Elisa Kits
Standards/ Calibrators
βz GPI Protein
Parts and Components
LOXO Products
Drs.Pierangeli and Harris have worked in the field of antiphospholipid (aPL) antibodies for more than 25 years. Dr. Harris and collaborators developed the first assay for detection of anticardiolipin(aCl) antibodies in 1983 at the Hammersmith Hospital in London, UK. Subsequently, Dr Harris and his team established the units of measurement for aCL antibody testing (GPL, MPL) and the calibrators currently used universally in
anticardiolipin assays("Harris"or"Louisville" standards).Dr Harris partnered with Drs Hughes and Gharavi in organising the first three lnternational Congresses..1984.86.88.Subseauently.Dr. Pierangeli and Harris established the units for measurement and calibrators for laA al antibodies
Over the years,Drs Pierangeli and Harris organized and participated in numerous efforts to standardize tests for the detection of apL antibodies and conducted
research that lead to the discovery of the "APhL phospholipid mixture" utilized in the APhL ELISA kit, shown to be a more specific and better assay for the diagnosis of the Antiphosphoipid Svndrome(APS).Drs Harris and Pierangeli have published more than 200 papers iointly and independentlv. have co-authored numerouy
chanfers and review naners and have edited books on APS.Dr Pierangeli and her infernational team of apl experts are working on a reference maferial for anti-B2GP
measurement and on the establishment ofinternationa units for anfieB2Gpantibody defection.Dr Prerandeli is curentlv a member ot the sscisTH (Standardizatior
Subcommittee on Phospholipid Dependant Antibodies of the International Society of Thrombosis and Heamostasis). Dr Harris organized the second international congress on aPL antibodies in Jan,1988 in Kingston,Jamaica and Dr. Pierangeli hosted the 13th International Congress on aPL Antibodies in Galveston,TX in Apri2010