |
Zyagen | RF-811-WS | Rat WS Portal Vein Frozen Sections | 10 slides | 3449.25 |
Zyagen | RF-706-WS | Rat WS Peyer's Patches Frozen Sections | 10 slides | 3449.25 |
Zyagen | RF-503-WS | Rat WS Thyroid Frozen Sections | 10 slides | 3449.25 |
Zyagen | RF-105-WS | Rat WS Tongue Frozen Sections | 10 slides | 3449.25 |
Zyagen | RF-602-WS | Rat WS Trachea Frozen Sections | 10 slides | 3449.25 |
Zyagen | RF-908-WS | Rat WS Vena Cava Frozen Sections | 10 slides | 3449.25 |
Zyagen | RF-131-WS | Rat WS Brown Fat Frozen Sections | 10 Slides | 3449.25 |
Zyagen | RF-132-WS | Rat WS Mesenteric Fat Frozen Sections | 10 Slides | 3449.25 |
Zyagen | RF-505-WS | Rat WS Pineal Gland Frozen Sections* | 10 Slides | 3386.25 |
Zyagen | RF-902-WS | Rat WS Bladder Frozen Sections | 10 slides | 2961 |
Zyagen | RF-310-WS | Rat WS Cecum Frozen Sections | 10 slides | 2961 |
Zyagen | RF-311-WS | Rat WS Colon Frozen Sections | 10 slides | 2961 |
Zyagen | RF-403-WS | Rat WS Epididymis, Caput Frozen Sections | 10 slides | 2961 |
Zyagen | RF-404-WS | Rat WS Epididymis, Corpus Frozen Sections | 10 slides | 2961 |
Zyagen | RF-405-WS | Rat WS Epididymis, Cauda Frozen Sections | 10 slides | 2961 |
Zyagen | RF-301-WS | Rat WS Esophagus Frozen Sections | 10 slides | 2961 |
Zyagen | RF-110-WS | Rat WS Harderian gland Frozen Sections | 10 slides | 2961 |
Zyagen | RF-802-WS | Rat WS Heart, left and right atrium Frozen Sections | 10 slides | 2961 |
Zyagen | RF-805-WS | Rat WS Heart, left and right ventricle Frozen Sections | 10 slides | 2961 |